
In autumn, if you pinch the roots and touch the soil, you can enjoy the flowers after 7 days.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, ? The weather is getting cooler and cooler, and this is really the best time for cutting, but some flower lovers say that now you have to wait until the year of the monkey to enjoy the flowers, which is too slow! This is not necessarily, Huahua knows that some flowers, now cuttage, 7 days.

? The weather is getting cooler and cooler, and this is really the best time for cutting, but some flower lovers say that now you have to wait until the year of the monkey to enjoy the flowers, which is too slow! This is not necessarily, Huahua knows that some flowers, now cutting down, 7 days can enjoy the flowers!

Sunflowers are now cut and blossom in 7 days!

Sunflower is very popular with flower friends in recent years, and now it has many colors, especially the double petal is very beautiful, you can live if you pinch the root branch and enjoy the flowers in 7 days, and the flowers bloom every day.

Photo by: the back garden of the fish

1. Pinch off the branches of the sunflower, it doesn't matter whether you take a bud or not, you can live anyway!

two。 Insert the lower end of the sunflower branch into the loose soil, such as peat soil, rotten leaf soil, etc., you can also plant garden soil directly.

3. After sunflowers are planted, once watered, you can bask in the sun directly and live in a day or two.

4. If the cutting branches are longer, for 7 days, you can enjoy the beautiful sunflowers!

5. If you want sunflowers to bloom more and burst into pots, you can constantly pinch branches and insert them directly into pots. If you want to keep pinching and inserting sunflowers, a few sunflower branches will grow into a large pot!

Catharanthus roseus now cuttings, a week to enjoy the flowers!

Catharanthus roseus is a very simple and easy-to-live flower, which can be called a flowering machine, which is easy to raise and burst, so it is more suitable for cheap breeding.

The following picture author: oatmeal

1. Cut off the branches of Catharanthus roseus, thick, thin, with or without flowers.

two。 Cut off the leaves at the bottom of the branch and the flowers at the top.

3. Prepare coconut bricks, pinch the water slightly after soaking in water, and then pour the soil into a plastic basin.

4. Insert the sticks of Catharanthus roseus into the coconut bran soil.

4. After the branches are inserted, spray some water, cover it with a plastic bag, put it in a place of astigmatism, and open the bag every day to breathe through the air and spray water.

5. About 4 days, open to see the leaves are watery, grow up a lot, and buds emerge.

6. After cutting for about a week, the branches of Catharanthus roseus will grow fine and dense roots, and some of them will bloom! When there are more roots, you can transplant them into the flowerpot!

7. Catharanthus roseus, which is transplanted into a flowerpot, basks in the sun and doubles with compound fertilizer and water once a week. If you want to develop a bouquet, hit the top more, and you can blossom into a bouquet in less than a month!

Triangular plum is cut like this, it blossoms in less than a month!

Triangular plum because of its long flowering period, deeply loved by flower friends, now pick a few sturdy old branches to cut, you can enjoy the flowers in less than a month!

Photo by: roseyyp77

1. Prepare a coconut brick, soak it in clean water, grip the water with your hand, then mix in half a packet of carbendazim and half a packet of rooting powder and stir well.

two。 Cut off the sturdy old branches of Prunus mume, soak the lower end of the branches in potassium permanganate solution for 1 hour, disinfect, if it is a tender branch, you can leave more leaves to facilitate the storage of nutrients.

3. Pour the soil into a disposable cup, then insert the lower end of the triangular plum branch into the soil. And put all the disposable cups in the storage box. Spray it inside, put it in a bright and ventilated place, and close the lid.

4. Open the lid for ventilation twice a day and it is normal to see that the leaves are firm and there are water droplets on the wall of the box. If the leaves are wilting, they will spray some water when they are short of water, but if the leaves are wet and dripping, there is too much water, so don't spray water for the time being.

5. About half a month, triangulated plum can grow white and strong roots.

6. After growing roots, gradually increase the time to open the cover, so that the seedlings gradually adapt to the external environment.

About 7.1-2 weeks, the cuttings can adapt to the external environment, you can bask in the sun, pour some rotten rice water every month, and you will soon be able to see flowers.

8. If you want the triangular plum to blossom densely, you need to pick the heart frequently, so it is easy to form a sturdy plant shape, and the triangular plum can easily blossom into a bouquet!

Longevity flowers are now cut, and the pot will be full after 3 months!

Longevity really, casually inserted into the soil can live, maintenance and then a little snack, then two or three months can enjoy the flowers!

1. Cut off the healthy longevity flower branches, if you want to enjoy the flowers early, cut the branches a little longer, and put the cut branches in an astigmatic and ventilated place to dry.

two。 Mix rotten leaf soil and perlite at 3:1, or mix peat soil or garden soil with a little river sand. No matter what kind of soil, be sure to expose yourself to the sun for a day or two and be permeated with water and air.

3. Spray the soil wet, insert the longevity flower branches, put them in a cool and ventilated place, and the branches will take root in about a week!

4. After taking root, the pot will be watered when it is lighter. Usually, if you bask in the sun, the longevity flowers will grow very quickly.

5. Now the longevity of cutting can not be topped first, pour some Huaduoduo No. 1 or compound fertilizer with water every week, spray some potassium dihydrogen phosphate to the leaves every month, it will not be long before you can enjoy the flowers!

6. If you want to bloom a little more, the plant shape is more plump, you can give longevity flowers more pinching, this will hold out a lot of lateral buds, longevity will bloom into balls.

The crab claw orchid is now cut and blossoms 3 months later!

Crab claw orchid is a common flower in autumn and winter. Take advantage of the suitable temperature, cut a few pots quickly, or don't be greedy when someone else blossoms.

1. With sharp scissors, cut off the top 2-3 sections of the crab claw orchid branch. after cutting off, leave it in a ventilated place to dry for 1-2 days.

two。 Pine needle soil, perlite, vermiculite, according to the proportion of 3:1:1, stir evenly, you can also use pure pine needle soil, soil exposure disinfection in advance, with a fine nozzle spray can spray water, to achieve a semi-humid state.

3. Prepare some rooting powder and dip the bottom of the branches of crab claw orchid with rooting powder, which can improve the survival rate of crab claw orchid and take root faster.

4. Poke a hole in the soil with tweezers, then put the bottom of the crab claw orchid branch into the hole, compacted slightly and watered thoroughly.

5. Put the cuttings of crab claw orchid in a cool place, spray water on the leaves twice a day, do not need to water thoroughly, and then water thoroughly after half a month.

6. After the crab claw orchid grows root, bask in the sun more, sprinkle a layer of bone powder to the basin surface every month, the basin face turns white and pour water thoroughly, soon, the crab claw orchid will grow into a big pot crazily, bloom beautiful flowers.

The fragrant vine is cut in this way, one by one!

Recently, the fragrant vines are in full bloom, and one by one the palm-sized flowers are particularly gratifying. If you also like it and want to plant it, you can pinch a few branches and cut them according to the method below to keep them alive.

The following picture author: darts

1. Cut off the fragrant vine that year, semi-lignified branches, the general branch to retain 2 nodes, the length of about 15 cm.

two。 Insert the lower end of the branches of the fragrant vine into a glass bottle filled with water, lure the root, put it in a place with astigmatism and ventilation, and change the water frequently to ensure that the water quality is clean.

3. Soon, the fragrant vine will be able to grow the roots of white flowers!

4. Wait for the root system to grow to about 2 cm in length, you can transplant the fragrant vine to the peat soil for normal maintenance, and soon the fragrant vine will grow new leaves and climb the vine crazily!

4. The fragrant vine grows better and better in the sun, so let it bask in the sun in autumn and sprinkle a few grains of compound fertilizer every month.

5. The fragrant vine is a climbing vine flower, which can be pulled by a bracket to make a fence, porch and flower wall, not to mention how beautiful it is when it blossoms!

All right, let's introduce these to the flower friends today.

If you know anything else, it is easy to cut and blossom quickly.

Hurry up and leave a message to Huahua in the lower right corner.

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