
When raising a rose, a pair of scissors crackles.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, If the rose wants to blossom more, it depends on light, pruning and fertilizer. The light is fixed, the fertilizer can be bought, and you have to make your own pruning, different pruning throughout the year, heavy cutting in winter, residual flowers in summer, and other times.

Rose to bloom more, one by light, two by pruning, three by fertilizer. Light is fixed, fertilizer can be bought, pruning has to be done by yourself, pruning is different throughout the year, heavy pruning in winter, residual flowers in summer, light pruning at other times, do not use the same method of pruning.

Raising roses, a pair of scissors click, flower buds crack

Pruning roses can control pests and diseases. As long as pests and diseases are not particularly serious, it is better to cut them off and germinate them again. Second, we can control the plant type and cut off all the thin, weak, withered and blind branches.

Third, nutrients can be concentrated. There are more branches and more nutrients. The effect of a single flower will definitely not be good. Therefore, we must control the plant type and cut off more branches that affect the growth of flowering.

Fourth, it is possible to control the flowering period. The pruning intensity is relatively large, the flowering period will be delayed, and the flowers will be more vibrant. But is not to say that the greater the better, usually, we have to determine the intensity of pruning according to the different seasons of roses and the size of plant types.

In general, it is necessary to remember to cut heavily in winter, cut the remaining flowers in summer, and cut lightly at other times.

Winter needs to be cut again

Winter is in the dormancy period of rose, we should prune the whole plant type of seedling, whether it is old, weak, sick, residual, or blind branch, and some branches affecting plant type should also be cut off together, generally at the end of winter.

Summer shear residual flower

Winter comes, the climate is hot, this time is not a good time to prune, so prune the rose, cut off the residual flowers after flowering, remember not to carry out redundant pruning, rose can not stand it.

In general, spring and autumn season, as long as a little light cutting to the rose can be, after each flowering cut off the residual flowers and flowers below the 1-2 branches, spring is mainly April-June pruning, autumn generally September-October pruning is more appropriate,

The best thing to pay attention to is that pruning is generally carried out on sunny days, pruning after rain is easy to infect, remember not to prune Austria after rain.