
How to fertilize potatoes for high yield?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to fertilize potatoes for high yield? Please introduce the fertilization method for potato growth period is short, but need a large amount of fertilizer, each production of 1000kg tuber, about need to absorb nitrogen (N) 5-6kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 1-3kg, potassium (K2O) 12-13kg. Among the three elements of fertilizer, potassium is the highest, nitrogen is the second, phosphorus is the least.

How can potatoes be fertilized for high yields? Please introduce the fertilization method Potato has a short growth period, but it needs a lot of fertilizer. For producing 1000kg tubers, it needs to absorb 5-6kg N, 1-3kg P 2O 5 and 12- 1 - 3 kg K 2O from soil. Among the three elements of fertilizer, K is the highest, N is the second, P is the least, and the ratio of N, P and K is 2.2:1:4.6. In order to ensure high quality and high yield of potato, according to the technical requirements of pollution-free vegetable production, according to potato growth characteristics and fertilizer requirements, the following fertilization techniques are proposed: 1. Fertilization principle: mainly organic fertilizer, special fertilizer for potato, base fertilizer, early seedling fertilizer. 2. Apply enough basal fertilizer. The base fertilizer should be mainly organic fertilizer, and the potato special fertilizer should be applied well, that is, on the basis of applying 2500-3000kg of high-quality decomposed organic fertilizer per mu, 45-50kg of potato special fertilizer per mu should be applied. 3. Apply seed fertilizer as appropriate. When the base fertilizer is insufficient or there is no time to fertilize before ploughing, it is often used for sowing, and 15-20kg of potato fertilizer is applied per mu as seed fertilizer. Seed fertilizer application is mainly carried out in the form of furrow application or hole application. Pay attention to the direct contact between fertilizer and seed potato, so as not to damage seed potato. 4. Look at the seedlings and apply topdressing skillfully. Topdressing should be done early and skillfully, generally divided into 2 times, the first time in the full seedling, combined with intertillage and soil cultivation, with decomposed human manure 500-700kg water irrigation; the second time in the bud stage, at this time potato tubers begin to expand, fertilizer needs increased, is the period of most fertilizer needs, potato fertilizer can be applied 5-15kg per mu. In general, after closing the ridge, topdressing can no longer be applied. Click for more potato growing techniques Click for more vegetable growing techniques