
How to fertilize celery? based on what

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to fertilize celery? Fertilization according to what? To produce 1000 kg celery requires 2 kg pure nitrogen, 1 kg phosphorus pentoxide and 4 kg potassium chloride. Before planting, 5000 kg of high-quality farm manure and 40 kg of phosphate fertilizer were applied per mu. Celery plant height 10 cm when the first topdressing, mu topdressing nitrogen 7-10 kg, potassium fertilizer 1...

How to fertilize celery? According to what to fertilize? The production of 1000 kg celery requires 2 kg of pure nitrogen, 1 kg of phosphorus pentoxide and 4 kg of potassium chloride. 5000 kg of high-quality farm manure and 40 kg of phosphate fertilizer were applied per mu before planting. When the celery plant was 10 centimeters high, it began to topdressing for the first time, applying 10 kilograms of nitrogen fertilizer and 15 kilograms of potash fertilizer. Celery has entered a vigorous growth period, topdressing fertilizer every 7 Mill 10 days, 3 MUE 4 times, applying 20 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 20 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 25 kg of potash fertilizer per mu. Each topdressing should be carried out in combination with watering. More celery planting techniques