
Lily speed should prevent waterlogging for a long time.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The management before emergence from sowing to before and after emergence of lily is mainly to clear the ditch and drainage to ensure that the lily land is neither dry nor waterlogged, there is no low temperature freezing injury, and ensure the normal growth of bulb root system. Seedling stage management is generally in late April or early May this stage, when the seedling height of about 10 cm, the general mu of rotten.

The management before emergence from sowing to before and after emergence of lily is mainly to clear the ditch and drainage to ensure that the lily land is neither dry nor waterlogged, there is no low temperature freezing injury, and ensure the normal growth of bulb root system. Seedling management is generally in late April or early May this stage, when the seedling height of about 10 cm, generally apply 25-50 kg of rotten vegetable cake fertilizer, or 30 piculs of rotten pig manure and urine (not to apply chemical fertilizer containing fluorine and chlorine, not to mention pig manure urine that has not been piled up), strip application or hole application, 6-7 cm away from lily seedlings, too close to cause "rotten seedlings", too far, fertilizer is easy to lose. At the same time, according to the labor situation, the seedling stage should be ploughed one or two times in time, rain rear ploughing (must be shallow ploughing) if possible, with a depth of 4-6 cm, deep between rows and shallow between plants. Flower bud stage management is generally in late April or early June, this period of management is mainly in early May, combined with soil cultivation, carry out a mid-tillage, a depth of 6-7 cm, in order to promote more and deep roots and control the growth of aboveground stems. For the purpose of harvesting bulbs, the buds should be removed in time when the buds change color but do not bloom. At the same time, it should be noted that the picked buds should not be discarded in the field, but should be dealt with centrally to prevent leaving the source of bacteria. Fertilization at flower bud stage is mainly skillful application, generally according to the weather, soil quality, the amount of base fertilizer and seedling fertilizer, plant growth and appearance to determine the time, quantity and method of topdressing. The long-term management of bulb speed is generally from the end of May to mid-July, and some towns are extended to mid-and late August. 1. At this time is the flood season, it is necessary to prevent waterlogging in lily fields, timely clear ditches and drainage, choose a sunny day, remove the sick and disabled bodies, and concentrate on burning or deep burial. two。 According to the weeds and soil consolidation in the field, a shallow ploughing with a depth of 3-5 cm was carried out after the buds were removed. 3. At this stage, the root absorption capacity is relatively weakened, in order to supplement the deficiency of root nutrient absorption, extra-root topdressing can be carried out, which has a certain effect on preventing premature senescence and improving the yield and quality of bulbs. Can spray urea 300 times aqueous solution or potassium dihydrogen phosphate 300-500 times aqueous solution, or spray water with 10-15 ml Le Wanjia water agent, use alternately, spray again every 10 days.