
My little Jasper made me go further and further on the succulent road.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The preface follows the encyclopedia meets the beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [fat mother] for her original contribution, sharing and editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Qingdao, Shandong has been diving in the encyclopedia for a long time and learned a lot.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thanks to the author [Fat Mom] for her original contribution and sharing.

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Qingdao, Shandong

I have been diving in encyclopedia for a long time. I have learned a lot of experience, listened to many stories, and seen too much delicious meat. Looking back at my baby, I stayed quietly in the world on one side of the balcony, as narcissistic as Jasper, less healthy and energetic than those who interact wantonly with the sun. Fortunately, autumn is coming, and anything is possible.

I have been in the pit for less than a year, and I am still in the internship period. There is no old pile, all young flesh. In the first year of this year, I took them for the summer. Although I studied hard, I collected more than a dozen empty pots. Therefore, there are not many successful experiences, only some experiences and photos are shared with you. The meat was photographed on the balcony in early summer, the light was not good, and the cell phone pixels were general, but I was serious about taking pictures.

Pauliana, actually forgot her name, checked the purchase records before matching the number, the meat is very leather and solid, the only one who survived the four meat bought two years ago, and then did not buy meat for a long time, planted in this cracked coffee cup, did not change the soil, did not take medicine, and did not change much, just there quietly.

Or her?

Berkeley brocade. It was a little expensive when I bought it, but it was really outstanding. Later, I grew taller and didn't look good as a child. I don't know if I can still be beautiful this autumn.

Yang Jin, I collected it for my name.

Raul and Luoqi are foolishly confused, the seller said, Raul has a fragrance, this is Luoqi. All right, look at the picture is exquisite and good-looking, Luoqi just Luoqi. Take a smell of the goods, the seller is not deceiving people, not fragrant. As a result, on a sunny spring afternoon, I smelled the sweet wind blowing from the window. Yes, it was her, and the plot reversed. Accident is not surprise, surprise is not surprise! Later found that when there is no sunshine, she is still not fragrant.

Sun ice group, black rot in summer, cut off two heads to take root, I don't know if I can survive.

Bingmei group, did not hit a hello, but also black rot! And it's so black, it doesn't stay!

Blue apple, this has always been very healthy, and then the color is slightly yellow, better than the picture, waiting for the autumn to grow into an apple tree.

This is my favorite one, round beads and naive.

Pink Bluebird, Bingyu, and a cartoon Tom mash-up. This tin basin still has a good feeling.

Cream yellow peaches, ah, people say that iron flowerpots, running water meat, but this favorite pot was broken by accident.

Onsno small group, looks more like a claw or a Jilian.

The ones on the right are crayons, the names on the left are forgotten, and they are all right.

Pi Shi Jin? That's what it seems to be called, cold breeze.

Blue surprise is a must for beginners! Almost all my surprises are from the seller.

A double-headed surprise, but grew into two looks, the other two unknown, trying to recall …... I still like this match very much.

A basin of stone guarded by a lion cub.

Golden branches and jade leaves are very good-looking.

One more close-up.

Jingyue, Japan, is dead this summer.

The white moon shadow has grown out of sight of the basin soil, and it seems that the state of not being exposed to the sun has not changed much.

The brocade of a small and fresh float, but it is a pity that the beauty is unlucky.

It doesn't smell good. Why is it called perfume? He still looks very beautiful.

Fat Allen, is not comparable to the peach egg, was attacked in the spring, fortunately found in time, imitating the silver needle service of Mother Rong, the enemy was defeated.

Take a full-length picture.

Hera, my family is responsible for the appearance of meat.

Vanilla was originally three heads, but there was still one head left when taking pictures, and then the little white bear occupied the basin.

Ling Bo fairy, beauty, often put in the palm of the hand to look at carefully, unfortunately, also immortal.

Daye Xiuyan, this is a master who does not pick up, does not think highly of himself, and shines brightly with a little sunshine.

Raindrops, obsessive-compulsive disorder, ah, several times to see what is inside the tumor, held back.

The domineering Violet Queen.

Unknown, survived the summer, but fell down in the autumn.

Orange Monroe, that's a big one. It's never been orange. Green Monroe? All right, just be alive!

Strawberry ice? A lovely little girl.

Some Killian? She and the dolls are still here, expecting them to grow up healthily.

A little group photo.

At that time, there were not enough pots, and a few were planted together, which may have formed a competitive relationship, and they were the healthiest after the summer.

Unknown, cute.

Lovely roses.

This basin only saves a small seedling.

This basin, although thin, has survived.

This, when it came, was as big as a stone on the edge of the basin, and now it is covered with thorns in the meat ring.

Finally, let's end with a hand-painted stone. Thank you for watching me show my flesh like a few treasures. When you have nothing to do, turn over the order, ouch, buy flowers, buy soil, buy pots, buy medicine and buy flowers. Happy, spend a lot of money, who let us like it, my little family Jasper will take me farther and farther along this road.

Appreciation statement

This article is pure sharing, the author did not open appreciation, do not forget to read the bottom right corner of the small likes to encourage the author oh!

This article has been exclusively authorized by the author Wechat official account: succulent Plant Encyclopedia (ID:duoroubaike), the content of the article does not represent the official account's point of view and position! Encyclopedia has signed a contract with a third-party Internet copyright protection company to open a network-wide protection of rights, unauthorized reprinting of other platforms is strictly prohibited! If the theft is found, the tort will be held responsible! Netizens are welcome to report!


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