
Congratulations to the country announced 5 big news 2018 house prices are about to...

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Learn some balcony flower planting knowledge family balcony flower cultivation, can not miss these kinds of flowers, come and see the attention to buy a house is a major event for every family! Year after year, waiting for the house price to drop, the house price rises and rises, the money depreciates and lowers, making money and saving money...

Learn something about planting flowers on the balcony

Grow flowers on the family balcony. You can't miss these flowers. Come and have a look.


Buying a house is a major event for every family!

Year after year, waiting for the house to come down.

As a result, house prices are getting higher and higher.

Banknotes are getting lower and lower.

The speed of earning money and saving money will never catch up.

The speed at which house prices are rising!

But don't lose heart.

The editor wants to tell you some big news!

Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Construction has revealed several major changes affecting the property market.

Good news for house prices in 2018

Those who haven't bought a house yet, come and have a look.

Save you a huge sum of money every minute

Real estate tax is coming soon.

In order to promote the balance of the property market

As an important part of the long-term mechanism of real estate

Real estate tax has become a key topic that has attracted much attention.

As the introduction of a property tax may squeeze the excess property in the hands of some people back into the market.

Increase supply

Property tax is also seen as one of the sharp tools to reduce house prices.

Strive to complete the full legislative process by 2019

To complete the reform task of "implementing the legal principle of taxation" in 2020

At present, the networking of real estate across the country has been basically completed.

Then comes the introduction of legislation and supporting measures.

Support for first housing and housing improvement

The National working Conference on Housing Construction in Urban and Rural areas

Set the overall situation of the real estate market in 2018

The state's regulation and control of the property market will not be relaxed this year.

At the same time, pay attention to differential regulation and refuse to adopt an across-the-board approach.

This means that there will be big changes in the property market in 2018.

Curb real estate speculation

Differential regulation and control policies will be implemented for all kinds of needs in 2018.

Encourage and support the first housing and improved housing

Great efforts should be made to restrict speculative property speculation.

First of all, through policy means

Force the speculators to spit out the housing on their hands.

Secondly, stop them from entering the market and continue to speculate in real estate.

Support the first house with rigid demand

In 2018, it is likely to be policy.

Give tilt to the first suite and those who improve the demand.

For example, lowering the interest rate of housing credit.

Increase the tax reduction and reduction of rigid demand and improved housing demand, etc.

It is easier to buy a house with a provident fund loan.

Many home buyers have encountered such problems.

When there is a provident fund, you can apply for a low-interest loan.

But in order to get the money back quickly, the real estate developer just won't let you use it.

As for this question,

The Ministry of Housing and Construction also gives instructions

? The housing provident fund management center should standardize the loan business process and complete the examination and approval within 10 working days from the date of accepting the loan application.

? It is clear that when real estate development enterprises sell commercial housing, they should provide a written commitment not to refuse buyers to use housing provident fund loans, and publicize them at the site of real estate sales.

Here comes the common property right house.

The price is too high to afford

The low price is too far.

What are we going to do? We still need a house.

Here comes the co-ownership housing!

Simply put, it's a house.

The government and the buyers buy a house together.

Then the buyer can buy it.

Pay less for a house and buy a house to live in.

Does the co-ownership house belong to you?

Belong to! Belong to! Belong to!

? The initial stage of buying a house: the cost of the house is jointly owned by the buyer and the government, housing association or other social non-profit organization according to the share of capital contribution.

? After buying a house: with the improvement of the income of property buyers and the accumulation of wealth, property rights can be gradually increased, until the final possession of property rights.

To put it simply

Is that you can buy a house on preferential terms.

But property rights are shared by you and the government.

If you have money in the future, you can buy all the property rights back slowly!

These types of houses can be compensated in full

Starting from 2018, the following four types of unlicensed houses

You can also get the full compensation for demolition.

The houses of the 1950s and 1960s

From the 1950s to the 1960s

Due to the special historical background

Although many houses are undocumented

But these houses are also legal.

Demolition households can receive full compensation for demolition.

Houses built in accordance with the law

When the house is being built

The house conforms to the local building policy and relevant regulations.

Only in this way can we get the compensation.

Ancestral houses handed down from generation to generation

An old house, a house left by one's ancestors

As long as you can prove that it belongs to your own family.

When demolishing, you can also get the corresponding compensation for demolition.

The scope of urbanization planning

Due to the acceleration of rural urbanization

Some places are planned to be rebuilt

In this case, you can get compensation.

It is embodied in four aspects.

Implement two-way compensation

The ownership of rural homestead belongs to the village collective

The ownership of the house belongs to individual farmers.

Therefore, in the previous demolition compensation,

Only the compensation for the demolition of rural houses

But since 2018,

Farmers can not only receive compensation from rural houses

And you can also receive compensation from the homestead.

Increase the amount of compensation

Since 2018

The scope of compensation for demolition will not be limited to rural houses.

It will mainly include two aspects:

Farmers' fixed property: farm houses and interior decoration

And other property: compensation for ground attachments

For example, farmers' orchards and vegetables, or wells and toilets, etc.

In addition, farmers can get it during demolition.

A minimum of 20,000 yuan for resettlement compensation during the transitional period of demolition and relocation

Resettlement subsidy (including homestead, supporting facilities, rental fee, etc.)

Realize diversified compensation methods

There are two ways of compensation for rural house demolition.

One is monetary compensation.

That is, according to the total value of the lost interests of farmers

Converted into RMB for compensation

The second is equivalent permutation.

That is, farmers can be in the planned areas of the government.

In line with the principle of more refund and less compensation, choose and buy commercial housing to make up for your loss.

The two compensation methods can be used together.

Farmers are free to choose one of them!

Change the original calculation method

Scope of compensation for demolition

Including the houses of farmers and the decoration of houses

And hospital attachments, such as fruit trees and vegetables planted by farmers themselves.

There are also buildings such as toilets and wells.

The second is the resettlement expenses for farmers.

The compensation standards for rural house demolition are as follows:

Cottage compensation of 1900 yuan per square meter

Compensation of brick house is 2400 yuan per square meter.

Compensation of mashed or precast brick concrete structure house is 2800 yuan per square meter.

Compensation of 3300 yuan per square meter for buildings (more than two storeys)

The standard of equivalent compensation for above-ground (lower) attachments

Subsidy for off-site resettlement (including homestead, supporting facilities, rental fees, etc.) 20,000 yuan per household

The house is ready to print.

Tian Tou Zhen Tian Tou Cun, Ningdu County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province

A special building was born.

In particular, this house is "printed"!

What does the printed house look like?

I'll take you to see it.

The construction area of the whole house is more than 600 square meters.

A total of 4 floors, without using a brick!

Compared with traditional buildings, it eliminates the waste of materials and reduces industrial waste.

Save human resources and save construction costs!

It's definitely a money-saving and environmentally friendly choice!

And the house printed by 3D technology

Safety and shock resistance. You can put 100 hearts at ease.

Different from ordinary printing.

The material used in 3D printers is not ink

It's melting the fiber!

The print head gradually prints the thin layer material layer by layer.

Use the machine to build one floor at a time.

Gradually form a solid solid.

At present

There have been a lot of 3D printed houses in China.

Tongzhou: the first 3D printed house in the world

This two-story villa of 400 square meters has been built.

The real construction time took only 45 days.

Xi'an: 3D printing villa

The builder completed the construction of the villa in three hours.

You can check in with your bag as long as you put on the furniture.

Able to withstand magnitude 9 earthquake

There are several 3D printing villas in Suzhou.

The 3D printing of a villa with a price of 80 million costs only more than 1 million.

A house can be printed in 1 day.

Houses and land are the lives of farmers.

Even if you work abroad, you should pay attention to the policies of your hometown.

I hope you can protect your legitimate rights and interests.

Life is getting better and better

Friends who haven't bought a house have a look at it.

Are you optimistic about the property market this year?

Tell me your unique view!

Although in any case

The editor is the one who can't afford it.

But! I don't cry!

I hope you can buy the house you like!

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