
Symptoms of blue ear disease in pigs

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Symptoms of blue ear disease in pigs

Pig blue ear disease is a relatively difficult pig disease, which is a kind of torture for pigs and farmers. This disease has a certain degree of infection, if you do not pay attention to it before the onset of the disease, it is easy to group infection, so many farmers attach great importance to pig blue ear disease. So what are the symptoms or premonitory signs of blue-ear disease in pigs? Next, let's get to know it together with the pro-agriculture network.

1. Symptoms

The state of blue-ear disease in pigs is still relatively obvious. First of all, it is loss of appetite. Pigs' food accumulation is extremely greatly reduced, and they will more and more like to lie down. Then the pig body temperature will begin to change, the initial pig body temperature will often rise, with the aggravation of the disease, the pig body temperature will slowly maintain a relatively high degree, serious cases can reach more than 40 ℃. In the later stage of the disease, the pig head will appear some edema, the whole pig head looks like a circle of enlargement, and finally the pig body will be blue and purple, and the color area will continue to expand. Blue and purple can basically be identified as pig blue ear disease when the pig body appears, which we must be aware of.

2. Time of onset

The time of onset is more concentrated, and the probability will be much lower after this period of time. Sows are mostly concentrated in about three months after pregnancy, which is the pig fetal development period in the sow, and the maternal resistance has reached an extremely low level, which is very prone to pig blue ear disease. The onset time of piglets is mostly concentrated in about 1-2 months after birth, when the autoimmune system of piglets is in the perfect stage, and it is easy to cause infection if you don't pay attention to it. The incidence of boar is relatively small, and the time is mostly concentrated in the late fattening stage. Recent data show that the incidence of boar is relatively high when the boar weighs 150-200 jin.

3. The cause of the disease

The causes of the disease are generally divided into two kinds, one is caused by external factors, and the other is caused by improper feeding. Most of the external factors are caused by the newly added foreign breeding pigs carrying the virus, and some are also caused by the occurrence of pig blue ear disease in nearby pig farms and transmitted to their own home through the air. The factors of self-feeding are mostly caused by hygiene and temperature, that is, pig breeds or home fields carry porcine blue ear disease virus, but because of the dormant period, when people are raised, disinfection is not in place or hygiene standards are not up to standard, it will cause the active disease of porcine blue ear disease virus, and it is also possible that excessive temperature changes stimulate the activity of the virus. Therefore, we must pay attention to exclusivity and hygiene.

4. Vulnerable groups

It is extremely important that the identification of the disease group can effectively improve the management and reduce the incidence of the disease. According to some current data, pregnant sows and newborn piglets are the most likely to develop blue ear disease, both of which are in a period of weakness of their own immune system, which is most likely to affect the disease.

Once the blue ear disease of pigs appears, then the disinfection and defense of the whole pigsty should be in place to avoid infection. The second is that when there are more sows or piglets, we should put an end to external factors so as not to cause unnecessary losses. Pig blue ear disease symptoms are relatively common, we must be more careful control. At present, the death rate of blue-ear disease in pigs is very high, so it is better to pay more attention to the daily pigsty management.