
"garbage" can also grow flowers, when watered with a little, long can open the pot!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Modern people no longer follow the rules in accordance with the fixed way to maintain, have begun to learn to find another way to find small tricks, sometimes the use of some small items will make flower conservation get unexpected results. After all, everyone hopes that the love flowers they take care of can grow well and blossom, right?

However, many flower friends' tips on growing flowers use some "rubbish" of daily life. In the past, Huahua never thought that we could use the rest of these things to grow flowers. What kind of "rubbish" can be used to grow flowers? Huahua will tell you!

1. Waste peel of melon and fruit

Fruit must be essential in our life, but every time we eat it, there will be a lot of peels left. At this time, we can use these peels as thin water to grow flowers. In general, the pericarp contains a large number of vitamins and trace elements, which can ensure the nutrition of flower plants in the growing period.

Specific production method:

First of all, we need to collect some leftover peels, such as banana peel, watermelon peel and orange peel, and the next step is to wash them as clean as possible to ensure that there is no bacteria in the future. After that, we need to prepare an airtight container and put the peel with water, which can be filled with almost eight percent of the water, and finally put it in the sun and wait for the fermentation to be finished.

two。 Tea residue

Generally speaking, the old people in the family have the habit of drinking tea. At this time, do not throw away the tea residue left over. Using it to grow flowers can make the branches and leaves more sturdy and shiny. Because there are more nutrients in the tea residue, the substance will volatilize more easily after decay, and the tea itself is a kind of plant, so it is better to use it to grow flowers.

How to use it:

The tea residue will soften after brewing, so there is no need to ferment again at this time. What we need to do is to put the waste tea residue into the soil and combine it with the soil to provide nutrition to the flower root, but be careful not to put it directly in the center, so that the more heat generated by the tea residue may burn the flower root. We try to put it on the edge of the flowerpot. In addition, in addition to tea dregs, cooling tea water can also be used to water flowers in daily life, the effect is also good!

3. Waste oil

The waste oil here refers to the waste oil collected in the range hood in our daily life. This kind of thing looks dirty and greasy, but it contains a lot of oil, which means it contains a lot of nutrients. Using it to grow flowers can be said to get twice the result with half the effort.

How to use it:

We collect the waste oil in a container, then add water and dilute it into a solution to give it to the love flowers at home. However, it is best to use a small amount at a time, because the grease is relatively sticky, for fear that it will bond the soil into lumps. After using it for a period of time, you will find that the flower roots will grow stronger and stronger, and the natural branches and leaves will grow as long as possible!

The thin fat water made by the above kinds of "garbage" can be used almost every half a month. If you have any better tips for growing flowers, remember to leave a message to Huahua as soon as possible!