
Identification of bean Fusarium wilt

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When the symptomatic plant occurs, it starts from the lower leaves. Irregular waterlogged disease spots appeared at the edge of the leaf, especially at the tip of the leaf, then the leaf yellowed and died, and gradually developed to the upper leaf, and finally the whole plant wilted and died. The cortex of the rhizome of the diseased plant often cracked, the vascular bundle tissue turned brown, and powder appeared on the surface of the diseased part when the humidity was high.

When the symptomatic plant occurs, it starts from the lower leaves. Irregular waterlogged disease spots appeared at the edge of the leaf, especially at the tip of the leaf, then the leaf yellowed and died, and gradually developed to the upper leaf, and finally the whole plant wilted and died. The cortex of the root stem of the diseased plant often cracked, the vascular bundle tissue turned brown, and the pink mildew layer appeared on the surface of the diseased part when the humidity was high.