
How does planting lotus root prevent disease?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How does planting lotus root prevent disease? Lotus root is a kind of high-yield and high-efficiency aquatic cash crop, which is a vegetable variety eaten by the people. It is widely cultivated in various places. With the adjustment of industrial structure in various places, its cultivation area has been expanding continuously. In recent years, the occurrence of lotus disease has become increasingly serious, has been...

How to control diseases by planting lotus root? With those skills, lotus root is a kind of aquatic cash crop with high yield and high efficiency, and it is a vegetable variety eaten by the people. It is widely cultivated in various places. With the adjustment of local industrial structure, its cultivated area has a tendency to expand continuously. In recent years, the disease of lotus root is becoming more and more serious, which has become a major obstacle to the development of lotus root production. 1. Common diseases of lotus root. Lotus root rot disease is also known as black root disease and lotus root plague. It is the first major disease in lotus root production, which is easy to occur in the old lotus root field and continuous cropping field with shallow tillage layer and shallow water, which affects the lotus root and reduces the yield. It is a disease of lotus root caused by corm-like bacteria, which mainly harms underground stems, aboveground leaves and leaves. The leaves of diseased stems are light green in color, brown and withered from the leaf edge, and the petiole finally withered. Most of the bacteria invaded from the wound, absorbing root or growing point, and the bacteria spread with running water irrigation. two。 The leaf blight of lotus root is the second most serious disease on lotus root, and the pathogen is the pathogenic fungus of monofilament. The main harm to the lotus leaf, the edge of the lotus leaf first appeared light yellow disease spot, and then gradually spread to the middle of the leaf, showing yellowish brown, and finally expanded from the mesophyll to the leaf vein, until the disease, the lotus root field fertility was insufficient, the disease was serious. 3. The leaf spot of lotus root mainly harms the leaves, and sometimes occurs on the petiole, which is caused by pathogenic fungi of the genus Cladosporium. Second, lotus root disease, integrated control 1. Practice 2-3 years of crop rotation. In particular, flood-drought rotation plays an important role in reducing diseases. two。 Selecting disease-free lotus root and planting all kinds of lotus root carrier is the main bacterial source of rot disease. To prevent the disease, the key is to select healthy plant from disease-free lotus root field and put an end to the bacterial source. Before planting lotus root, seed lotus root is sprayed with 50% carbendazim or methyl thiophanate 800 times solution, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times solution is sprayed, sealed with plastic film for 24 hours, and then dried and sown. 3. Remove the diseased plant thoroughly remove the diseased plant and residual body of the diseased lotus root field, and bury it deeply or burn it centrally. Before planting, 50-100 kg of quicklime is applied per mu, which can not only sterilize and clean the countryside, but also accelerate the decomposition of organic fertilizer. 4. Reasonable fertilization base fertilizer should be based on organic fertilizer, fertilizer must be fully mature. In the soil with heavy acidity and strong reducibility, lime should be re-applied, and lime should be applied early and more. During the growth period, attention should be paid to the combined application of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer, silicon fertilizer should be added where possible, boron, zinc, molybdenum and other micro-fertilizers should be advocated, and chemical nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied to improve plant disease resistance. 5. Scientific management of deep-water irrigation during the period of aquatic diseases, reducing ground temperature and inhibiting the reproduction of bacteria. Keep the lotus root field soaked in deep water every day, do not drain the water or turn to the sun in winter. Non-reserved fields all cut down lotus stalks and plough or dig lotus roots after picking lotus seeds, and it is best to plant winter crops for a season. Those who do not grow winter crops should also plough, irrigate and soak the fields to reduce the carrying of bacteria in the soil and diseased bodies. 6. Timely use of medicine for prevention and treatment. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder was sprayed with 50% carbendazim wettable powder, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder was sprayed with 50% carbendazim wettable powder or 50% carbendazim wettable powder plus 75% chlorothalonil. You can also use 500g of the above mixed powder to mix 25-30kg of fine soil and sprinkle it under the shallow water layer after being stuffed for 3-4 hours. After 2-3 days, you can use the 600x liquid of the above mixture or the 800x liquid of 70% methyl topazine, or carbendazim 200x solution mixed with 4000 times of the liquid, spraying the leaf surface or petiole for 2-3 times, which can effectively reduce or control the spread of the disease. Click to see more lotus root planting techniques click to see more vegetable planting techniques