
Enjoy the miniature bonsai and be grateful to everyone in your life

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, [bonsai people's perception] Wen | Xiamen, Fujian @ Zhou Yingzhi will get as much as he puts down. Willing to give up, give up is to get, to give up is to give up. If you get something, you must give up something. Willing to be like the black in the Taiji picture.

[feelings of bonsai people]

Text | Xiamen, Fujian @ Zhou Yingzhi

How much you put down, how much you will get. Willing to give up, give up is to get, to give up is to give up. If you get something, you must give up something. Willing to be like the black-and-white pattern in Taiji, the circle is immutable, more black will be less white, and more white will be less black. If you put it down, you will not care about black and white, how much, gains and losses. In fact, black and white, how much, gains and losses, is just an illusion at the bottom of my heart.

Between people, mutual encouragement is the most rare sincerity! Those who applaud others also cheer for their own lives! Life is an echo. If you give the best to others, you will get the best from others. When we learn to appreciate and be grateful, we have happiness and happiness! It is better to have a good life than to get used to it. Form the habit of gratitude and you will never be able to use it all your life. A person who knows how to be grateful will always be considerate of the difficulties of others. Be grateful to everyone in your life!

Appreciation of some of the unforgettable miniature bonsai exhibition in Guozhuang, Hangzhou

Keep in mind the key points for the maintenance of miniature bonsai

Photo and text | Hangzhou Daily reporter Bian Xiaodan correspondent Pan Gaosheng

Nowadays, more and more people's desks, balconies and windows have added a new favorite-miniature bonsai.

Guozhuang, a classical garden in the south of the Yangtze River, held an exhibition of miniature bonsai works from December 1 to December 11, 2016, showing miniature bonsai works for the first time, and the number is considerable, as many as hundreds of pots. The magnificent mountains and rivers of nature, ancient and famous trees are condensed at hand. They are matched into groups, with strong ancient style of several, dotted with mountain flowers and weeds, set off into interest, but also a different kind of charm. Appreciate the charm of traditional Chinese landscape freehand works!

We should learn these methods to maintain miniature bonsai.

Miniature bonsai is the smallest kind of bonsai, which is popular with people because of its small and exquisite size. However, although the scenery is small, one wood and one stone is still imitated by nature. A petite tree, curved stem Qiu branch, both shape and spirit; square inch landscape, peaks and mountains, distinct hills and gullies. Playing with miniature bonsai is enough to make people look big and enjoy their sights.

But miniature bonsai is often decorated indoors, which can not see the sun for a long time, which can easily lead to poor growth and development. So the family maintenance place should have two basic conditions: one is adequate light, the other is good ventilation, you can choose balcony, windowsill, patio, sun platform and other places to place bonsai.

Family maintenance of miniature bonsai places should have two basic conditions: one is adequate light, the other is good ventilation, you can choose balcony, windowsill, patio, sun platform and other places to place bonsai. In order to make better use of the limited space, miniature bonsai can be shallowly buried in the spare potted noodles of large and medium-sized bonsai, which can also create a humid micro-climate.

It is also a good way to make a simple sand bed. First, fill the shallow basin with wet sand, and then let the miniature bonsai sit in the meantime, which also has a moisturizing effect. However, a discharge hole must be set up around the shallow basin near the bottom to facilitate smooth drainage after watering and heavy rain.

The nursing of miniature bonsai is special and needs to be more precise and meticulous. Here are six methods of miniature bonsai nursing:

1. Deal with branch clumps

For miniature crowns, fewer branches should be left in order to show the grace of the trunk as much as possible, and the retained branches should be cut short to make them in proportion to the trunk.

2. Prevent leaves from yellowing and falling off.

Due to the lack of small soil in the miniature bonsai, water is often in short supply in summer, so the leaves are prone to scorched yellow shedding. To avoid leaf yellow falling off, in addition to leaving the edge of the basin when you go up the basin, and paying attention to watering and spraying in summer, you can also put a brick in a large and small basin or shallow pool, add water to just submerged brick surface, and then put the small bonsai on the brick to cultivate.

3. Timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Miniature bonsai plants grow in limited basin soil, so their ability of resistance to diseases and insect pests is weaker than that of the same kind of plants planted in the ground, so we should pay attention to prevention. Once diseases and insect pests occur, they should be cured thoroughly in accordance with the principle of "cure early and cure small". If all kinds of leaf spot disease, aphids, red spiders, shell insects and other diseases and insect pests are found, they should be manually removed or sprayed immediately. In short, the daily maintenance of miniature bonsai is more stringent, more careful and more patient than ordinary bonsai.

4. Give proper light

Miniature bonsai is often decorated indoors, which can easily lead to poor growth and development due to lack of sunlight for a long time. Therefore, in the middle of summer, as long as it is properly maintained, it is not necessary to shade the sun all the time. If the caregiver comes out early and returns late, it is necessary to properly shade the sun to prevent the bonsai from dehydrating. At the same time, always spray foliar water all over the plant with a fine-hole spray can. In winter, self-made plastic film basin cover can be used to keep warm. In addition to cold-resistant pine and cypress trees and warm winter areas in the south, miniature bonsai should be moved indoors in severe cold to avoid freezing. When placed indoors, some potted trees also spray foliar water at the right time to maintain a certain degree of humidity.

5. Appropriate amount of water and fertilizer

Miniature bonsai lack of water is easy to cause scorched yellow leaves, but too much watering and easy to rot roots, so watering should be appropriate. If excessive fertilization will cause twigs to grow, tree shape will be destroyed, but a serious lack of fertilizer, then the leaves are barren, light color, so it is necessary to "thin fertilizer frequently applied", pay attention to the right amount.

6. Pruning and turning the basin in time

The newly issued long branches should be cut short in time to maintain a proper proportion to the trunk. Turning the basin is the safest in early spring or late autumn every year. The number of turning pots should be controlled flexibly according to different tree species and tree strength. Miscellaneous wood stumps turn pots at least once a year, while pine and cypress stumps turn pots at intervals of one or two years.

Turning the basin should be carried out after the basin soil is slightly dry, so that the stump is easier to come off. Try to take out the tree soil, discard the 1 / 2 or 2 / 3 old soil, and trim the roots; if the roots are well developed, cut more, otherwise cut less or no. Rotten roots and overgrown old roots must be cut off.

Wonderful playback:

Welcome to Chinese bonsai!

Bonsai exhibition hall that can be enjoyed at any time

Carry forward bonsai culture and exchange bonsai skills!

Enjoy bonsai art and share a happy life!