
Seedling raising techniques of stand cultivation of Pumpkin in Solar greenhouse in Winter and Spring

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The sowing date of ① is mainly determined by the heat preservation of solar greenhouse. The solar greenhouse with good lighting and good heat preservation can sow seeds and raise seedlings in late November. The melon was harvested in the middle of March in the second year, on the contrary, the sowing date can be postponed to January of the following year. Using the above-mentioned solar greenhouse, generally sowing from late December to early January of the following year.

The sowing date of ① is mainly determined by the heat preservation of solar greenhouse. The solar greenhouse with good lighting and good heat preservation can sow seeds and raise seedlings in late November. The melon was harvested in the middle of March in the second year, on the contrary, the sowing date can be postponed to January of the following year. The above mentioned solar greenhouse is generally used to sow and raise seedlings from late December to early January of the following year. The preparation of the ② seedbed should be located in the middle of the solar greenhouse. The width is 1.5 to 2.8 meters, and the length depends on the actual number of seedlings needed. It is better to use hot Kang or ground hot line to control ground temperature, and plastic bowl is better for nutrition bowl. The nutritious soil is selected from sandy loam soil that has not planted melon crops and mixed well with mature farm manure at 7:3, then 2.5% phoxim 50g 60g, 75% dioxon wettable powder 80g 100g per cubic meter of nutritious soil. 1000 grams of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer (or 500g potassium sulfate, 500g diammonium sulfate), sifted and packed into a nutrition bowl with a diameter of 10cm. Or only 270 grams of multi-component seedling element is added to each cubic meter of nutritious soil, the seedling is strong and the seedling is even, the effect is very remarkable and should be popularized. After the nutritious soil is bowled, put it neatly on the seedbed and set it aside. Before soaking seeds with ③, you should choose sunny weather to dry the seeds for two or three days, kill the pathogens on the seed surface by ultraviolet rays in the sun, or directly use 1% potassium permanganate solution or 40% carbendazim solution or 40% formaldehyde solution 100 times 150 times, soak the seeds for 10 minutes, remove and wash. Put it in warm water of about 55 ℃ and constantly stir to room temperature. After soaking for 4 hours, rinse thoroughly, remove and drain, then wrap it with warm gauze and accelerate germination for 36 hours under the condition of 28 ℃ and 30 ℃. After the seeds are white, they can be sown. Frame? Control of ④ sowing and bed temperature Seedling bed dries up 2 days before sowing, choose good weather to sow. When sowing, put the budding seeds flat in the nutrition bowl, do not play upright, so as to prevent the seeds from being unearthed with a cap. After sowing, cover the soil 1-1.5 cm, not too thick, so as not to affect the emergence of seedlings, and then cover the plastic film, and then support the small arch shed, if necessary, you can buckle the grass to keep warm at night. The temperature should be controlled at 28: 30 ℃ before emergence, and the plastic film should be removed after unearthing. The temperature is 22: 25 ℃ during the day and 15: 17 ℃ at night. The seedlings are not easy to grow into tall seedlings, but the temperature should not be too low. Low temperature and high humidity can easily cause retting root retting and quenching disease. After the extension of the first true leaf, when the Hypocotyl is older, the daytime temperature can be raised to 25: 28 ℃, and the night temperature can be raised to 16: 18 ℃. When there is a long period of overcast and snowy weather, a 200 watt electric lamp can be installed per cubic meter to increase the temperature, which can avoid the harm of low temperature. The soil of the bed is dry and wet. Five or six days before planting, the temperature of seedlings can be reduced to 20: 22 ℃ in daytime and 10: 15 ℃ at night, and the humidity should be strictly controlled to make the seedlings acclimatized to the environment after planting. The suitable seedling age of ⑤ is from 2 leaves and 1 heart to 3 leaves and 1 heart. The root injury is serious and the plant growth recovery is slow when planted too late. Choose fine weather when planting, do not flood irrigation after planting, lest the ground temperature is too low, cause retting roots and dead seedlings, usually use a little water or small water to water lightly, and buckle up the small arch shed in time, in order to improve the ground temperature and promote rooting and slow seedling. ⑥ planting method pumpkin vertical cultivation adopts north-south direction, wide and narrow row planting, which is beneficial to ventilation and light transmission, and is convenient for manual operation. The wide row distance of the border surface is 100cm, the narrow row distance of the furrow edge is 60cm, the average row spacing is 80cm, the plant spacing is 35cm-45cm, and about 1800 plants are planted per 667m2. When planting, open the hole 10 cm from the edge of the border, 10 cm deep, sprinkle 10 grams of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer at the bottom of the hole; gently put the melon seedlings into the hole with soil tuo and pour enough water, do not rush to seal the soil after planting, you should seal the hole with hot soil at 2: 00 in the afternoon when the temperature of the hole rises; after planting, cover the whole hole with black plastic film and release the melon seedlings through opening.