
The good luck of growing pots in the living room means that life is booming.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When we think about what kind of flower we want to raise, we should not only look at our own preferences, the appearance of the plant, but also the moral of the plant. The matter of growing flowers, in addition to self-cultivation, decoration, the meaning should also be in line with self.

When we think about what kind of flower we want to raise, we should not only look at our own preferences, the appearance of the plant, but also the moral of the plant.

The matter of growing flowers, in addition to self-cultivation, decoration, the meaning should also be in line with their own wishes. Otherwise, why would you be interested in buying it home? Some people like wealth trees, implying that wealth is rolling in the living room, while others like gentleman orchids and the integrity of gentleman orchids, elegant, not impatient.

I wonder if you all know this kind of plant called "good luck"?

As soon as you see the name, you can see that this kind of plant can bring good luck, otherwise it can't be called "good luck", is it? The reason for this kind of plant is that its flowers are bright red, with green leaves and flourishing, like "good luck". It seems that people have ulterior motives in naming plants. Are you a little interested in good luck? Today, Huahua will satisfy everyone and tell you how to raise it in the face of good luck!

Select soil

Hongyun likes slightly acidic soil. Generally speaking, we can prepare this kind of soil by ourselves. We can choose to mix pine needles, peat and cow dung to make 3:1:1 soil. The soil prepared in this way is more conducive to plant growth, and the organic matter in livestock manure can provide nutrients for the growth of good luck.


Hong Yun is a kind of plant that likes the sun. You can just put the plant in the sun when you breed it at home. Except for a little shade for the plant in summer, there is generally no big problem with direct sunlight at other times. When the sun is not very sufficient in winter, you must ensure more than 5 hours of sunlight every day, otherwise it is easy to make the plant leaves yellow.


The watering method of Hongyun is different from that of other plants. Many plants water either the root or the outer edge of the root, but when watering Hongyun, it is usually in the core of the flower. The frequency of watering is twice a week in spring and autumn, once every two days in summer, and once a week in winter.

Fertilizer application

Despite the fact that good luck is so popular, it is a master who doesn't like to be fat. Therefore, when watering Hongyun, you can only fertilize it during its growth. The growth period of Hongyun is usually from May to September every year, when chemical fertilizer can be applied every half a month.

Usually, we should also pay attention to spraying some water on the green leaves of Hongyun, which can not only ensure the luster of the green leaves, but also moisturize the page, which is a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

I hope this "good luck" can really bring good luck to all of you.