
High-yielding Spring sowing cultivation techniques of Black Maize covered with plastic Film

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Black corn is a new variety of corn introduced in recent years, and it is a precious health fruit and vegetable food. After two consecutive years of trial planting, a yield of 667 m 2 with a yield of 400 kg and 500 kg was obtained. Black corn plant height 120 cm, growth period 90 days, German length 12-t 5 cm, ear weight 150 grams, suitable for fresh corn cob sale, can also be.

Black corn is a new variety of corn introduced in recent years, and it is a precious health fruit and vegetable food. After two consecutive years of trial planting, a yield of 667 m 2 with a yield of 400 kg and 500 kg was obtained. Black corn plant height 120 cm, growth period 90 days, German length 12-t 5 cm, single ear weight 150 grams, suitable for fresh corn cob sale, can also collect corn kernels for black food. The value of planting black corn is very high, generally sowing from late March, to the middle of June at a wrong time, the economic benefit is considerable. The soil conditions and fertilization techniques required by black corn are suitable for all kinds of soil planting. Black corn needs to be covered with plastic film in early spring to increase soil temperature and promote its normal growth. Summer is in rainy season. Planting plots should pay attention to digging drainage ditches. Because of the present soil fertility, there is a lot of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium deficiency. Phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen should be added to the base fertilizer. Because of its short growth period, short plant shape and rapid ontogeny, black corn is suitable for one-time application of sufficient base fertilizer, which requires 667 m 2 application of diammonium phosphate 50 kg, potassium sulfate 25 kg, all-element compound fertilizer 10 kg or urea 20 kg, calcium superphosphate 50 kg. The cultivation techniques of plastic film mulching for high yield are as follows: first, sowing according to the preparation of the plot, sowing at a wrong time from late March to early April, with a period of 15 to 20 days, such as sowing after wheat harvest, it is necessary to make soil moisture about 7 days before wheat harvest, so that black corn can sow with sufficient moisture and sow directly on demand, because the plant type of black corn is short and compact, and it is resistant to lodging and stress. When sowing, we must increase the density, leave two plants in each hole, sow seeds in large and small rows, 667 meters 2 sowing 3500ml 4000 holes, the suitable row spacing of plants (holes) is 25cm x 90cm 50cm, such as equal row spacing, the suitable row spacing of plants (holes) is 22rel 25cm x 75cm 50cm. Second, the plastic film should be selected according to the row spacing of the planting, and the plastic film should be covered immediately after sowing, and the plastic film should be straightened and leveled. Strong in the middle and around with clods and soil caps. Take precautions against the wind to blow up the mulch and lose the role of covering the film. after that, often check the mulch. If you find that it is rimmed or damaged, you should cover it immediately. Third, field management technology 1. The key to the management of seedling stage is to protect the whole seedling, complete seedling, uniform seedling and strong seedling. For some seedlings that can not arch out of the plastic film, it is necessary to break the plastic film artificially to help them provide the plastic film. For some black corn that is short of seedlings and broken ridges, it is necessary to check and replant seedlings, and for some young and weak seedlings, time seedlings and fixed seedlings should be carried out. The seedling time should be 2-3 leaves. two。 The key of mid-term management is to strive for large panicle and more grains, and the key of late management is to increase grain weight and increase yield. For the main objectives of management, some lack of fertilizer seedlings, due to time, seedling, topdressing, diammonium phosphate 15 kg, potassium sulfate 5 kg. 3. Water management plastic film corn sown in early spring, generally can go to the small thorn mouth period, according to atmospheric conditions, to determine whether watering; summer sowing corn, generally about half a month watering, it should be noted that the water should be fully watered, thoroughly, do not retain water, especially in early spring should be paid more attention. 4. Removal of ineffective tillering black corn has the characteristics of tillering of the main stem, so all the tillers produced by the main stem are removed and only the main stem is left.