
How to grow cherry radish?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to grow cherry radish? Please guide that cherry radish is a small radish. It is a variety introduced from abroad, with the characteristics of delicate texture, rapid growth, beautiful color and so on. Not only welcomed by producers and consumers, but also to meet the special needs of hotels and restaurants, become a delicacy on the table, with edible methods.

How to grow cherries? please guide Cherry radish is a small radish. It is an imported variety with delicate texture, rapid growth and beautiful color. It is not only popular with producers and consumers, but also meets the special needs of hotels and restaurants, becoming a delicacy on the table. It can be eaten raw, fried, submerged and garnish with eating methods. It has become a new type of vegetable with quick effect and high effect. biological characteristics (1) Botanical characteristics Cherry radish root is shorter, the main root is 20 cm deep, its fleshy root has round, oval, skin color has red, white and red under white three colors, meat color is mostly white. Single root weight is very small, about ten grams to dozens of grams, leaves in the vegetative growth period from born on short stem, leaf shape has plate leaves and flowers, leaf color has light green and dark green, petiole and vein are mostly green, individual purple, leaves, petioles have hair. The seed is oblate, testa color has dark brown and light yellow. (2) Requirements for environmental conditions Cherry radish is a semi-cold-resistant vegetable. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 15 ~ 25 ℃, and the optimum temperature for seed growth is about 20℃. The accumulation of organic matter decreases above 25℃, and the substances consumed by respiration increase. It grows slowly below 6℃ and easily passes through vernalization stage, resulting in immature bolting. The fleshy roots are liable to freeze injury below 0℃. The requirements for light are not strict, belonging to moderate light vegetables, but in the leaf growth period and fleshy root growth period, sufficient light is conducive to photosynthesis. The adaptability to the soil is wide, because the fleshy root is short, the soil requirements are not too strict, but it grows and develops well on the sandy soil with good water conservation and drainage; on the contrary, if the soil moisture is insufficient, the fibrous root of the fleshy root will increase, the skin is rough, the taste is spicy, and the hollow phenomenon will occur. Under drought or high temperature conditions, it is easy to cause diseases and insect pests. (3) Growth and development cycle The vegetative growth and development cycle of cherry radish is roughly divided into the following three stages: 1. germination stage It takes about 3 - 5 days from seed germination to the first true leaf unfolding. 2. seedling stage It takes about 10 days for the true leaves to develop to form 5~7 true leaves and the roots to break. After the true leaves unfolded, the young plants entered the "delactation stage" and gradually changed from relying on nutrients in seeds to relying on photosynthesis. 3. It takes about 15 days for the fleshy root to form from the belly breaking stage to the fleshy root formation stage. II. Variety selection There are several varieties commonly used at present as follows. 1. The 20th day was introduced from Japan. The fleshy root is round, 2 - 3 cm in diameter, and weighs 15 - 20 grams per root. The root bark is red, the flesh color is white, the growth period is short for 25~30 days, the adaptability is strong, likes the mild climate, the heat intolerance, the appearance is beautiful. 2. The 40th day was introduced from Japan. The fleshy root is round, about 2~3 cm in diameter, white in flesh, red in root bark, 15~20 g in single root weight, short and upright in plant height, 20~25 cm in plant height, strong in cold resistance and heat intolerance, with a growth period of 30~35 days. Third, the cultivation season and cultivation methods Cherry radish cultivation season in addition to summer, spring and autumn open field and winter protected land can be cultivated. Cultivation methods include open field cultivation and greenhouse, large, medium and small shed cultivation. But mainly spring and autumn open field cultivation. IV. Cultivation techniques (i) Soil preparation and bedding Cultivation plots should be deep turned, dried soil, leveled land, then spread 2000 kg of decomposed organic fertilizer, flat ridge, ridge width of 1 meter, or ridge height of 10 cm, ridge spacing of 10~15 cm. Before sowing, 7~10 kg of calcium superphosphate per mu shall be applied in the furrow or ridge. (ii) Sowing and management Cherry radish is generally drilled, row spacing 10 cm, plant spacing about 3 cm, sowing depth about 1.5 cm. The amount of seed used per mu is about 100 grams. When sowing in the open field in spring, due to the cold and windy climate, the sole water should be poured before sowing, and the fine soil should be covered with 2 cm after sowing to prevent soil hardening, reduce water evaporation, and increase soil temperature, which is conducive to seed germination and seedling emergence. Cherry radish because of short growth period, plant short, can be used as melon, solanaceous fruit early growth better intercropping varieties. For example, interplanting cherries and turnips in protected land between balls and vegetables in Beijing area has achieved good results. The field management of cherry radish is relatively simple, the temperature reaches 22~25℃ after sowing, and the seedlings emerge in about 2~3 days. When the cotyledons are unfolded, the seedlings are thinned once, leaving the seedlings with normal cotyledons, and the rest are thinned at the places where the seedlings are relatively dense. The seedlings should be fixed in time before the leaves grow to 3~4 leaves. Pay attention to soil moisture during growth, keep the field moist, not too dry or too wet, and water evenly. Generally can not topdressing, if the soil fertility is insufficient can be applied with water a small amount of quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer. During the growth period, it is necessary to cultivate and weed in time, especially in autumn cultivation. The early stage is in the high temperature and rainy season. Weeds grow vigorously. Weeds are removed and kept loose to prevent soil hardening. (iii) Harvest Cherry radish generally grows for 25~30 days, the fleshy root is beautiful and bright, and the diameter can be harvested one after another when it reaches 2 cm. Harvest in different cultivation seasons should pay attention to timely harvest, too early to affect yield, too late fiber increase, easy to produce cracked roots, chaff core, affect commodity characters. 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