
Pot culture methods and matters needing attention of gardenia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gardenia beautiful appearance, very attractive, give off a fresh smell, with a good ornamental value, cultured gardenia green leaves, white as jade, do you know what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of gardenia? What are the reasons why mast flowers do not blossom? Next, let's take a look at it.

Gardenia beautiful appearance, very attractive, give off a fresh smell, with a good ornamental value, cultured gardenia green leaves, white as jade, do you know what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of gardenia? What are the reasons why mast flowers do not blossom? Let's take a look at it together.

Propagation methods of Gardenia jasminoides

1. Cuttage propagation: from May to June, select semi-lignified, fully developed twigs, cut into 10mur15cm long, soak the base with 1000 mg / kg naphthalene caproic acid for 3 seconds, cuttage in acidic soil with strong water and fertility conservation, generally use 3 parts of rotten leaf soil or mountain mud, 1 part of sawdust, peat or river sand, take root about 1 month after planting, and transplant after 50 days. The method of water insertion is often used in summer in the south, which is carried out from April to July. The cut cuttings, which are 15 centimeters long and with 2 or 3 leaves on the top, are inserted on the basket lid or perforated plastic board, and the lid or plastic plate is floated on the surface. The upper part of the insert can be exposed to the water. Put it in the semi-shade after insertion and keep the water temperature for 16-18 ℃. New roots can grow in 20 days. When the temperature is high, change the water frequently, change the water once a day, can not make the water deteriorate. When the root is 2-3 cm long, it can be transplanted.

2. Striping propagation: most of them are carried out in May to June. Select 1-year-old, 2-year-old strong branches, 25 cm long, pressed into the soil 3 cm 5 cm, about 1 month can take root, 2 months later can be cut off from the mother. Can also be high pressure, that is, on the adult gardenia, choose 2-3-year-old strong branches ring peeling 1cm, and then wrapped in moist peat, the outside wrapped with plastic bags to keep the soil moist, about 40 days can grow new roots, 2-3 months later cut off the mother.

3. Ramet propagation: in May, there are 2 or 3 branches growing at the base of the root, which can be cut from the root with a knife, and each ramet has fine roots. After the wound is coated with plant ash, it will be planted separately.

Culture method of Gardenia jasminoides

1. Potted soil selection: gardenia is an indicator flower in acidic soil, and the suitable pH value is 5 to 6. Therefore, the slightly acidic environment of the soil is the key to determine the growth of gardenia. If the soil acidity is not suitable, it will get twice the result with half the effort in the future management. The culture soil is made of 70% of slightly acidic sandy red soil and 30% of rotten leaves. It is appropriate to control the soil pH value between 4.0 and 6.5. Cultivation soil can choose rotten leaf soil, peat soil or retting sawdust plus half of the garden soil, avoid using old wall soil and cinder, with the market-sold gentleman orchid soil is more convenient and practical.

2. Scientific watering: gardenia likes moist soil and greater air humidity. Keep the basin soil moist during the growth period from April to September. Watering should be increased appropriately during the growing period. Usually the pot soil can be watered once the soil turns white and thoroughly at one time. Hot and dry in summer, spray to the leaves 2-3 times a day to increase air humidity and help plant cool. However, after the flower budding, watering should not be too much, so as not to cause bud drop. It is better to water dry in winter to prevent the roots from rotting. The surface of the basin soil is watered when it is dry, and a spray can be used to pour water on the leaf surface at night. If it is dry and wilted, it will be bad for growth. If the growth is too prosperous and the internodes are longer, they will not be watered in the evening and will be watered again when the sun comes out in the morning. In the area of alkaline water in the north, tap water should be kept for two days before use. Every three or five days, add 0.5 grams of citric acid and 1 gram of ferrous sulfate to water once per liter to make the leaves oily and green.

3. Rational fertilization: demand for fertilizer for gardenia: gardenia is a fertilizer-loving plant, and 3% rotten cake fertilizer can be added to the culture soil as base fertilizer. In the growing season, the alum fertilizer made by cake fertilizer and ferrous sulfate retting is watered once a week, or 0.1% humic acid total nutrient organic liquid fertilizer can be used. Watering 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution once or twice in the bud stage can make the flowers fat and fragrant. Fertilizer is stopped when the temperature is above 35 ℃ in hot summer and below 15 ℃ in autumn. After entering the peak growing season in April, you can top fertilize every half month (you'd better mix more water when fertilizing to prevent burning flowers). This can not only meet the fertilizer demand of Gardenia jasminoides, but also keep the soil environment in a relatively balanced slightly acidic environment, prevent the occurrence of chlorosis, and avoid the damage of sudden supplement of ferrous sulfate and local excessive acid to gardenia.

4. Bask in the sun more: gardenia likes light and can grow in semi-shade for a long time, but the flower branches are longer and the flowers are less. In addition to the strong light from July to August noon need shade and winter dormancy period, generally need to be maintained in the sun in order to blossom and flourish.

5. Good dormancy in winter: gardenia can survive the winter in open field in Qinling Mountains of China, but the root system of potted gardenia will be damaged after severe winter and recover slowly in spring. In the indoor with heating, although it is not damaged by freezing, the light is insufficient and the growth is thin. Most of the young buds formed in autumn fall off and blossom late in the second year. The better way is to put the potted flowers in a cold room of about 5 ℃ to make them dormant, or wrap the flowerpots with foam and other thermal insulation materials to protect the roots, and put them in the leeward and sunny place to overwinter, which can recover quickly in spring and bloom early.

6. change the pot soil at the right time: the seedlings use small pots and gradually change into large pots. When the crown width is 2 to 3 times the caliber of the basin, it is time to change the basin. The growing season can be changed at any time. After pouring the basin, even the soil block is planted into the new basin, the caliber is about 5 centimeters larger than the original basin. Family potted plants when the pot reaches about 28 cm, generally no longer change the pot but only change the pot soil. It is better to change soil in March in spring. After pouring the basin, cut off part of the old roots, shake off half of the old soil, plant the new soil into the basin and pour water into the pot, put it in a warm semi-shady place, and keep it in the sun when new buds sprout.

7, appropriate pruning: gardenia jasminoides seedlings in the trunk 20 cm high to hit the top, leaving 3 to 4 branches, branches 2 pairs of leaves and then hit the top, promote branches, and then allow its growth. Lobular gardenia does not need to be topped. Trim lightly after flowering every year, cut off the inner chamber branches, diseased and weak branches, and some only grow short branches. When the crown width of Gardenia jasminoides is too large after 4 to 5 years, it can be strongly pruned after flowering, generally leaving 2 pairs of leaves in the upper part of the branch. After budding, the inward growing buds and the lower buds of the trunk will be erased, and the plant shape will become more compact and beautiful. Remember that gardenia can not be cut short in spring, otherwise it will not blossom in that year.

Matters needing attention in Gardenia Culture

1. Gardenia likes to be fat, but is afraid of thick fertilizer. Generally, the cake fertilizer containing more phosphorus and potassium is applied twice before budding, and the fertilization is stopped after budding. If too much fertilizer is applied, it is easy to burn roots and cause budding. During the growing period, rotten cake fertilizer water or manure fertilizer water was applied once every half a month, and 1%-2% ferrous sulfate was added to prevent soil alkalization.

2. Gardenia likes semi-shade and is afraid of strong light, so it requires a shade degree of about 50%. If exposed to the sun, the leaves turn yellow and whiten until they fall off, so they should be kept in a shady place or a place with scattered light in summer. Make it see light in the morning and evening to prevent the leaves from yellowing.

What is the flower language of gardenia?

Gardenia flower language is "eternal love, life waiting and joy" legendary gardenia flower language is waiting for love gardenia flower language: joy. If you like this flower, you have the heart to be grateful and treat others sincerely. As long as others are a little kind to you, you will thank you with your heart. This is because you have a pure heart, do not understand the evil of the human heart, and your sincerity makes you happy, and forgiving others also fills you with joy.

In which month does gardenia blossom?

Gardenia blossoms in a few months and can be divided into the following categories according to the region. North China generally buds in early May and blossoms in the first and middle of June. The flowering period of a flower is 8-5 days, and the whole flowering period is about one month.

What are the reasons for the yellowing of mast flower leaves?

1. Improper moisture

① overwatering: in this case, the tender leaves of the mast flowers are dark yellow and dull, but the old leaves have no obvious change, so just take the flowers out of the pot and place them in a cool, ventilated place and put them back after the soil dries.

② is short of water: the tip or edge of the leaf is withered and dry, and the old leaf is withered and yellow from bottom to top, but the growth of the new leaf is relatively normal, so it should be fully watered and watered thoroughly.

2. Improper lighting

① light is too strong: the sunny part of the leaves have maculae, which only need to be moved to the shade for maintenance, and the new leaves will no longer have maculae.

② lack of sunlight: at this time, the leaves will turn yellow or even fall off, as long as you put them in the sun to replenish the sun.

3. Improper fertilization

① fertilized too much: the new leaf tip appeared brown, the leaf surface was thick and dull, and the old leaf was scorched and shedding. At this time, it is necessary to stop fertilization immediately, and in serious cases, the soil should be washed to reduce the concentration.

Insufficient ② fertilizer: insufficient fertilizer can also cause plant yellowing, such as iron deficiency, leaves are light yellow or white, and leaf veins are still green, so it is necessary to spray 0.2% 0.5% ferrous sulfate for prevention and control; magnesium deficiency, old leaves yellowing first, then new leaves yellowing, leaf veins still green, 0.7-0.8% boron magnesium fertilizer can be sprayed to control.

4, the temperature is too low: too low temperature will also cause leaf yellowing, as long as it is moved into the high temperature.

What are the reasons why mast flowers do not blossom?

1, improper water and fertilizer: once excessive water and fertilizer, it will cause plant overgrowth, reproductive growth without enough nutrients will affect the formation of flower buds, resulting in non-flowering or few flowering, some blooming, or even immediately fall off. In the period of flower bud differentiation, special attention should be paid to the collocation of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, such as 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, which is conducive to flower bud formation and bud pregnancy; excessive fertilization and watering during the bud period will also cause falling flowers and seedlings.

2. The light is not suitable: Liriodendron likes shade. We should pay special attention to the strong light in summer and weak light in winter, which will affect the blossom.

3. High alkali content in soil: Jianzi flower likes acidic soil, and cultivated mast flower soil contains high salt and alkali, which will cause plant yellowing and eventually affect flowering.

4. Non-pruning and shaping: disorderly flowers and branches, a large number of miscellaneous branches consuming a lot of nutrients and branches too dense, affecting photosynthesis, are all important reasons for not blooming.

5. Serious diseases and insect pests: I believe everyone can understand that serious diseases and insect pests are bound to lead to the loss of flowers.

Cultivation methods and matters needing attention in pot cultivation of Gardenia jasminoides how to fertilize gardenia

Gardenia is one of the common ornamental plants in balcony and courtyard. Its leaves are evergreen all the year round and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing. It plays a very significant role in cleaning the air and improving the home environment. However, many people do not have a deep understanding of its breeding, and often find it difficult to raise gardenia. In fact, the breeding method of gardenia is not difficult, and the paper cuttings are easy to let it burst. How do you do this? Let's study together.

Cultivation methods and points for attention of Gardenia jasminoides in pots

I. Culture methods

1. Suitable basin soil

Gardenia likes acidic soil, and the suitable pH value is 5 to 6. Prepare suitable soil before planting. Cultivation soil usually choose rotten leaf soil, peat soil plus half of the garden soil, do not use cinder, or directly buy special soil, convenient and practical.

2. Rational fertilization

Gardenia likes fertilizer, and rotten cake fertilizer is added to the soil as base fertilizer when planting. Cake fertilizer and ferrous sulfate are used to make fertilizer and water in the growing season and irrigated once a week. Fully nutritious organic liquid fertilizer can also be used. Topdressing at the bud stage can make the flowers fat and fragrant. The temperature is above 35 ℃ in summer and 15 ℃ in autumn, and fertilizer application is stopped.

3. Watering

Gardenia likes a moist environment. Keep the basin soil moist during the growing period, water dry and wet, and spray the leaves at night to maintain humidity. If the plant grows too fast, don't water it at night. Water it when the sun comes out in the morning.

4. Lighting

The growth of gardenia needs plenty of sunlight, if placed in the semi-shade for a long time, the flower branches are thin and slender. During maintenance, in addition to 7 stroke 8 and noon need shade and winter hibernation, the rest of the time can be maintained in the sun.

Matters needing attention in aquaculture

1. Winter dormancy

Although gardenia is cold-tolerant, the root system of potted gardenia will be damaged after severe winter and recover slowly in spring. The best way is to put the potted plant in a 5 ℃ environment to hibernate, or wrap the flowerpot with thermal insulation material and put it outside in the sunny leeward to survive the winter.

2. Proper pruning

When the trunk of gardenia grows to 20 cm, hit the top, leaving 3-4 branches to promote branches. After flowering every year, prune lightly and cut off weak and diseased branches. But gardenia can not be cut short in spring, otherwise it will be difficult to blossom in that year.

3. Change the basin soil at the right time

Gardenia is full of vitality, and the seedlings grow from a few centimeters to dozens of centimeters, so the pot should be changed according to the size of the plant. When changing the basin, you should trim the old roots in time, change half of the soil, pour water through, put it in the semi-shade for a week, grow new buds and move to the sun.

4. Soil acidification

Gardenia likes fat, but is afraid of thick fat. During the growing period, the rotten cake fertilizer and water should be applied every half a month, and the concentration should be low, so as not to burn roots and affect the growth of flower buds. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to acidifying the soil in time. Changing the acidity and basicity of the soil can promote plant growth. Gardenia is more prone to chlorosis, leaf spot and scale insects in the control of diseases and insect pests. After disinfection was found, it was sprayed in time to isolate from other plants and avoid infection.

How to fertilize gardenia

1. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

Gardenia in the maintenance process, slow growth, thin branches, the need for frequent topdressing, indicating the lack of base fertilizer when planting. Before planting gardenia, add organic fertilizer (rotten animal manure, cake fertilizer) to the soil and mix it evenly with the soil.

2. Apply slow-release fertilizer

In fact, most families grow flowers, fertilize less, or even do not take care of them often. in order to save trouble, agricultural scientists have developed a slow-release fertilizer for lazybones. When the fertilizer is applied in the basin, the fertility in the fertilizer will be released slowly, there is no need to worry, too much fertilizer will damage the plant. However, fertilization is stopped after October and during flowering.

3. Topdressing

From April to October, topdressing once a month except florescence. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed once a week from April until buds appeared on most of the branches of the whole gardenia.

Watering the root with potassium dihydrogen phosphate twice after budding can enhance the stress resistance and promote the flower size and fragrance of the plant. But as long as the bud is cracked and exposed, fertilizer should be stopped.

4. Change the pot to apply fertilizer.

If you change the basin, put the plant in a cool place and apply fertilizer after the slow pot period.

When will the gardenia blossom

The flowering period of Gardenia jasminoides is in spring and summer, and it can blossom continuously from May to June to August, but there will be some early or relatively late cases. The flowering time varies in different regions because of different climates. The flowering period of Gardenia jasminoides is relatively long, and one flower can bloom for 3-5 days. Sometimes, the flowering period of a larger plant can be as long as a month.

How to make Gardenia blossom

1. Water and fertilizer management

Pay attention to rational watering and fertilization in daily life, and pay attention to the application of flower fertilizer with more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the period of flower bud differentiation to promote flowering.

2. Lighting

Generally, we should pay attention to shade in summer and keep gardenias in warm places where the light is better in winter, so as to avoid not blooming gardenias because of lighting problems.

3. Soil acidification

Before planting gardenia, you can acidify the soil and change the acidity and basicity of the soil, which is beneficial to the growth of gardenia.

4. Daily maintenance

According to the growth of gardenia, prune the plant in time to make it grow normally and blossom. In the process of planting, we should also pay attention to insect control.

As mentioned above, the breeding method of gardenia is very simple, and even easy to burst, so we should not be discouraged if we do not achieve the expected state in the breeding process, carefully analyze the reasons and prescribe the right medicine. I believe that as long as careful care, gardenia will live up to expectations.

Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of potted Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenia is a common home breeding plant, evergreen all the year round, fragrant and elegant flowers, particularly beautiful and lovely, is a home plant that many people like to breed. So how to raise the potted gardenia at home? The following is a detailed introduction of gardenia culture methods and matters needing attention.

Introduction of Gardenia

Gardenia, also known as Gardenia, originated in China, mainly distributed in Sichuan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Yunnan, Fujian, Taiwan, Hunan and other places. Gardenia leaves are evergreen all the year round, flowers are fragrant and elegant, green leaves and white flowers are particularly beautiful and lovely. It is suitable for front steps, poolside and roadside configurations, and grows well in patio, courtyard, shade or potted plants. It can also be used for flower hedges and potted plants, and flowers can also be used for flower arrangement and decoration. Gardenia likes warm, humid and sunny environment, more cold-resistant, semi-overcast, afraid of stagnant water, and requires loose, fertile and acidic sandy loam.

How to grow gardenia in potted plants

I. Propagation mode of gardenia

Cutting method

The branches of Gardenia jasminoides are easy to take root, the warm ground in the south is often in March-October, and the north is often cut in May-June, cutting sturdy mature branches and planting them on the sand bed. As long as they are often kept moist, they are very easy to take root and survive. Water insertion is far better than soil insertion, with a survival rate of nearly 100% from April to July. Cut cuttings retain only the top 2 leaves and terminal buds in containers filled with clear water, often change water to avoid incision decay, and begin to take root after 3 weeks.

Strip pressing method

It is generally carried out before and after the Qingming Festival in April or in the Meiyu season. In April, one-year-old strong branches are selected from the 3-year-old mother plant, which are 25cm long and 30cm long. They are pulled to the ground, and the buried parts of the branches are scratched. If they can be dipped in 200ppm powder acetic acid and then covered with soil compaction, it is easier to take root. If there are trigeminal branches, you can get three seedlings at the fork at a time. Generally, it can take root after 20-30 days, can be separated from the mother plant after rooting in June, and can be planted separately with soil or a single plant in the next spring.

Spring is the best way to transplant seedlings or potted plants, and it is necessary to bring soil balls in the rainy season. Keep the soil moist during the growing period, and water more during flowering and midsummer. Fertilize once a month and increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering. Pruning and shaping in the early spring of the following year, and cut off dead branches and long branches in time.

Sowing method

Generally choose full, dark red ripe fruit, even shell sun or dry as a seed, before sowing, use scissors to cut the seed pericarp, dig out the seed, rub in hot water to disperse, remove floating seeds or impurities, and then remove the sunken full seed, spread it on the bamboo mat, put it in a ventilated place to dry too much moisture. Generally choose Xiangyang hillside or Tufang, the soil layer is deep, loose and fertile sandy loam sowing, you can use the field edge corner planting, or interplanting with legumes. Before planting, plough the land 1 to 1.5 feet, remove miscellaneous trees, set up the border according to the width of 4 to 5 feet (the soil quality is better, the distance can be larger, otherwise it is smaller), the border is 6 inches high, and soil manure, green manure or human and animal manure can be used as base fertilizer, for example, 20,30 piculs of human manure per mu should be applied, and the soil should be raked after the soil is dried to level the border surface. Sow the ditch at a distance of 6 to 7 inches on the border surface, and the ditch is about 1 inch deep to be sown.

Gardenia can be sowed in spring or autumn, generally in spring, spring sowing before and after Rain Water, autumn sowing before and after the Autumn Equinox, seeds mixed with fire ash evenly sown in the sowing ditch, and then cover the flat sowing ditch with fine soil or fiery soil, cover the grass with water, and often keep the soil moist to facilitate seedling emergence, with seeds of 4 kilograms per mu. After emergence, we should pay attention to remove the cover grass in time, weed frequently in the seedling stage, be careful not to hurt the roots of the seedlings, need to dilute human feces and urine after weeding, and can be transplanted after raising seedlings for one year. If the transportation is far away, it is appropriate to use yellow mud slurry root, cover grass to moisturize, plant one plant in each hole, cover soil, compaction, and sprinkle water. After planting, weeding and topdressing is applied once every spring and summer, which can be applied to human and animal manure, barnyard manure, compost, cake fertilizer and so on. Before flowering in summer, it is better to apply fertilizer with more phosphorus and potassium content, and fertilization is generally carried out after weeding and loosening the soil.

2. Culture methods of potted gardenia.

1. Soil selection

Gardenia jasminoides is an acid-loving flower with a suitable pH value of 5 to 6. If the soil acidity is not suitable, it will get twice the result with half the effort in the future management. Cultivation soil can choose rotten leaf soil, peat soil or retting sawdust plus half of the garden soil, avoid using old wall soil and cinder, with the market of gentleman orchid soil is more convenient and practical. For example, alkali in soil, water and fertilizer makes the plant unable to absorb iron, thus affecting the formation of chlorophyll, withering branches, scorching leaves, and even death.

2. Methods of reproduction

Cuttings and striping propagation are commonly used. Cuttings, which are 15 hundred meters long with twigs in the rainy season, are planted in the seedbed and take root in 10-12 days. In April, biennial branches were selected, 20-25 cm long, buried in the soil, kept moist, rooting for about 30 days, separated from the mother plant in summer, and planted in the following spring. Transplant seedlings or potted plants, spring is better, in the plum rain season, need to bring soil balls. Keep the soil moist during the growing period, and water more during flowering and midsummer. Fertilize once a month and increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering. Pruning and shaping in the early spring of the following year, and cut off dead branches and long branches in time. Related recommendation: propagation method of Gardenia jasminoides

3. Upper basin

The pot of gardenia jasminoides should be planted around April, and the pot soil should be loose and slightly acidic. After planting, pour enough water, put it in the outdoor semi-shady place, usually pay attention to watering and foliar spray, after taking the basin for about 15 days, turn to normal maintenance.

Daily maintenance and matters needing attention of potted Gardenia

1. Watering

How to water gardenia culture

Gardenia likes moist soil and high air humidity. Keep the soil moist during the growth period from April to September. The surface of the basin soil is watered when it is dry, and a spray can be used to pour water on the leaf surface at night. If it is dry and wilted, it will be bad for growth. If the growth is too prosperous and the internodes are longer, they will not be watered in the evening and will be watered again when the sun comes out in the morning. In the area of alkaline water in the north, tap water should be kept for two days before use. Every three or five days, add 0.5 grams of citric acid and 1 gram of ferrous sulfate to water once per liter to make the leaves oily and green.

2. Fertilization

In May, topdressing fertilizer in time, applying nitrogen and phosphorus integrated fertilizer for 1 to 2 times. At the same time, pay attention to the basin soil should not be too wet, avoid poor drainage or stagnant water after rain, otherwise it will cause leaves or buds rot and can not blossom. Gardenia like fertilizer, it is appropriate to apply fermented bean cake, sesame sauce dregs, peanut bran and other fertilizers, after fermentation can be acidic, but must be thin fertilizer, avoid thick fertilizer, raw fertilizer, do not apply fertilizer during hibernation. If you have been planting for less than three years, do not give human faeces and urine. Too much nitrogen fertilizer will result in thick branches, large leaves, thick green, but no flowering. Lack of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer will also appear the phenomenon of non-flowering or bud withering and shedding.

3. Lighting

Gardenia likes shade and must not be exposed to the hot sun, but some people often mistakenly think that gardenia requires full shade, resulting in mistakes in cultivation. In fact, while paying attention to cultivating its shady environment, it is necessary to maintain 60% light throughout the day in order to meet its growth needs. Summer and autumn to prevent the hot sun exposure, lest the leaves withered, affecting the ornamental. Thin fertilizer is applied once every 10-15 days in April, and you can't water too much with buds. This flower is afraid of waterlogging, and its leaves turn black as soon as it is waterlogged.

4. Humidity

Like humidity, if the air humidity is less than 70%, it will directly affect flower bud differentiation and bud growth, but too wet will cause root rot and branch withering, leaf yellow shedding phenomenon. In addition to normal watering, foliar and nearby ground should be sprayed with clean water frequently to increase air humidity appropriately. Don't pour too much water when you have a bud, or it will cause buds to fall. It is necessary to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and thinning buds to prevent falling buds. Generally, when you see the soil dry, you use your hand to flick the earthen pot (like a watermelon). When you hear the empty sound of Dangdang, you water it until the bottom is leaking. The water is watered with the tap water of the previous day and left for a day and a night. The water is mixed with rice water, lemon peel, broken bones, eggs, soy milk and other rotten upper layer fat water, which is a little smelly, but it will disperse after a while. Or put the rice panning water for a few days, turn sour and pour it on the roots.

5. Temperature

Liking temperature: 18 ℃ to 22 ℃ in the growing period, 5 ℃ to 10 ℃ in the overwintering period, and freezing if the temperature is lower than-10 ℃.

6. Placement of potted plants

Gardenia likes semi-shade, potted plants should be placed in semi-shady place to maintain, avoid summer sun exposure. Winter should be appropriate anti-freezing to keep warm, placed in the south, shelter, warm balcony or greenhouse for the winter.

7. Timely pruning

Gardenia needs pruning at the right time.

Gardenia jasminoides has strong sprouting power, easy to overlap branches, airtight and dispersed nutrition. In normal shape, three main branches should be selected according to the shape of the tree, and other branches sprouting from root tillers should be cut off at any time. After the flowers fade, the branches should be truncated in time to promote the germination of new branches under the cut mouth. Pick the heart after the new branch grows three nodes to avoid growing blindly.

8. Change the basin soil at the right time

The seedlings are planted in small pots and gradually replaced into large pots. When the crown width is 2 to 3 times the caliber of the basin, it is time to change the basin. The growing season can be changed at any time. After pouring the basin, even the soil block is planted into the new basin, the caliber is about 5 centimeters larger than the original basin. Family potted plants when the pot reaches about 28 cm, generally no longer change the pot but only change the pot soil. It is better to change soil in March in spring. After pouring the basin, cut off part of the old roots, shake off half of the old soil, plant the new soil into the basin and pour water into the pot, put it in a warm semi-shady place, and keep it in the sun when new buds sprout.

9. Winter dormancy

Gardenia can survive the winter in the open field in Qinling Mountains of China, but the root system of potted gardenia will be damaged after severe winter and recover slowly in spring. In the indoor with heating, although it is not damaged by freezing, the light is insufficient and the growth is thin. Most of the young buds formed in autumn fall off and blossom late in the second year. The better way is to put the potted flowers in a cold room of about 5 ℃ to make them dormant, or wrap the flowerpots with foam and other thermal insulation materials to protect the roots, and put them in the leeward and sunny place to overwinter, which can recover quickly in spring and bloom early.

10. Prevent yellowing

There are four causes: iron deficiency in ①. Soil contains too much calcareous, alkali, phosphorus, manganese, etc., which will affect the absorption of iron by plants, affect the formation of chlorophyll, make the veins of tender leaves green, spread throughout the leaves, and can be applied with 1 inch 500 ferrous sulfate or 0.2% black alum water, once every 10 days. ② is magnesium deficient. Acid red soil and excessive potassium and ammonium are prone to magnesium deficiency, which makes the veins of the old leaves in the lower part of the plant green and yellow, which can be sprayed with 1% to 2% magnesium sulfate solution, but excessive application of magnesium will cause calcium deficiency and hinder the development of xylem in roots and stems. ③ basin soil is too wet or too dry. ④ is exposed to the sun in summer.

11. Diseases and insect pests

Leaf spot disease and chlorosis often occur. Leaf spot disease is sprayed 600 times with 65% Dysen zinc wettable powder, and 0.1% ferrous sulfate solution is regularly added to watering to prevent chlorosis. The insect pests are harmed by stinging moths, shell insects and whiteflies, which are sprayed with 2.5% EC 3000 times and 40% omethoate EC 1500 times to kill shell insects and whiteflies.