
Causes and control methods of rotten sticks of Lentinus edodes

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Causes and control methods of rotten sticks of Lentinus edodes

Lentinus edodes is one of the common mushrooms with high edible value and economic value, but rotten sticks often appear in planting for some reasons. the so-called rotten sticks refers to a rotting disease from mycelial stage to fruiting stage when Lentinus edodes is cultivated. It will cause the mycelium to disappear gradually, and finally the culture material of the whole bacterial rod becomes soft and rotten, in the shape of black mud, accompanied by a stench, leading to rejection and endangering the interests of growers. So what's the reason for the bad stick? How to prevent and cure it? Let's take a look.

1. Improper allocation of culture materials.

During cultivation, the culture materials are not properly mixed, or the urea, lime powder and other substances are too much and too concentrated, once they encounter high temperature or piercing ventilation during cultivation, these substances will play a counteractive. on the contrary, it restricts the growth of mycelium, resulting in the death of mycelium and rotting rod.

Prevention and control methods: in the deployment of culture materials must be carried out strictly according to the formula, do not add more or less substances, and then inoculate bacteria after high-temperature disinfection after sufficient stirring, the inoculated strains had better choose varieties with strong adaptability and strong stress resistance to reduce the impact of this situation on them.

2. Poor ventilation

In cultivation, due to poor ventilation in the culture room, resulting in high concentrations of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases, mycelium can not grow normally due to lack of oxygen, but also consume a lot of nutrients, so rotten sticks appear.

Prevention and control methods: in cultivation, we should strengthen ventilation, release carbon dioxide and toxic gases, balance oxygen, but be careful not to carry out ventilation at once, open the vent slowly, and do not let the bacterial bag come into contact with the cold air.

3. The temperature is too high

The temperature of the culture room exceeds the suitable temperature for the growth of Lentinus edodes, which will lead to a continuous rise in the temperature of bacterial bags, resulting in fragile mycelium growth or death, resulting in burning bacteria. In addition, the humidity in the culture room is too high, which will also lead to rotten sticks.

Prevention and treatment methods: both high temperature and high humidity can strengthen ventilation to reduce temperature and humidity. When high temperature is high, sunshade nets can be built around the culture room to lower the temperature, otherwise it is possible to increase air humidity, but humidification is suitable for use in dry and high temperature seasons. It is not suitable to be used in rainy periods, on the contrary, ventilation and dehumidification measures should be taken in rainy seasons.

4. Direct sunlight

During cultivation, the stick is directly exposed to intense sunlight, and ultraviolet rays in the sun will burn the mycelium, which will kill the hyphae to a certain extent, while the stick will turn yellow and eventually become infected with rotten sticks.

Control methods: in the mycelium cultivation stage to avoid direct sunlight, to maintain the dark environment of the breeding room, so that the mycelium can grow and develop normally.

The above are the reasons and control methods of Lentinus edodes. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about the cultivation of Lentinus edodes, please follow us.