
What should I pay attention to when growing strawberries?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What should I pay attention to when growing strawberries? Please guide to plant strawberries to pay attention to the following points: 1. Select strong seedlings and disease-free seedlings with strong growth and many fibrous roots. Generally speaking, the seedlings should have at least 4 leaves and the stem is about 1 cm thick. If you buy seedlings from far away, the big leaves on the periphery of the plant should be cut off during cultivation, leaving only.

What should I pay attention to when growing strawberries? Please guide to plant strawberries to pay attention to the following points: 1. Select strong seedlings and disease-free seedlings with strong growth and many fibrous roots. Generally speaking, the seedlings should have at least 4 leaves and the stem is about 1 cm thick. If the seedlings are purchased from far away, the big leaves on the periphery of the plants should be cut off, leaving only 3 leaflets in the middle, which can reduce the evaporation of water in the leaves and improve the survival rate. 2. The root system of strawberry is shallow, so it is necessary to cultivate strawberry on the sandy slope with loose soil slope, more organic matter, flat terrain, convenient irrigation and drainage and pH value of 5.5 ~ 6.5. Because strawberry has the characteristic of positive tolerance, it can be intercropped or interplanted with tall stalk crops or young fruit trees, so it is suitable for cultivation in the courtyard. About 15 days before strawberry planting, to prepare the soil, spray trifluralin herbicide, 200 grams per mu can be used. Then deep ploughing and soil preparation was carried out, with a deep ploughing of 30km and 40cm, combined with 4000 kg of high-quality agricultural fertilizer, 15 kg of diammonium phosphate and 10 kg of potassium sulfate per mu. Finally, the soil should be raked fine and flat, so as to lay the foundation for border or ridging. When making the border, the border is 10 meters long, 60 meters wide and 70 centimeters wide and 10 centimeters high. When ridging, the width of the ridge is 50ml 55cm, the height of the ridge is 15cm, and the width of the ridge is 20cm. 3. Timely planting in autumn can be carried out in mid-late August, because the temperature and humidity are more suitable, strawberries can grow and grow quickly after planting. When cultivated on flat beds, each row is planted in 2 rows, with a row spacing of 20 cm and a plant spacing of 1 cm, with about ten thousand plants per mu. Leave a 30cm aisle between the two beds. When planting in ridges, 2 rows were planted in each ridge, the row spacing was 20 cm, the plant spacing was 15 cm, and 9000 seedlings were planted per mu. Problems that should be paid attention to when planting: it is best to choose to plant seedlings in rainy days or sunny evenings, so that deep planting is not buried, shallow planting does not show roots, and the root neck of the seedlings is exactly flush with the ground. If buried too deep, it will press the growing point of the seedlings, easily rot the seedlings and reduce the survival rate; when the buried soil is too shallow, the seedlings are easy to dry up and die because of the exposed roots. When transplanting, dig a hole first, then put the seedlings into the pit to stretch their roots, and then fill and water them until the seedlings grow new leaves. 4. Post-planting management in order to make the seedlings grow and develop well after planting and promote the formation of flower buds, one is to get rid of the aged leaves and stolons on the plant in time; the second is to apply nitrogen fertilizer once in late September, 15 kg of ammonium nitrate per mu, and appropriate phosphate fertilizer; third, it is necessary to irrigate in time, ploughing once after each irrigation, in order to keep the soil loose and raise the soil temperature, which is conducive to the rooting of seedlings. 5. Disease control and insect control strawberries often suffer from gray mold, powdery mildew, leaf spot and red spiders in the process of growth and development. For the prevention and control of Botrytis cinerea, 0.3% lime-sulfur mixture can be sprayed at the initial stage of the disease; when controlling powdery mildew and leaf spot, methyl topiramate with 800x liquid or 800-l000 solution can be sprayed; when red spider damage occurs, 40% Zahua dimethoate emulsion can be sprayed 1200 times. Click to get more strawberry planting techniques click to get more fruit planting techniques