
In autumn, after pinching the roots and touching the soil, it will grow crazily for 7 days and then enjoy the flowers.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The weather is getting cooler and cooler, and this is really the best time for cutting, but some flower lovers say that now you have to wait until the year of the monkey to enjoy the flowers, which is too slow! This is not necessarily, Huahua knows that some flowers, now cuttage, 7 days.

The weather is getting cooler and cooler, this time is really the best time for cuttage, but some flower friends say, now cuttage, have to wait until the monkey year horse month to flower, too slow! This may not be, Huahua know some flowers, now cut down, 7 days can enjoy flowers!

Sunflower now cuttings, 7 days to bloom!

Sunflower in recent years by flower friends sought after, it is now a lot of varieties and colors, especially the double petals of the special beautiful, pinch roots and branches inserted casually live, 7 days can enjoy flowers, but also every day there are flowers, especially great!

Photo by Fish's Back Garden

1. Pinch down the branches of the sun flower, length does not matter, with or without flower buds are OK, anyway, can live!

2. Insert the lower end of sunflower branches into loose soil, such as peat soil, rotten leaf soil, etc., or directly plant in garden soil.

3. After sunflower is planted, pour water once, can bask in the sun directly, live in a day or two.

4. If the cuttings are relatively long, 7 days, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful sunflower!

5. Want to let sunflower bloom more, long burst basin, can constantly pinch branches to it, pinch down branches directly inserted into the basin, constantly pinch, constantly insert, a few sunflower branches, full of a large basin!

Periwinkle now cuttings, flowers in 1 week!

Periwinkle is a very simple and easy to live flowers, called flowering machine, it is easy to raise burst pots, more suitable for cheap support!

Photo by: Oatmeal

1. Cut off periwinkle branches, thick, thin, flowered or unflowered.

2. Cut off the lower leaves and upper flowers of the branches.

3. Prepare coconut bricks, soak them in water and squeeze them slightly, then pour the soil into a plastic basin.

4. Insert periwinkle shoots into coconut bran soil.

4. After the branches are inserted, spray some water, cover the plastic bag, release the light place, open the bag every day to ventilate and spray water.

5. About 4 days or so, open to see the leaves water Lingling, grow up a lot, there are buds out of it.

6. Cuttage 1 week or so, periwinkle branches will grow thin dense roots, and some also bloom! When the root system is more, it can be transplanted into the flowerpot!

7. Transplanted to the pot of periwinkle, more sun, compound fertilizer irrigation times a week, will rub long. If you want to cultivate a flower ball, you can hit the top more. It doesn't take 1 month to bloom into a flower ball!

This kind of cutting, less than a month flowering!

Triangle plum because of long flowering period, deeply loved by flower friends, now pick a few thick old branches cuttings, do not need a month to enjoy flowers!

Photo by roseyp 77

1. Prepare a coconut brick, soak it in water, squeeze it with your hand, then mix in half a bag of carbendazim and half a bag of rooting powder, stir well.

2. Cut off the older branches of the thicker triangular plum, immerse the lower end of the branches in potassium permanganate solution for 1 hour, disinfect, if it is a tender branch, you can leave a few more leaves to facilitate the storage of nutrients.

3. Pour the soil into a disposable cup and insert the lower end of the bougainvillea branch into the soil. Then put the disposable cups in the storage box. Spray inside, place in a bright, ventilated place, and cover.

4. Open the lid every day to ventilate

2 times

It is normal to see that the leaves are firm and there are water droplets on the wall of the box. Leaf wilting is water shortage spray water, and leaves wet dripping water is more water, temporarily do not spray water.

5. About half a month or so, triangle plum can grow white strong root system.

6. After the root system grows, gradually increase the time of opening the cover, so that the seedlings gradually adapt to the external environment.

7.1-2 A week or so, cuttage seedlings can adapt to the external environment, you can bask in the sun more, pour some decomposed rice washing water every month, and soon you can see flowers.

8. If you want triangular plum blossoms to be densely packed, you need to pick the heart frequently, so it is easy to form a short and strong plant shape, triangular plum is easy to bloom into a flower ball!

Longevity flowers now cuttings, 3 months later full pot!

Longevity really, casually inserted in the soil can live, maintenance and then a little snack, two or three months can enjoy flowers!

1. Cut off healthy longevity flower branches. If you want to enjoy flowers earlier, cut the branches a little longer. Put the cut branches in a ventilated place to dry them.

2. Mix moldy soil and pearlite in a ratio of 3:1, either with peat soil or garden soil mixed with river sand. No matter what soil, must be exposed to one or two days of disinfection, and to permeability.

3. Spray the soil wet, insert the longevity flower branches, put them in a cool and ventilated place, and the branches will take root in about 1 week!

4. After taking root, the pot will be watered with water when it is light. Usually, the longevity flower will grow very fast in the sun.

5. Now the longevity of cuttage can not be topped first, every week with water to pour a lot of flowers or compound fertilizer, monthly spray to foliage potassium dihydrogen phosphate, it will not be long to enjoy flowers!

6. If you want to bloom more, the plant shape is fuller, you can pinch the tips of longevity flowers more, so that a lot of lateral buds will be suppressed, longevity will open into balls.

Crab claw orchid cuttings now, 3 months later Huhu out bud!

Crab claw orchid is a common flower in autumn and winter, take advantage of the temperature is appropriate now, hurry to cut a few pots, otherwise wait for others to bloom, you don't envy ha!

1. With sharp scissors, cut off the top 2-3 sections of the crab claw orchid branch. After cutting off, put it in a ventilated place to dry for 1-2 days.

2. Pine needle soil, pearlite and vermiculite are prepared according to the ratio of 3:1:1 and stirred evenly. Pure pine needle soil can also be used. The soil can be exposed to sunlight and disinfected in advance. Spray water with a fine nozzle to reach a semi-humid state.

3. Prepare a little rooting powder, dip the bottom of the crab claw orchid branch with rooting powder, which can improve the survival rate of crab claw orchid and root faster.

4. Use tweezers to poke holes in the soil, then put the bottom of the crab claw orchid branch into the hole, slightly compact it, and pour water through it.

5. Put the cuttage crab claw orchid in a cool place, spray water twice a day on the leaves, do not pour water, and then pour water after half a month.

6. After the crab claw orchid grows roots, it will be exposed to the sun more often. Sprinkle a layer of bone powder on the surface of the basin every month. When the surface of the basin turns white, pour water thoroughly. Soon, the crab claw orchid will grow into a large basin crazily and bloom beautiful flowers.

Fragrance vine such cuttings, a plug a live!

Fragrance vine is flourishing recently, one after another palm-sized flowers are particularly gratifying, if you also like, want to plant, you can pinch a few branches, according to the method of flower cuttings below, ensure live.

The following pictures are by: darts

1. Cut off the half-lignified branches of Fragrance vine that year. Generally, the branches should retain 2 nodes and the length should be about 15 cm.

2. Insert the lower end of the branches of Fragrance Vine into a glass bottle filled with water, lure the roots, place them in a place with astigmatism and ventilation, and change the water frequently to ensure the water quality is clean.

3. Soon, Fragrance Vine would grow white flower roots!

4. When the root system grows to about 2 cm in length, the fragrance vine can be transplanted into the peat soil for normal maintenance. Soon, the fragrance vine will grow new leaves and climb crazily!

4. Fragrance vine grows better in the sun, so let it bask in the sun in autumn, sprinkle a few compound fertilizers a month, and grow so fast!

5. Fragrance vine is a climbing vine flower, which can be pulled by brackets to make fences, porches, flower walls, and how beautiful it is when it blooms!

Well, let's introduce these to our flower friends first today.

If you know anything else, flowers that are easy to cut and bloom quickly,

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