
Beware of wheat sheath blight in spring

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Wheat sheath blight is a kind of fungal disease which is mainly transmitted by soil. With the improvement of the level of yield, the harm of the popularization of high-yield varieties and the management of wheat field with large water and fertilizer is becoming more and more serious. After wheat sowing, if the germ is infected during germination, the coleoptile becomes brown, it will rot and die; the diseased plant will be clear after jointing.

Wheat sheath blight is a kind of fungal disease which is mainly transmitted by soil. With the improvement of the level of yield, the harm of the popularization of high-yield varieties and the management of wheat field with large water and fertilizer is becoming more and more serious. After sowing, if the wheat is infected by germs, the coleoptile turns brown, the weight will rot and die; after jointing, the diseased plant rate increases obviously, the wheat disease develops rapidly at booting and heading stage, the diseased plant rate reaches the peak at flowering and filling stage, and the disease spot expands, it connects with each other into typical moire spots, and later invades the stem to cause rotting stem, even forming withered and white spike, less fruiting and thin grain. Agricultural control and timely control of weeds can reduce field humidity, improve field ventilation and light transmission conditions, carry out formula fertilization, topdressing at jointing stage, and combined topdressing of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, which can effectively improve plant disease resistance and avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer. so as not to cause late ripening of wheat seedlings and aggravate the disease. The chemical control of wheat sheath blight should focus on seed treatment, and the seriously diseased fields should be supplemented by relay spraying in early spring. 1. Prevention and control in spring: according to the condition of the investigation, early spraying should be carried out to prevent the disease. During the starting period of wheat, if the rate of diseased plants in the field is 15% to 20%, 12.5% WP (20g / mu) or 15% triadimefon WP (50g / mu) or 150ml / mu of Jinggangmycin water (150ml / mu) should be sprayed on the middle and lower parts of wheat plants with water of 50kg / mu and 75kg / mu, and then sprayed once every 7 days and 3 times in succession. Spray 15% triadimefon wettable powder 50 grams / mu with 60 kg water at booting stage. If diseases and insect pests occur at the same time, the mixed use of pesticides such as wheat aphid and wheat spider can be used to achieve the purpose of simultaneous treatment. two。 If sheath blight occurs early and seriously in autumn seedling stage, and there are more Rain Water in spring, when the disease is likely to occur, the control index should be controlled strictly and the control time should be advanced appropriately.