
The truth behind the simultaneous admission of twin sons to 985 is touching.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, During this period of time, Ms. Wang has become a celebrity in the parental circle. Her twin sons also received admission letters from 985 schools. Her elder brother Xiaopeng was admitted to Beijing normal University and her younger brother Xiao Yu was admitted to Beijing Foreign Studies University. The admission of Xiaopeng.

During this period of time, Ms. Wang has become a celebrity in the parental circle. Her twin sons also received admission letters from 985 schools.

His elder brother Xiaopeng was admitted to Beijing normal University, and his younger brother Xiao Yu was admitted to Beijing Foreign Studies University.

Xiaopeng's admission notice

Xiao Yu's admission notice

There are two college students in a family, and they are both famous brands!

Parents want to know, Ms. Wang.

What are the unique methods of education?

Actually, it's right here.

A year ago, the twin brothers' grades were so poor that they could not even be admitted to an ordinary university.

Ms. Wang told us about their unusual way to counterattack in the third year of high school.

Both brothers used to be low achiever.

Ms. Wang and her husband run a small business in the county. The twin sons are lively and lovely, and the family used to live a dull and happy life. But a report card in 2017 made the family no longer calm.

In the opening test of the third year of senior high school, the scores of both brothers were in the top 30 of the class. This grade, not to mention key universities, is even hanging from ordinary universities. What are we going to do?

Like many parents, all Ms. Wang can think of is making up lessons.

Looking back on the experience of making up lessons, it was really troublesome!

Three days a week, the two children study by themselves at 6 o'clock in the evening. When they buy a piece of bread at the school gate for dinner, they have to take a bus for more than half an hour. They get to the tutoring class more than ten miles away. It is already 11:00 in the evening, but they can't rest, and they have to finish the homework assigned by the teacher.

Ms. Wang also followed the "spin", accompanied her children to do papers until the wee hours of the morning, and had to get up early the next morning to prepare a nutritious breakfast for them.

After two months, Ms. Wang is full of hope that her child can get a good score, at least past the first line of the previous year.

But a model exam, and let the family into despair.

After messing with make-up lessons, the grades did not improve.

In the first model exam, the results of the two brothers did not improve, and the elder brother Xiaopeng even fell back 2 places!

The college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, and neither of her two sons can go to college. Ms. Wang is so worried that she can't sleep every night.

At this time, her colleague gave her a move, suggesting that she try the master 1-to-1 online assistant, saying that her child has studied for more than a month and improved 20 points, as well as free audition, listen to the class first, pay money after the effect, and don't worry about being unreliable.

Ms. Wang does not believe in online classes, but there is no other way at the moment. She first signed up for a trial class for her child.

During the audition class, teacher Zhang of Tongji University carefully asked the brothers about their studies and exams, and pointed out the problems to the point:

First of all, there is only knowledge, no skills. The two children have a solid foundation, but they lack problem-solving skills and use stupid methods to do problems.

Second, restore the habit of using brute force. The review of the third year of senior high school needs to be clear.

To make up for the weak plan, we should review the wrong questions in time in order to improve the performance of the weak subjects.

Only when you teach with your heart can you get good grades.

Teacher Zhang's analysis suddenly woke up Ms. Wang, and what moved her even more was that teacher Zhang finally said:

Education is to use one soul to influence another soul, to teach attentively, there will be good results.

In this way, the twin brothers no longer rush back and forth for make-up lessons, but arrange their own time to have classes with Mr. Zhang on the home computer.

Teacher Zhang made a scientific and reasonable study plan for the two brothers. He abandoned the question-and-sea tactics that most students would use and spent more time

Optimize the knowledge system

, and

Analysis of wrong questions


Then, teacher Zhang gave a more direct and targeted solution to the specific problems of the two people.

My elder brother Xiaopeng's function questions are more difficult, and he always makes mistakes in the exam. Teacher Zhang tailored it for him.

7-step cycle training

, focus on training.

His younger brother Xiao Yu was lack of examination skills, so Mr. Zhang sent him his own carefully sorted out.

Curve wrecker

Learn notes

And explain all kinds of examination skills to him in detail.

In addition

Mr. Zhang, the head teacher, also arranged the relevant examination questions for them.

The two were stunned after the college entrance examination: they had practiced many questions a long time ago, but the numbers were different!

Successful counterattack! Brothers both get the key points in the exam!

In June this year, the two brothers scored good results that delighted the whole family.

Ms. Wang said that when the two children were admitted to famous schools, they did not have any secret books for study, but had a heart that dared to try.

Ms. Wang said: if your child's grades are not good, don't give up and try more methods. You might as well try it like me.

The master is one to one.

Free audition

A bold attempt may change a child's life from a hopeless college to a sprint.

(aliases are used in the article to protect the privacy of the parties.)

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The team of famous teachers in top universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University

Gold medal famous teacher 1-to-1 customizes the score raising plan for the new semester.

Match the knowledge points and test sites, and predict the success of the college entrance examination.

You can apply in primary school, junior high school and senior high school.

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