
Matters needing attention when raising ducklings

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Matters needing attention when raising ducklings

In rural areas, almost five households will have one household to raise ducks. The breeding method of ducks is relatively simple and the value is relatively high, so many people are carrying out large-scale breeding. Although the benefits of duck eggs may be relatively low, but its main economic source is duck meat itself, duck meat must have been eaten, the market price of duck meat is not low, so its prospects are still very large. So when raising ducks, especially ducklings, what should we pay attention to? Let's take a look together!

1. Temperature

The physiological systems of the ducklings are not fully developed, so the ducklings are very weak within a month after hatching. Make sure the temperature is warm around you. The temperature difference between day and night in duck house should not exceed 3 degrees. In the first week after ducklings break shell, the temperature should be controlled at about 30 degrees, and then gradually reduce the temperature with the increase of age until the temperature is controlled at about 16 degrees after one month.

2. Drinking water

Within a day after the ducklings break their shells, all the ducklings should be allowed to drink for the first time. It is best to add a little potassium permanganate to the water in order to smooth the intestines and stomach of the ducklings. If the ducklings have been transported for a long time in purchased species, appropriate sucrose should be added to the water, and the water temperature should be controlled to be consistent with room temperature. After two days of age, add appropriate amount of fast supplement to the water to enhance the resistance of ducklings and not interrupt the drinking water of ducklings.

3. Feed

Feed can be fed 1-2 hours after the ducklings drink for the first time. The feed can be mixed with the rest of the rice grains and put in. Too much can not be put in one time to prevent the ducklings from eating too much and causing abdominal distension and indigestion. The principle of "feeding more in small quantities" should be adopted, and the feed composition can be gradually changed after two days of growth. Increase protein and other substances, according to the age of ducklings and gradually reduce the number of feed feeding.

4. Light

Ducklings need a lot of light, so we need to keep enough light in the process of managing ducklings. Sufficient light is very helpful to the feeding and drinking of ducklings, which can promote the growth of ducklings and enhance resistance. According to the age of ducklings, the lighting time should not be less than 10 hours per day for ducklings within 0.5-1.5 months.

5. Density

Do not put all ducklings in the same cage for feeding, according to the growth of ducklings, body size and other factors will be raised separately. Control breeding density, density too dense will affect the growth of all ducklings, there are pecking, fighting and so on. The breeding density should be adjusted appropriately according to the growth age of ducklings and weather changes. For example, when the weather is too cold, the appropriate encryption, increase the duck house temperature to prevent cold.

The above five points are the things we should pay attention to when breeding ducklings. The management of ducklings is very important, because it will directly determine the survival rate in the later period. The ducklings are managed in place, the resistance and disease resistance of ducks are enhanced, the morbidity of adult ducks in the later stage can be reduced, and the economic benefit of breeding is improved. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to be helpful to everyone.