
There are many "artifacts" of growing flowers, and the flowerpots are stuffed with "bricks" to grow more and more prosperous!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Now the society has not simply followed the rules in accordance with the established way, all kinds of gods have begun to find another way to maintain plants and flowers, some even dare not think of it, but the effect is really good, so everyone began to call them "artifacts of growing flowers."

Not long ago, Huahua discovered a kind of flower artifact, that is, the "brick" that no one wants by the roadside, but the brick here refers to the red brick used to build a house, which is of heavy quality and has many pores on the surface. The effect of growing flowers is really super. Let's take a look at it with Huahua.

In fact, the red brick is also a kind of stone, but the difference is that the red brick has been calcined at high temperature, which means that the bacteria and impurities inside it will be reduced accordingly, and there is a lot of iron in the red brick. coincidentally, iron is very conducive to the growth of flowers and plants, so that flowers can better absorb nutrients during photosynthesis, so that the growth of plants will be better.

Red brick when we grow flowers, we need to make it into small pieces, so that it can play its role to a greater extent. We try to point it to the bottom of the flowerpot, so that because its air permeability can alleviate the stagnant water at the bottom or inside the soil, it can also make the soil more breathable and the plant will grow more vigorously.

In fact, in addition to bricks, there are many things we can put into the soil to increase air permeability and drainage, such as charcoal and ceramsite. Charcoal is the kind of charcoal we see when we eat barbecue in our daily life. Charcoal itself contains a lot of nutrients, but also has a certain moistureproof effect, so put it under the flowerpot, can play a certain breathable role.

In addition, charcoal and red bricks have stomata with a certain degree of looseness, which can prevent stagnant water at the bottom of flowerpots, and better still, charcoal has a certain germicidal effect, so there is no need to worry too much about diseases and insect pests in the soil.

Ceramsite is something you should have seen on the surface of many flower plants because it can keep the soil moist and reduce water evaporation. Similarly, ceramsite can also be put on the bottom of the flowerpot as a filter layer, about 2 cm thick, so that the phenomenon of rotting roots due to stagnant water will be rare.

Ceramsite is also different from the above two kinds, that is, it can be used as a medium to help fix the plant in hydroponics, so that the plant can grow in the right direction without growing crooked or growing out.

Now there are more and more flower artifacts, everyone can choose according to their own needs, if you have better tips for growing flowers, you are welcome to leave a message to Huahua!