
How to cultivate summer radish out of season?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to cultivate pollution-free radish? Please introduce the cultivation of pollution-free radish can refer to the following planting techniques: selecting land to sow pollution-free radish should not be around the seriously polluted industrial plant, and the source of irrigation water should not be polluted. Radish has wide adaptability to soil.

How to cultivate summer radish out of season? Radish is a vegetable that the broad masses of people like to eat very much. In the past, radish was only cultivated in autumn, which could not meet the people's annual demand for radish. In recent years, according to the exploration of off-season cultivation of radish, combined with the successful experience of vegetable farmers, the off-season cultivation techniques of summer radish are introduced as follows. 1. High-quality varieties with strong heat tolerance and disease resistance should be selected for out-of-season summer radish. Such as Xia Changbai 2, Dongfang Huimei, Xia Meinong Zaosheng 3, Xia Kang 40 days and other varieties. 2. For the soil selection and fertilization to plant radish, it is appropriate to choose the sandy loam with rich humus, deep soil layer and good drainage. The former stubble is better with more fertilization, less fertilizer consumption and a large amount of fertilizer left in the soil, such as early cowpea, cucumber land and so on. Deep ploughing, ploughing and harrowing, sun exposure and deep ploughing, combined with deep ploughing before sowing, 3000 kg of fully mature organic fertilizer, 100kg of plant ash, 25kg of calcium superphosphate, ploughed into the soil, dried and ploughed into the soil, or 2000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer and more than 20 kg of compound fertilizer. Third, sowing summer radish at the right time is the suitable sowing time in Huang-Huai-Hai region, usually in the first and middle of April, sowing prematurely, and the disease is serious when the radish expands. Ridging cultivation, ridge spacing 80 cm, height 15 cm 20 cm, double rows per ridge, plant spacing 20 cm × (20 cm 25) cm, more than 26000 plants per mu. Generally, there are 2 seeds per hole, and the seedlings are fixed in time at 5-7 leaves. When sowing, seeds must be mixed with medicine soil (such as trichlorfon, phoxim, etc.) or medicament to prevent underground pests, and 40% pentachloronitrobenzene 1.5 kg per mu is applied to control fungal diseases. In addition to covering the soil after sowing, it should also be covered to maintain moisture and ensure the emergence of seedlings quickly and neatly, and can also prevent Rain Water from hardening the soil and hindering seedling emergence. The mulch can be covered with wheat straw and ash fertilizer, and the thickness of the covered soil after sowing is about 2 cm, which should not exceed 3 cm. At the same time, it is covered with a sunshade net to keep the field wet without stains. Fourth, the field management checked and replenished the seeds in time after sowing, and black rot and soft rot were found in the middle and later stages. At the initial stage, 10 million units of agricultural streptomycin or 500 times of DTM fungicide were sprayed. In addition, we should also pay attention to the prevention of aphids, found mosaic virus disease, with virus K or plant disease control. The summer is hot, the sunshine is strong, and the fields are generally dry, so special attention should be paid to reasonable watering. In the germination stage, it is necessary to fully water the seeds, and the soil water content should be more than 80% to ensure that the seedlings emerge quickly and neatly; in the seedling stage, the soil water content should be 60%, and the principle of less watering and frequent watering should be mastered; in the peak leaf growth period (from breaking white to bare shoulders), appropriate amount of irrigation should be given, but not too much watering. During the peak period of root growth, special attention should be paid to adequate and uniform water supply, with soil moisture 70%-80% and air humidity 80%-90%. If the water supply is uneven, it is easy to cause cracking. Watering summer radish is not allowed to be watered at noon, it is best to water it in the evening. In principle, the topdressing period focuses on applying nitrogen fertilizer before the turnip expansion period, and nitrogen fertilizer can be used to avoid excessive concentration or too close to the root, so as not to burn the root; the concentration of human feces and urine is too large, which will harden the root, and generally should be flushed with water when watering. Human dung, urine and nitrogen fertilizer are applied too late, or unfermented and mature human feces and urine will make the fleshy root black hoop, poor quality, or rupture, or bitter taste. Fifth, when the harvest growth period reaches about 50 days, it can be listed in batches. Click for more radish planting techniques click to get more vegetable planting techniques