
Smart home simplifies daily simple maintenance

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The brain works with you to listen to the sound of the night! Some smart home products can be purchased and installed by users themselves, but there are two uncontrollable factors in their own installation.

Brain hands-on

Listen to the sound of the night with you!


Some smart home products can be purchased and installed by users, but there are two uncontrollable factors in self-installation; one is that smart home is more systematic and has higher requirements for installation operators. Smart home certification installers should arrange professional training for smart home installation engineers to install, in order to meet the installation requirements and ensure stable operation.

Smart home installation and maintenance-wired smart home needs cabling

In the early days, smart homes were usually wired, so integrated cabling was needed. Every aspect of wiring, usually need to cut through the wall, so before the decoration, the lines are many and complicated, but also pay attention to the beauty of the lines hidden. If the decoration is completed and then installed, it will cause some damage to the decoration, and the later maintenance and maintenance are very troublesome. Because of the shortcomings of integrated cabling, it has gradually withdrawn from the mainstream market.

Smart home installation and maintenance-smart home installation and maintenance is simple

When wireless smart home is installed, it has become the first choice of many consumers because it has no circuit, so it can set up the network automatically and has strong mobility. Users in the installation, do not need to take into account the trouble of wiring, and professional knowledge is not strong, the general user according to the instructions to install, usually can be completed. And if there is no time for users, find professional personnel to install, often in a very short time. Professionals will ask you to identify wireless smart switches and sockets first. The use of more advanced intelligent switch, can be a switch to control multiple lights and electrical appliances, very worry-free. Controllers, lights, curtains, various sensors, and controllers need to be installed. When the infrared transponder is installed, there can be no obstacles, because it will affect the transmission signal. The better position is fixed directly to the wall, and the position is a little higher as far as possible, so it is more convenient to receive wireless signals. All signals need to avoid obstacles as far as possible to ensure that the wireless signal is unimpeded.

So you can see that the installation of the smart home is indeed very convenient, and the daily maintenance only needs to do the following three points, basically:

Step 1-read the user manual

Smart home includes intelligent lighting, home security, background music, intelligent curtains, home wiring, visual intercom, home appliance control (air conditioning, water heater, TV, etc.), environmental control, plant watering, sanitary cleaning, etc., basic maintenance does not require users to do special steps, you only need to follow the product instructions for correct operation and use, in case of problems, you can remove minor failures according to the user manual As for normal maintenance, there are no special requirements, that is, to protect the installed equipment, normal operation flow, (such as entering the door, going out, etc.).

Step 2-keep the environment dry

The smart home can be controlled intelligently because of its built-in computer system, so it is necessary to do a good job of moistureproof. It is best to ventilate the room regularly to ensure the dryness of the working environment at home. More importantly, do not wipe the equipment with wet objects. Be sure to wipe with dry towels or rags. As for security, you can enjoy life by installing a smart home system, so don't worry about the so-called maintenance or safety zone, just use it normally.

Step 3-hand it over to a professional

A small number of smart home products can be purchased and installed by users, but we do not recommend this for two reasons: one is that smart home is more systematic and requires higher requirements for installation operators. Smart home certification installers should arrange professional training for smart home installation engineers to install, in order to meet the installation requirements and ensure stable operation. Do not study and disassemble in private, and do not change procedures and passwords without reason, otherwise it will increase the difficulty of maintenance. Therefore, whether it is the installation or maintenance of the smart home, you can rest assured to the professional maintenance personnel.

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