
How to manage strawberries for high yield?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to manage strawberries for high yield? Please guide if you want high yield of strawberry, you can refer to the following strawberry planting techniques: 1, uncover film and refine seedlings. The mulch began to be removed when the average temperature was about 10 ℃, and all was removed in the middle and last ten days of March. Before removing it, we must do a good job in refining seedlings. 2. Ploughing and regulating soil moisture. Medium.

How to manage strawberries for high yield? Please guide if you want high yield of strawberry, you can refer to the following strawberry planting techniques: 1, uncover film and refine seedlings. The mulch began to be removed when the average temperature was about 10 ℃, and all was removed in the middle and last ten days of March. Before removing it, we must do a good job in refining seedlings. 2. Ploughing and regulating soil moisture. Shallow hoeing should be carried out in mid-ploughing to avoid damaging the root system and preventing soil clods from crushing the seedlings, and clearing ditches and regulating soil moisture to prevent waterlogging damage. 3. Cut off the old leaves. After strawberries begin to grow, the withered old leaves and diseased leaves should be cut off in time, and should be taken out of the field and concentrated to compost, so as to reduce the source of bacteria. 4. Topdressing in time. In the middle and last ten days of March, it is necessary to apply urea 10kg / mu or compound fertilizer 20kg / mu in combination with watering. In mid-April, we should use 10kg / mu of urea and 10kg / mu of compound fertilizer before flowering and fruiting. In addition, foliar spraying 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution for 3 times during flowering and fruiting period has a good effect on improving yield and quality. 5. Rational irrigation. It is necessary not only to meet the physiological water needs of strawberries, but also to strictly prevent stains. Generally before budding, fruit expansion and ripening period, each irrigation should be appropriate, do not flood irrigation. 6. Thinning flowers and buds. The thin buds of strawberries should be removed after budding, so as to reduce the consumption of nutrients, concentrate the supply of nutrients to the buds that open first, and promote the fruit to be large, neat, early ripening and good quality. Generally, when the buds on the inflorescence are separated from each other and are easy to be removed, 20% to 25% of the late weak buds are removed. 7. Prevention and control of diseases and pests. For fungal diseases such as leaf spot, gray mold, Verticillium wilt, bud blight, powdery mildew and so on, Bordeaux solution, methyl thiophanate and carbendazim can be used in early spring, especially after the disease occurs, the disease should be controlled in the initial stage. Virus diseases are mainly transmitted by aphids, so it is necessary to prevent and control aphids. In addition, ground tigers, grubs, mole crickets and other underground pests can be irrigated and killed with phoxim solution of 1000-1500 times, and triclofenac and propargite can be used to kill red spiders. Note that the application of chemical pesticides is prohibited during fruit ripening. Click to get more strawberry planting techniques click to get more fruit planting techniques