
How to raise Dishui Guanyin? Take a good look at these four points. The branches and leaves grow more and more luxuriantly.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Dripping Guanyin is very common, domestic green potted plants, but because it is a tropical plant, it generally does not blossom in the north, but if the temperature and other conditions at home are suitable, it will also blossom.

Dripping Guanyin is very common, domestic green potted plants, but because it is a tropical plant, it usually does not blossom in the north, but if the temperature and other conditions at home are suitable, it will also blossom. Today, we mainly talk about the daily maintenance of Dishui Guanyin. Let's take a look at it.

First, the requirements for soil, although dripping Guanyin's requirements for soil are not very high, we have tried ordinary pastoral soil, nutritious soil and pure sandy soil, and found that dripping Guanyin with pastoral soil grows slowly and is thin. And feel malnourished.

But the dripping Guanyin raised with pure sand soil rose well during the seedling period, but the later effect was not good. Dripping Guanyin is relatively low. The dripping Guanyin boat cultivated by nutritious soil has large leaves and grows very fast. What kind of flowerpot do you use for the second point? If a friend who grows flowers wants a small potted plant, there is nothing wrong with raising dripping Guanyin in a small pot.

And dripping Guanyin will not grow very big because of its limited roots, but if there is no hope that dripping Guanyin will grow big and put it in the living room as a big green and white, then you must choose a larger flowerpot. According to experience, the bigger the pot, the stronger and better it will grow.

The third favorite environment, dripping Guanyin, likes the semi-overcast environment, but some flowers, some dripping Guanyin, directly in the yard, grow very well, here flowers, can explain why other people's words, in a certain environment can grow very well, the plant itself has a process of adaptation to the external environment. Although Dishui Guanyin likes the semi-overcast environment, it will adapt to other environments in order to survive, but it takes a process.

The fourth watering method, most plants grow fastest under slightly moist soil, small basin dripping Guanyin basin, the soil can be watered when dry, to ensure that water can flow out from the bottom of the basin, large basin deep basin soil surface is dry, you can dig up the surface of the soil, look at the color, if the soil below is wet or wet, you do not need watering, generally speaking, deep drainage, half a month There is no problem without watering for a month. Do you remember all the above points? You can follow the message!