
How to prevent and cure brown spot of rose

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Brown spot mostly occurs in the hot and muggy rainy season. Purple-brown round spots appear on the front of the leaves, with slightly ciliated edges, and there are many small black spots in the center. These small black spots are the conidia of pathogens. After the small black spots split, the spores were released to spread the disease. It can also spread with Rain Water. Brown spot depends on scores.

Brown spot mostly occurs in the hot and muggy rainy season. Purple-brown round spots appear on the front of the leaves, with slightly ciliated edges, and there are many small black spots in the center. These small black spots are the conidia of pathogens. After the small black spots split, the spores were released to spread the disease. It can also spread with Rain Water. Brown spot depends on conidia to survive the winter on plants or fallen leaves, so before winter, all the affected leaves should be removed and burned, then sprayed with Baumite sulfur mixture, and then transferred to the milk cellar for storage. Do not spray water on the plant again after the disease, otherwise it will spread faster and often make the rose leaves of the whole garden wither and fall off. At the initial stage of the disease, 1000 times of carbendazim should be sprayed immediately, and the disease can be controlled by spraying twice. Carbendazim is more expensive, and it can also be sprayed with Baume 0.2-0.3 degrees stone sulfur mixture during the growing period.