
How to fertilize strawberries scientifically?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to fertilize strawberries scientifically? Please introduce that the fertilization of strawberries can be divided into base fertilizer and topdressing. The main results are as follows: (1) Base fertilizer: strawberry cultivation density is high, and it is not convenient to supplement fertilizer during the growing period. Base fertilizer had better be applied at one time and combined with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to meet the nutrients needed for the whole growth cycle of strawberry. Generally, 5000 kg of base fertilizer is applied per mu.

How to fertilize strawberries scientifically? Please introduce that the fertilization of strawberries can be divided into base fertilizer and topdressing. The main results are as follows: (1) Base fertilizer: strawberry cultivation density is high, and it is not convenient to supplement fertilizer during the growing period. Base fertilizer had better be applied at one time and combined with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to meet the nutrients needed for the whole growth cycle of strawberry. Generally, more than 5000 kg of base fertilizer is applied per mu. (2) topdressing: the nutrients needed for the growth, development, flowering and fruiting of strawberries are supplemented by topdressing available fertilizers. The amount and times of topdressing depend on soil fertility and plant growth, about 3-4 times in a year. The growth of strawberries in early spring mainly depends on the storage nutrition of the first year. However, the stage from sprouting to budding is needed, and topdressing should be combined with irrigation to promote the formation of early leaf area, which is beneficial to flowering and fruit setting. Usually, 7.5-10 kg of urea or 10 kg of compound fertilizer is applied per mu. When strawberries enter the flowering stage, topdressing should be carried out in order to meet the needs of plant growth, flowering and fruiting. The topdressing is mainly composed of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and the role of phosphorus is to promote root development and increase fruit yield. In the fruit expansion period, initial yield period and peak yield period, topdressing is mainly nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer. After fruit harvest, in order to supplement the nutrient loss caused by growth, topdressing should be carried out to restore the growth potential of the plant as soon as possible, promote the occurrence of stolon and new stem, promote flower bud differentiation and enhance the overwintering ability of the plant. This time, topdressing is generally indispensable and can be applied in shallow trenches. Click to get more strawberry planting techniques click to get more fruit planting techniques