
How should peach trees be managed after harvest?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How should peach trees be managed after harvest? Peach trees after fruit harvest still have a long period of growth to fall leaves in autumn, which is the critical period of nutrition accumulation and flower bud differentiation. The quality of management will directly affect the overwintering and next year's results of peach trees. Therefore, the management of peach trees after picking can not be relaxed. Main technical measures:.

How should peach trees be managed after harvest? Peach trees after fruit harvest still have a long period of growth to fall leaves in autumn, which is the critical period of nutrition accumulation and flower bud differentiation. The quality of management will directly affect the overwintering and next year's results of peach trees. Therefore, the management of peach trees after picking can not be relaxed. The main technical measures are as follows: first, apply fertilizer scientifically, strengthen the tree potential and apply fertilizer combined with ploughing and weeding in the orchard. Peach trees with many fruits and high nutrient consumption should be applied early and re-applied, generally, each tree should be applied 30 kilograms of human feces and urine or barnyard manure, 0.3 kilograms of urea or 0.5 kilograms of ammonium bicarbonate, with a depth of about 50 centimeters. Second, spraying to control "back-migration aphids" peach trees until early autumn, the warm and humid weather is conducive to the invasion of pests, especially the winged aphids and red spiders in the surrounding vegetable gardens and corn fields will migrate back to the peach trees to mate and lay eggs over the winter. adults and nymph clusters prick and absorb juice on the back of peach leaves, making the leaves yellow and curling, seriously affecting the growth of peach trees. Therefore, after fruit harvest and early autumn should be phased spraying insect control, can spray 5% carbendazim 800 times liquid or 5% gram carbendazim wettable powder 50 times liquid and so on. Third, pruning promotes the growth of balanced peach branches many times a year, which is easy to close the crown, poor ventilation and light transmission, and affect the formation of milk buds. Therefore, the crown cross branches, overlapping branches, disease and insect branches, thin and weak branches and overgrown branches in crowded places can be removed, and the bald parts can be cut around to promote the growth of new branches and occupy the space. Fourth, clear the garden disinfection combined with pruning to clean up the peach orchard, stay away from the burning of the peach orchard, do not bury it under the tree. At the same time, 50 kilograms of lime per mu is scattered on the ground to disinfect and sterilize the soil. the trunk and main branches can also be sprayed with 500mm 800 times of "1 Bomedo stone sulfur mixture", which is beneficial to disease prevention and pest control. More peach tree planting techniques