
Scientific Management of Postharvest Loquat

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, At present, the basic harvest of loquat is over, and the postharvest production management is directly related to the tree potential growth and next year's fruit. The postharvest production management of loquat should be carried out mainly from three aspects: fertilization, pruning and pest control. Full postharvest fertilizer loquat should be fertilized in time to promote the development of summer shoots, mainly nitrogen fertilizer.

At present, the basic harvest of loquat is over, and the postharvest production management is directly related to the tree potential growth and next year's fruit. The postharvest production management of loquat should be carried out mainly from three aspects: fertilization, pruning and pest control. Adequate postharvest fertilizer loquat should be fertilized in time to promote the development of summer shoots after harvest, with nitrogen fertilizer as the main fertilizer, combined with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and sufficient fertilizer should be applied, accounting for about 50% of the total fertilizer used in the whole year. It is necessary to grasp the following three principles in fertilization technology: first, to make a reasonable combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrient elements according to the actual needs of loquat growth and development; second, to apply more organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer as much as possible. Organic fertilizer should be stacked and fermented for a certain period of time to remove organic acid and harmful gases and eliminate bacteria, insect eggs and weed seeds. Organic compound fertilizer and multi-component compound fertilizer should be selected. Third, select high-quality chemical fertilizer to prevent the toxicity or influence of biuret in urea, heavy metals in phosphate fertilizer, chloral and chloride residues in potassium chloride on loquat. Pruning in time can not only restore the tree potential quickly, but also promote the summer shoots germinated before late July and lay the foundation for high quality and high yield in the coming year. The amount of pruning in summer does not exceed 20% of the total branches. 1-2 upright branches in the upper part of the crown are sawed off, not too many at a time, and sawed off year by year, leading to a decrease in the height of the crown. The fruiting branches far away from the main branches should be retracted and pruned, and the retracted branches should be kept at the base of 10-15 cm and sawed diagonally to promote new shoots. In the hollow part of the crown, short truncation and long branches were used to cultivate the fruiting branches with large backbone branches. The fruiting branches after fruit harvest should be retained as far as possible, except those that are weak, so that they can germinate and bear fruit. The prevention of rot and leaf spot rot is also commonly known as "rotten foot disease", which mainly harms the trunk of the root neck, and the incidence of lateral branches is rare. If the fruit tree shows soft rot in the trunk of the root neck in high humidity, or when the sap flows vigorously, the phenomenon of gum flow occurs, and when the bark is dry, the bark warps and peels off, then it is likely to suffer from "rotten foot disease". In addition to strengthening cultivation and fertilizer and water management, the prevention and control methods should also scrape off the disease spots, scrape off the bark and burn the bark on the spot, and apply chemicals under the guidance of experts to promote wound healing. Leaf spot is also a key disease for control. Leaf spot is the general name of gray spot, spot and angular spot. It is the main disease of loquat. The light disease affects the tree potential, the heavy leaf becomes ossified and smaller, the leaves fall early and withered branches, and the plant growth weakens and reduces yield. In addition to improving the management level of the orchard, strengthening the tree potential and improving the disease resistance of the tree itself, 65% mancozeb 500-600 times solution or 80% Dasheng Mmur45 wettable powder 600 times solution was used after fruit picking to the summer shoot sprouting or early sprouting, which has the effect of preventing the disease. The concentration of Bordeaux solution and Baume is 0.3-0.5% after fruit picking and before budding. 0.3-0.5 degree stone-sulfur mixture can not only prevent disease, but also supplement copper and calcium to loquat; or 800 times solution of 50% carbendazim wettable powder; or 600 times solution of 70% methyl topiramate, etc.