
Cleaning methods of root powder shell insects and common shell insects

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Text: curator root powder shell bug "and" ordinary shell bug "clean-up method and this goods fight for a year, sum up the experience for your reference ~ the earliest discovery was five years ago, at that time, I didn't quite understand it, and it passed in a daze.


Picture and text: curator

Cleaning methods of "root powder shell insects" and "common shell insects"

I have been fighting with this product for a year. Sum up the experience for your reference.

It was first discovered five years ago, but I didn't quite understand it at that time. I passed in a daze and several trees were killed by worms.

The last time it was discovered, and the large-scale elimination of bugs was on November 20, 2011.

When changing pots for meat at home, it was found that 90% of the flowerpots contained root powder. It is hateful that half a year ago, there was a small pot of soil with root powder that could not be thrown away, mixed with new soil to grow meat again.

At the beginning of this time, all the soil was thrown away, the new soil was changed collectively, and the flowerpots were all brushed with steel wire ball, then soaked in potassium permanganate for two hours. All the meat is also trimmed and soaked in potassium permanganate. I also bought "scale must be treated", but it didn't work.

The "root powder shell worm" is different from the "ordinary shell worm". Because the "common shell worm" has not been found in my family for nearly a year, there is no picture for the time being.

First of all, answer a few simple questions:

1. How did bugs come from?

The worms must have been hatched by eggs, and most of the bugs in the family are carried in the bought meat. It is rare to buy packages of soil with worm eggs.

2. Can potassium permanganate kill worms or eggs?

Potassium permanganate is sterilized and cannot kill insects and eggs.

3. Can the use of carbendazim kill insects and eggs?

Carbendazim is bactericidal and cannot kill insects and eggs.

Cleaning methods of common scale insects

It mainly adheres to the back of leaves and stems to suck plants, which is very easy to find.

It is contagious and adults will crawl from one flowerpot to another. Clean it up in time when you find it.

Because they are visible bugs, it is much more convenient to clean up. Hand toothpicks and needles are all kinds of service.

When you pile up too much, you can use drug spraying. The "flower protector" that I use very easily is cheap and easy to use.

According to the instruction ratio, you can spray it with water at the ratio of 1: 200. After spraying again a week later, you will basically not see any disgusting bugs again.

Need to pay attention to spray, do not accept sunshine, put it in the shade for 4-5 days and then move to a place with sunshine.

Because just after spraying in the sun, it will accelerate the volatilization of water, so the concentration of the drug becomes higher, and it is easy to burn plants.

If you have children or pregnant women at home, or if you don't want to use medicine, you can wash the plants under clean water.

Or stab them one by one with a magnifying glass and needles! Check again and again, find out, clear it.

Because there are eggs, the eggs cannot be killed by drugs, so they can only be found and cleared after hatching.

Cleaning method of root powder shell insects

This is a bit more troublesome, because under normal circumstances the bug is invisible.

Almost all of them live in the soil, survive by sucking nutrients from the roots, and then lay eggs and hatch, which is extremely difficult to find.

Generally speaking, it can only be seen when turning the basin and changing the soil, so it is necessary for us to do all kinds of inspection and cleaning when we buy the new meat.

Its infectivity is also terrifying. Adults will climb out from the bottom of the flowerpot and get into another flowerpot.

But the most frightening thing is that their eggs will leave flowerpots when they are watered. If they touch the soil and are mixed into other flowerpots, they will soon explode collectively.

When I checked in the winter of 2011, I found that almost 95% of the flowerpots at home contained root powder, about 200-300 pots.

According to the deep feelings of all the great gods, this kind of bug can only be killed for a long time, so let's be psychologically prepared.

Without the use of drugs, the root powder beetle is found in the basin, and the original soil needs to be discarded immediately (or exposed outdoors for a few months before putting it in the yard).

Wash all the roots of the plant, then simply trim it, soak it in clean water for half an hour, and then wash it.

Then dry it for 1-2 days, dry it thoroughly and put it back on the pot. The original flowerpot should also be re-cleaned, preferably with a brush 360 °.

If you find it troublesome, to use drugs, at present, the most effective drugs "scale must be treated", "quick kill", "Bayer small green pills" and "carbofuran" can kill insects, but not eggs. In this way, continuous medication is required. Personally, I am quite opposed to the use of drugs. It is easy to cause harm to plants, not to mention, but also to cause secondary pollution to the soil. Let's measure this by ourselves.

For any kind of bug, everyone should treat it correctly, and there is no need to be too nervous or afraid.

Because bugs and flowers are symbiotic ~ flower growers all know that those Fujiyue god horses cultivated outdoors will grow several groups of bugs in a year.

So there is no need to be nervous. After finding it, isolate it first, then check what the bug is, and then prescribe the right medicine to the case.

At first, I saw that these bugs were also very disgusting and scared. They were often sprayed collectively with drugs, resulting in large tracts of meat damage.

Now slowly get used to it, found that the bug toothpick removed at the first time, completely no pressure ~

Finally, I still hope that everyone's meat will grow healthily, and it would be best if there are no bugs to make trouble.

(the following is the picture of "root powder shell bug". You can judge whether the meat has been hit by the picture.)

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