
Why is the leek dead?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to fertilize leek? Should pay attention to what leek fertilizer demand is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, with the right amount of phosphorus, potassium fertilizer. Only when the nitrogen fertilizer is sufficient, the leaves can be fat and tender, and the nitrogen absorption is higher than that of other vegetables, but too much nitrogen is easy to cause leek lodging. The application of potassium fertilizer can promote cell division and swelling.

Why is the leek dead? How to prevent and cure the dead leek plant can be controlled by the following methods: 1. Pay attention to timely drainage in the rainy season. Avoid watering with industrial waste water. Spray no-deep tillage before sowing or every spring and summer to loosen the soil layer at a depth of 30cm to 50cm, reduce stagnant water in the field after rain and reduce humidity. two。 The methods for preventing and controlling blight and wilt are as follows: to carry out crop rotation for more than 2 to 3 years; to select plots with high dryness, flatness, easy drainage after rain, and not easy to accumulate water; to keep seeds in disease-free areas, seeds can be mixed with 0.3% of 25% pyrex; different leek varieties have certain differences in disease resistance, at present, the use of Hanzhong winter leek is more resistant to disease. Increase the application of organic fertilizer in the field, harvest properly, strengthen management, promote plant robust growth and improve disease resistance; appropriate irrigation, timely drainage after rain, reduce field humidity; remove diseased seedlings during transplanting, pay attention to root maintenance, and avoid disease conditions; before summer rainfall, timely remove the lower yellow, old and diseased leaves, gather up the green leaves and bind them with grass to prevent leek leaves from touching the ground and improving ventilation conditions. The protected land should strengthen ventilation and reduce humidity, avoid the application of a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and spray natural brassine-Shuofeng 481 every 20 days for a total of 4 times, so as to improve the disease resistance of the plant. It can be used at the beginning of the disease: DuPont Kelu 600 × 750 times liquid; or DuPont Yibao 1000 times liquid; or Yikuanjing 2000 times liquid; or Fuxing 8000 times liquid, the above drugs are used alternately, once every 7 to 10 days, 2 times for 3 times. The above-mentioned medicine can also be used to fill the root, 250 grams per pier. 3. 4000-fold solution of agricultural streptomycin was used to control soft rot and other bacterial diseases, or 47% plus Ruinong 800-fold solution. Other agricultural measures are the same as the control of fungal diseases. 4. The method to control leek maggots is that the application of organic fertilizer should be fully mature and reduce the trapping of adults. When fertilizing, it is necessary to apply evenly and deeply, separate the seeds from the fertilizer, cover the fertilizer with a layer of poisonous soil or mix a small amount of pesticides; in the land where the maggots have already occurred, frequently irrigate, if necessary, flood the maggots, inhibit the activity of the maggots, or drown some larvae to reduce the harm; turning the land in autumn can eliminate a large number of overwintering pupae and reduce the source of insects; in the peak period of adult occurrence, trapping is carried out. Dig 10 to 15 small pits per mu of land, spread plastic film in the pits, and fill them with booby traps. The trapping solution was prepared with sugar ∶ vinegar ∶ water according to the ratio of 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 15: 20, and then a small amount of trichlorfon was added. Remove the killed adults every morning and add trapping liquid in the evening; to control adults and newly hatched larvae, 2.5% trichlorfon powder can be used, 1.5 kg / mu, or 80% trichlorfon soluble powder 500 × 1000 times spray, once every 7 days, 2 times in a row. When maggot damage is found in the field, the following agents can be used: 1000 times of 80% trichlorfon soluble powder or 1500 times of 50% trichlorfon EC for ground spray or root irrigation to kill the larvae. Click for more leek planting techniques click to see more vegetable planting techniques