
How should strawberry fields be fertilized?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How should strawberry fields be fertilized? Strawberries are perennial herbs that absorb a lot of nutrients from the soil. Strawberry fertilization should be based on base fertilizer, about 5000 kg farm manure per mu, and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium quick-acting fertilizers should be applied to meet the normal growth needs of plants. Nitrogen fertilizer promotes...

How to fertilize strawberry fields? Please instruct that strawberries are perennial herbs that absorb a lot of nutrients from the soil. Strawberry fertilizer should be based on base fertilizer, about 5000 kg of farm manure per mu, and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium quick-acting fertilizer should be applied to meet the needs of normal plant growth. The role of nitrogen fertilizer is to promote the formation of a large number of leaves and stolons, strengthen vegetative growth, increase fruit number and increase yield; phosphorus fertilizer can promote flower bud differentiation and increase fruit setting rate; potassium fertilizer mainly promotes fruit ripening, increases fruit sugar content and improves fruit quality. Therefore, in the case of insufficient amount of base fertilizer, we should timely supplement fertilizer according to each phenological phase of strawberries, and general topdressing should grasp the following periods: pre-anthesis fertilizer. After the strawberries began to grow in early spring and before flowering (about mid-March), it was carried out to meet the various nutritional needs of flowering. Apply 10 kg of urea and 25 kg of phosphate fertilizer per mu, ploughing and irrigation after fertilization. Fat after fruit. After a large number of strawberry fruit, there is a lack of nutrients in the plant. In order to restore plant growth as soon as possible, form more new leaves and new roots, and create conditions for flower bud differentiation in autumn, potassium fertilizer should be properly increased this time. Each mu can apply urea and ammonium sulfate 10kg, phosphate fertilizer 15kg, potassium chloride 7.5kg. Pregnant flower fat. This time it was carried out before the flower bud differentiation of strawberry, which played a guarantee role in the normal growth and flower bud differentiation of strawberry plant. Mainly apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, combined with a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer. In addition, strawberries can also be fertilized outside the root (that is, foliar fertilizer). According to the growth of strawberries, urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, borax, magnesium sulfate and other fertilizers can be selected to spray nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and some trace elements on the leaves of strawberries from budding to the end of flowering, generally 2 to 3 times, and the spraying time should be carried out in the evening of cloudy or sunny days, because the hot noon evaporation is large, strawberries are easy to cause fertilizer damage. The results showed that spraying 0.3% urea solution during flower bud differentiation and flowering and fruit setting stage of strawberry could increase the yield by 10% to 20%. Click to get more strawberry planting techniques click to get more fruit planting techniques