
The improved method of planting Spring Maize

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Fresh corn is generally divided into sweet corn and waxy corn, which has unique flavor, rich nutrition, large market capacity, high yield and good benefit. The cultivation of spring corn is about 90 days from sowing to fresh ear harvest, which does not affect the planting of late hybrid rice. Planting fresh corn in spring should mainly grasp the following items: first of all, it should be selected.

Select good varieties: to plant spring corn, we should choose varieties with a growth period of more than 112 days, developed roots, compact plant type, strong leaves, strong growth and strong stress resistance. Before sowing, seeds should be carefully selected, small, diseased and blighted seeds should be removed and dried for 2 days, so as to enhance the water absorption capacity of seeds, early emergence and improve the uniformity of seedlings. Choose coated seeds: when buying seeds, it is best to choose coated seeds. If the seeds are not coated, you can use 50 grams of methyl mixed with phosphorus plus one must be mixed with 20 kilograms of corn seeds, in order to control underground pests and make the seedlings unearthed as soon as possible. Choose the best sowing time: the sowing date of spring corn should be determined according to soil moisture. After the reserved spring land is ploughed in autumn and irrigated in winter, the soil moisture should be raked and rolled in early spring, and the general sowing time is from late April to early May. Increase fertilizer application: fine soil preparation before sowing, increase phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, adjust the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soil, generally 1 ∶ 0.7 ∶ 0.5 is suitable. For middle-class plots with a yield of 600 kg of corn per mu, 20 kg of diammonium, 25 kg of urea and 15 kg of potassium sulfate should be applied per mu. When sowing, 70% of the nitrogen fertilizer and all phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were applied as the base fertilizer at one time, and the other 30% of the nitrogen fertilizer was applied 15 cm to the root when the plant grew to 10 leaves. Sowing technology: where there are conditions, machine sowing or double sowing should be advocated, the sowing rate is 2 kg / mu, seeds and fertilizers should be sowed respectively. Pay attention to the fertilizer should be applied at the bottom of the seed 3mur4cm, this can not only prevent burning seedlings, but also promote the root system of seedlings. Unconditionally, small ploughs can be used to dig ditches and sow seeds by hand, with a sowing rate of 2.5kg / mu. With a good grasp of the above measures, we will set up a high-yield shelf and get an ideal corn yield after autumn.