
What is the principle of fertilizing strawberries?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What should the greenhouse strawberries pay attention to during the flowering and fruiting period? Please introduce the strawberry flower and fruit period to pay attention to the following points: first, after spraying gibberellin buckle shed heating, when the plant grows 1-2 young leaves, spray 10-20 × 10-6 gibberellin, each plant spray 5 ml solution, an interval of 1 week, according to the growth strength can be sprayed 2-3 times to promote growth and development. ...

What is the principle of strawberry fertilizer? please brief us on Strawberry is a fertile plant, the demand for fertilizer quantity varies with the growth period, but it should be mainly applied as a one-time base fertilizer. The quick-acting chemical fertilizer is applied in growing season to ensure normal growth and development of plants and obtain higher yield. The absorption of N and K fertilizer by strawberry is a little more than that of P fertilizer, but P fertilizer is easy to be fixed by soil and difficult to absorb, so P fertilizer should be higher than N and K fertilizer in fertilizer proportion. The base fertilizer is mainly high-quality organic fertilizer, and a small amount of quick-acting chemical fertilizer is applied. However, strawberry is a chlorine-free crop, and chlorine-containing chemical fertilizer cannot be used when applying chemical fertilizer. The fruiting period of greenhouse strawberries is as long as half a year. In order to obtain the best nutritional quality, keep not overgrown, not premature senescence, and keep high quality and high yield, the principle of appropriate nitrogen and phosphorus and potassium should be mastered in fertilization. 1. Base fertilizer In order to improve soil fertility and mature soil, the soil should be deeply ploughed 25-35 cm before strawberry planting, and 450-500 kg of commercial organic fertilizer or 3500-4000 kg of high-quality farm manure should be applied in combination with ploughing, urea 5-6 kg, diammonium phosphate 15-20 kg, potassium sulfate 5-6 kg. Second, topdressing in order to meet the needs of flowering for various nutrients, generally after the strawberry begins to grow to the flowering period, the mu is applied with 9-10 kg of urea and 4-6 kg of potassium sulfate; the berry expansion period topdressing: generally, the mu is applied with 11-13 kg of urea and 7-8 kg of potassium sulfate. Strawberry after a large number of fruit, plant nutrient deficiency, in order to restore plant growth as soon as possible, more new leaves and new roots, according to the need for topdressing. Third, the root topdressing can be based on strawberry growth conditions, the use of root topdressing (i.e. foliar fertilizer) method for auxiliary fertilization. Spraying 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 3-4 times or 0.3% borax on leaves before and after flowering could increase fruit setting rate, improve fruit quality and increase fruit weight. Spraying 0.2% calcium sulfate and 0.05% manganese sulfate at early and full flowering stage could improve yield and fruit storage performance. In addition, foliar fertilizer spraying should be selected in the cloudy or sunny evening, because the evaporation at noon is large, easy to cause strawberry fertilizer damage. Click for more strawberry growing techniques Click for more fruit growing techniques