
How do you grow high-quality white radish?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How are high-quality white radishes grown? Please introduce the selection of suitable soil. When planting white radish, non-cruciferous crops with less fertilizer consumption and no same diseases and insect pests should be selected as the previous crop, otherwise it is easy to cause diseases. Radish has a wide adaptability to sandy soil. In order to obtain high yield and high quality products, it is still necessary to use deep soil layer,...

How are high-quality white radishes grown? Please introduce the selection of suitable soil. When planting white radish, non-cruciferous crops with less fertilizer consumption and no same diseases and insect pests should be selected as the previous crop, otherwise it is easy to cause diseases. Radish has wide adaptability to sandy soil. In order to obtain high yield and high quality products, it is better to use sandy soil with deep soil layer, loose soil, good drainage and relatively fertile soil. Cultivated in suitable soil, fleshy root growth can be fully expanded, correct shape, smooth skin, beautiful color, only good commodity value. Sowing plots should be deeply ploughed. The plot is flat and the fertilization is uniform, so as to promote the increase of available nutrients and beneficial microorganisms in the soil, and it can loosen and ventilate, which is conducive to promoting the absorption of nutrients and water by the roots, so as to rapidly expand the leaf area and accelerate the expansion of fleshy roots. 75 kg ternary compound fertilizer can be applied per mu as base fertilizer. Then soil disinfection and sterilization and underground pest control. 600 times solution of 50% carbendazim or 800~1000 times solution of 70% thiophanate-methyl can be sprayed as bactericidal agent, and 800~1000 times solution of 48% lesben emulsifiable concentrate can be sprayed as insecticide. Sowing quality should be high. Radish seed quality has great influence on radish plant growth and yield. In order to make seedlings neat, seedlings complete, seedlings strong, should be selected seeds, only full, sound seeds, eliminate shriveled, broken, mildewed seeds. And its seeding quantity, want to decide according to seed quality, soil quality, climate and seeding method. Radish in autumn and winter is mostly used in on-demand or drilling. The seed quantity is determined according to the density of seedlings. The distance between seeding holes is 25~30 cm, and 4~5 seeds are planted in each hole. The seeds are scattered in the nest to avoid crowding after emergence and affecting the quality of seedlings. Click for more radish growing techniques Click for more vegetable growing techniques