
An ingenious trick to insert chrysanthemums in water

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Chrysanthemum leaf blight nematode is one of the most important diseases of chrysanthemum. It is distributed all over the world and occurs in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hefei, Guangzhou, Changsha, Kunming, Zhejiang and other places in China. It mainly harms the leaves of chrysanthemum, causing the leaves to turn yellow and fall early. The nematode not only harms chrysanthemum, but also harms chrysanthemum, golden chrysanthemum, dahlia,.

First, choose the container. It is best to choose a glass (1329, 9.00 and 0.68%) jar, or use a glass bottle with a larger caliber (you can directly see the hair root and the quality of the water). If the number of cuttings is large, you can use a shallow clay jar or a shallow pool. Second, plastic (11480.40.000.35%) floating body. Generally choose foam which is 1cm to 2cm thick as a floating body and use chopsticks to make a number of small holes in the floating body. Third, scientific irrigation. The container is filled with tap water, which is about 10 centimeters deep. Fourth, pick and cut cuttings. Pick the sturdy shoot tip 6cm long, use a fast blade (double-sided blade) to flatten the base of the cuttings, and cut off 2 or 3 leaves at the base of the cuttings. Fifth, cutting depth. Insert the cuttings into a small hole in the float prepared in advance, the lower end of which extends 3-4 cm and put it on the surface of the water. Matters needing attention. Because of the high water temperature in summer, ① should be placed in a shaded place or in a cool place with indoor ventilation. In early spring and late autumn, put it outdoors and let it receive sunlight to raise the water temperature. Put it in a shelter in winter so that it can fully receive sunlight and add mulch at night to prevent the new branches from freezing. ② water should be kept clean and fresh. if the water quality is bad, it will rot the cuttings, so you should add or change water every 3 to 5 days (when the temperature is high). It is rare to add or change water in winter. Seventh, hairy root transplanting. Water insert chrysanthemum, spring, summer and autumn three seasons, usually about ten days began to root, the rooting rate is basically up to 100%. In another week, the new root can grow about 3 centimeters, and then it can be transplanted. In winter, at room temperature, roots begin to take root in about 20 days, and after another 20 days, they can be transplanted.