
What are the key points for the prevention and control of rice false smut?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rice is susceptible to disease at heading and flowering stage, and the pathogen is harmful to some grains on the panicle. At the joint of Yinggu, the yellowish green block was exposed, gradually expanded, and finally wrapped in the whole glume shell, the shape was 4 times larger than that of healthy grain, it was dark green, the surface was smooth, then cracked, and dark green powder was scattered. The weather is closely related to the occurrence of false smut.

Rice is susceptible to disease at heading and flowering stage, and the pathogen is harmful to some grains on the panicle. At the joint of Yinggu, the yellowish green block was exposed, gradually expanded, and finally wrapped in the whole glume shell, the shape was 4 times larger than that of healthy grain, it was dark green, the surface was smooth, then cracked, and dark green powder was scattered. The weather is closely related to the occurrence of rice false smut. The occurrence of rice false smut is serious in continuous rainy and humid weather, and too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, resulting in green and late ripening of rice, which will aggravate the occurrence of disease and increase diseased panicle and diseased grain accordingly. The medicine is generally required to be used twice, and the last leaf of more than 3 stems in the whole field is extracted for the first time, that is, the medicine is used when it is commonly known as "big packing" (about 7 days from the time of heading), which is the peak period of the initial infection of the pathogen, so, seize the opportunity to use the medicine in time, the control effect is the best. In order to consolidate and improve the control effect, the drug was used again at the first heading stage of the break for the second time. Jinggangmycin, carbendazim, difenoconazole and propiconazole can be used as required.