
Formula fertilization Technology of Bean

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 1. The main symptoms are leaves, stems and pods. At the initial stage of the disease, there were purple-brown spots on both sides of the leaf, and after enlargement, the disease spot was nearly round and dark brown, with a diameter of 1cm, the edge was not obvious, and there was dense soot mold on the surface of the disease spot when it was wet (especially on the back of the leaf). In severe cases, it causes early defoliation, leaving only young leaves at the top.

1 characteristics of fertilizer requirement: the production of 1000 kg beans requires 10.2kg of pure nitrogen, 4.4kg of phosphorus pentoxide and 9.7kg of potassium oxide. (2) the main points of fertilization for 2000 kg per mu: 2.1base fertilizer. Before planting, 3000 kg of organic fertilizer was applied per mu, and 45% of the "Sakefu" potassium sulfate type three-element compound fertilizer was 40 kg. 2.2 foliar fertilizer. During bud appearance, 1.8% compound nitrophenol sodium water agent 6000 times or 1.2% compound nitrophenol sodium water agent 4500 times was sprayed once, and "Sakefu" foliar fertilizer was sprayed twice at intervals of 10 days.