
How to apply fertilizer effectively in sugarcane planting

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to apply fertilizer effectively in sugarcane planting? Please introduce that due to the well-developed root system and long growth period of sugarcane, a large amount of nutrients should be taken away from the soil in each crop. Therefore, planting sugarcane and applying organic fertilizer can improve soil structure, and it is very effective to increase yield and improve soil. Base fertilizer: apply sufficient base fertilizer.

How to apply fertilizer effectively in sugarcane planting? Please introduce that due to the well-developed root system and long growth period of sugarcane, a large amount of nutrients should be taken away from the soil in each crop. Therefore, planting sugarcane and applying organic fertilizer can improve soil structure, and it is very effective to increase yield and improve soil. Base fertilizer: the application of sufficient base fertilizer can make sugarcane sprout rapidly, the root system extends rapidly, and the tillers are early and strong. If the application of base fertilizer is insufficient and only depends on topdressing in the later stage, it will lead to weak seedlings, easy to be thick and thin, weak foundation and easy to lodge. The basic fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by inorganic fertilizer. Because sugarcane has developed root system and long growth cycle, auxiliary organic fertilizer can effectively improve the soil and supplement the required fertility. Topdressing: sugarcane needs fertilizer urgently but less at the seedling stage, and the demand for nitrogen is large, followed by potassium and phosphorus. Although sugarcane needs less fertilizer at seedling stage, fertilization at seedling stage is very important to the growth of sugarcane. If insufficient fertilization is applied at seedling stage, it will lead to short growth and poor development of seedlings and tillers. Even if fertilizer is supplemented later, it will be difficult to recover and eventually lead to the decline of yield and quality. The best fertilizer for seedling is fast soluble fertilizer with high nitrogen. It is suggested that compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer can be used to increase the amount of fertilizer. It should be applied directly in combination with ploughing and soil cultivation, or in the case of water, and in the case of drought. In addition, the lack of seedlings should be checked in time to make the population grow neatly. The application of tillering fertilizer of sugarcane should be determined according to the specific situation. If the early stage fertilization is sufficient and the sugarcane seedlings are strong, it can be applied at one time at the tillering stage, and the dosage should be less. The method of application is the same as that of seedling fertilizer. Sugarcane has a large demand for fertilizer during the elongation period, accounting for more than 50% of the whole growth period, so emphasis should be placed on fertilization. Because phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is mainly used as base fertilizer and early application, so this period is mainly topdressing nitrogen fertilizer. The amount of stem fertilizer should be determined according to the ground and seedlings. If the sugarcane seedlings showed premature senescence, they could be applied once, while those with stable growth could be applied twice in early July and early August, and the former was heavy and the latter was light. Fertilization is generally carried out after rain or when the soil is wet, it is appropriate to combine weeding and soil cultivation, the mixed fertilizer strips or holes are applied to 10 cm next to the sugarcane pocket and covered with thick soil. It is not suitable to apply fertilizer before heavy rain to prevent Rain Water from showering. If there is no rain for 3 days after fertilization, and the loose soil begins to dry, it should be watered in time. If the soil is dry, it is necessary to fight drought first and then apply fertilizer. Tail fertilizer: some people think that tail fertilizer should be applied because sugarcane growth and underground sugarcane buds need certain nutrients. Some people think that it is not suitable to apply tail fertilizer, because although a small amount of nutrients are needed for sugarcane growth in the later stage, it can be supplied through the redistribution of nutrients in sugarcane and the nutrients stored in the soil, as long as there is enough fertilization in the early and middle stages, in addition, the field is muggy in the later stage. Work is very difficult. We suggest that farmers should decide according to the fertility of the field, if the field is fertile and the early fertilization is sufficient, the stem fertilizer can be fertilized according to the growing sugarcane seedlings, but the tail fertilizer can not be applied; if the soil fertility is poor and the early fertilization is insufficient, potassium fertilizer can be applied appropriately. The application time should not be too late, and the dosage should not be too much, so as not to delay ripening and reduce sugar content, and cultivate the soil after application. If there is a phenomenon of de-fertilization one month before harvest, foliar fertilizer should be sprayed. With the renewal of sugarcane varieties and the improvement of yield and multiple cropping index, the lack of trace elements in soil is becoming more and more obvious. Sugarcane farmers should pay attention to the supplement of medium and trace elements on the basis of stabilizing nitrogen, applying phosphorus and increasing potassium. Therefore, when planting sugarcane, appropriate amount of farm manure is applied, in which the effective living bacteria can fix nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements in the soil. Click for more sugarcane planting techniques click to get more fruit planting techniques