
Pollution-free cultivation techniques of precocious cauliflower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cauliflower has the characteristics of palatability and delicious taste. Siyang County has mastered the pollution-free cultivation technology of early-maturing cauliflower through two years of cultivation. Variety selection according to the local climate characteristics, you can choose Li Yuanfu, Shenliang generation, Shenlong extra large and other varieties with a growth period of 50-60 days. Sowing dew at the right time.

Cauliflower has the characteristics of palatability and delicious taste. Siyang County has mastered the pollution-free cultivation technology of early-maturing cauliflower through two years of cultivation. Variety selection according to the local climate characteristics, you can choose Li Yuanfu, Shenliang generation, Shenlong extra large and other varieties with a growth period of 50-60 days. The suitable time for sowing and open-field cultivation is generally from late June to early July, and the harvest time is from late August to early September. 500 kg of clean garden soil and 100 kg of rotten organic fertilizer per mu are used to prepare nutritious soil, requiring a humidity of 75%. Hands do not drip water, landing from a height of 1 meter will disperse. The seedbed should be far away from pollution, and the water, soil and atmosphere should meet the requirements of pollution-free cultivation, high and cool terrain, good ventilation and convenient drainage and irrigation. Land preparation to make a border, 1.1 meters wide, 20 centimeters high, flat and fine. Fill the nutrition bowl with 8 cm in length, width and height with 8-9 soil, and arrange it one by one on the border soil, with 1 seed in each bowl, with a sowing depth of 0.5 cm, covered with fine soil, sprayed with water, and covered with a sunshade net behind a small arch shed. The seedling stage should be managed to sprinkle water in time according to the weather conditions after sowing, and keep the seedling bed moist before emergence, with the bed not whitening as the degree. After emergence, chlorothalonil was sprayed every 5 days to prevent diseases in the seedling stage. Pay attention to the uncovering management of the sunshade net in the seedling stage, and cover the sunny day from 09:30 to 04:30 Cover with plastic film when it rains to improve the seedling rate and strong seedling rate. 10 days before transplanting, 5 kg urea per mu of seedling bed was applied and seedlings were refined. Every index of transplanting field should meet the requirements of pollution-free production. Ploughing and tanning in time 10 days before transplanting. Spread 50-75 kg of fresh lime per mu, leaving narrow ditches in the field with a depth of 80-100 cm. A week before transplanting, 2500 kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 20 kg of urea, 50 kg of superphosphate and 10 kg of potassium chloride were applied per mu of field. The seedling age is 20-25 days. When the seedling has 4-5 true leaves, the double-row "product" shape transplanting, the row spacing is 60 cm, the plant spacing is 35-40 cm, transplanting 2500-2800 plants per mu. Before field management and planting, 2 kg of urea and 1 kg of boron fertilizer per mu were poured with chemical water, and after planting, combined with fixed root water, it was applied again. Five days after planting, 5-8 kg of urea per mu was applied between the two cauliflower plants, and then every 7 days, the amount of fertilizer was increased by 1 kg, while 2 kg of superphosphate and 1 kg of potassium chloride were applied. After budding, among the four cauliflower plants, 10 kg of urea, 30 kg of superphosphate and 7.5 kg of potassium chloride were applied per mu, and 50 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 20 kg of water were sprayed per mu. The roots and buds were cultivated once respectively. After the flower ball has eggs, fold the leaves and cover the ball in time to prevent the flower ball color from turning yellow. After the emergence of diseases, pests and weeds, spray chlorothalonil with 50 grams of water per mu of seedling bed every 5 days. Field black root disease can be irrigated with 1000 times solution, black rot, soft rot, 150,200g of agricultural streptomycin per mu plus water spray. In order to control insect pests, insect control net was used to cover cultivation. Weeds in the seedbed are pulled out manually, and weeds in the field stage can be sprayed with 40% butachlor 125 ml per mu plus 60 kg of water in the evening of the same day. Timely harvest bouquet fully grow, the edge of the outermost twigs and bouquets are harvested when there are cracks.