
Cactus has been raised for 5 years, but it can produce 30 jin of fruit and flowers: rich in nutrition and making a lot of money

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cactus is also a relatively common flower, although many flower lovers do not like it and feel that it is not as good-looking as flowering plants, and there is no vitality as foliage plants. However, the cactus is also a plant worth raising, why so.

Cactus is also a relatively common flower, although many flower lovers do not like it and feel that it is not as good-looking as flowering plants, and there is no vitality as foliage plants. However, cactus is also a plant worth raising. Why do you say so? First, this potted plant is really easy to raise, usually can be raised without how to take care of it, and second, it can blossom, and the bright degree of flowers is not lower than that of other flowers. Third, once it bears fruit, it has high nutritional value and is good for eating and ornamental. A few days ago, a cactus enthusiast told me that he had raised a cactus for four or five years, and finally got the result. Several pots add up to 30 jin of fruit.

Are cactus potted plants easy to bear fruit?

Cactus many people know that it is simple and extensive maintenance, if properly maintained, but also can produce bright flowers. But the result is not easy. Why would you say that? Because the growth of cactus is very slow, it usually takes two or three years for young plants to grow up, during which the results are very difficult and can not even reach the level of flowering. Let's put it this way, if there are ten people raising a cactus, only two or three people can raise a cactus. If you raise the cactus to bear fruit, you should congratulate the flower friends, which shows that you are good at raising flowers.

What is the value of the fruit of cactus?

I remember that when I was a child, there was a pot of cactus at home, but I didn't know how to raise it at that time. A large pot of cactus only bore one or two fruits. I didn't dare to eat it when I was a child. I didn't say a lot of thorns above. After I opened the fruit, I still felt sour when I tasted it. In fact, the fruit of cactus is like this, after ripening, the taste is generally mixed with sweet and sour. Its nutritional value is extraordinary. Cactus fruit contains high amounts of vitamins a, b1, b12, d3, and its antioxidant capacity is 7 times that of vitamins, which can promote cell regeneration, activate qi and blood circulation, and enhance resistance.

How to maintain cactus potted plants to grow faster and produce more results

When it comes to the maintenance of cactus, in addition to daily lighting, watering and ventilation, fertilization is very important. Only when the nutrients are sufficient, will it be beneficial for the fairies to "spread their branches and leaves" and grow freely. As for fertilizer, it is best if you have barnyard manure and chicken and duck manure at home, because this kind of organic fertilizer, after fermentation, is most easily absorbed by the roots of flowers and is more efficient. Of course, if there is no or dislike the taste, you can use soybeans after cooking and fermentation instead of using them. Fertilization is usually applied once a month. If disrelish organic fertilizer trouble, also can buy some potassium dihydrogen phosphate flower fertilizer with water to irrigate.

How to eat the fruit of cactus?

The fruit of cactus can generally be eaten directly, and those who are particular about eating can also dig out the pulp with a spoon, and then drink it with honey, which is also very delicious. However, flower friends should be careful not to be stabbed by the cactus when eating. Finally, I would like to talk about the small problem of cactus conservation. Many flower friends keep cactus, never change pots, and feel that they don't need too much nutrients and soil, so they keep them in small pots, ha. They have to change pots at least every six months, so that they can blossom and bear fruit.

This is the end of some little knowledge about cactus. Flower friends must remember to raise a few pots of cactus. After all, it is not easy to buy such a high-value fruit, which costs dozens of yuan per jin.

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