
Introduction to soil culture and hydroponic culture of Phyllostachys pubescens

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fugui bamboo is native to Cameroon in western Africa. It is a perennial evergreen herb of the family Liliaceae. It is mainly used as a potted ornamental plant with high ornamental value and symbolizes good luck. The following editor will introduce the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Fugui bamboo.

Rich bamboo is native to Cameroon in western Africa. It is a perennial evergreen herb belonging to the family Liliaceae. It is mainly used as a potted ornamental plant with high ornamental value, and symbolizes "good luck". The following editor will introduce the breeding methods and matters needing attention of rich bamboo.

Common varieties of Fugui bamboo

There are four common varieties of rich bamboo, which are Jinxin rich bamboo, silver rich bamboo, silver rich bamboo and Phnom Penh rich bamboo. Different types have different characteristics and are suitable for different styles of home decoration.

1. Golden heart rich bamboo: the plant is stout, the leaves are dark green, and the middle part of the plant has green yellow or golden yellow longitudinal stripes.

2. Silver heart rich bamboo: unlike golden heart rich bamboo, there is a silver-white longitudinal stripe in the middle of the leaves of rich bamboo.

3. Silver-edged rich bamboo: the green edge of the leaf has a silver-white broadband or edge, which is very obvious and eye-catching.

4. Phnom Penh rich bamboo: together with Yinbian rich bamboo to form a pair of sister varieties, the difference is that the edge of the leaf is golden.

Soil Culture of Phyllostachys pubescens

Fugui bamboo likes shade, dampness and high temperature, waterlogging resistance, strong fertility resistance, strong cold resistance, and semi-shady environment. It is suitable for growing in sandy soil or semi-muddy sand and alluvium clay with good drainage, the suitable growth temperature is 20 ℃ 28 ℃, and it can withstand 2 Mel 3 Mel low temperature, but it should be frost proof in winter. The hot and humid season in summer and autumn is very beneficial to the growth of rich bamboo, and it is the best time for its growth. It is not strict with light, so it is suitable to grow under bright scattered light. Excessive light and sun exposure will cause leaves to turn yellow, fade green, grow slowly and so on.

When rich bamboos are planted in the field, they should build a 1.7-meter-high shade net with a shading rate of 75%, so as to create an environment of semi-yin and yang and scattered light. Especially from April to September, it is necessary to avoid direct exposure to strong light, exposure or excessive drought, otherwise it is easy to make the leaves rough, scorched, weak, lack of luster and reduce the ornamental value. The soil should always be kept moist during the growing season, and water should be sprayed or sprinkled on the leaves to increase the humidity of the air; in case of heavy rain, the stagnant water in the field should be cleared to prevent lodging. Winter should pay attention to cold, frost, the temperature below 10 ℃ leaves will yellowing and wilting mud horse. At this time, the soil should be dry and wet, but it should not be dry or too wet. It is necessary to reduce watering and stop fertilization.

Rich bamboo growth, root and sprout power is strong, often use cutting propagation, as long as the temperature is suitable for the whole year. Generally cut the stem segment without leaves as cuttings, 5ml 10cm long, preferably with 3 internodes, inserted in the sand bed or semi-muddy sand. In spring and autumn in the south, it can sprout roots and buds in 30 days, and can be planted in the field or planted in the field in 35 days.

Hydroponic Culture of Phyllostachys pubescens

Rich bamboo is one of the most suitable hydroponic plants, widely planted in thousands of families, planted with water insertion, very easy to take root, maintenance and management is more extensive. At a temperature of 18-28 degrees, it is growing all the year round. Before the hydroponic rich bamboo enters the vase, the leaves at the base of the cuttings should be removed, and the base should be cut into an oblique edge with a sharp knife, and the knife edge should be smooth to increase the absorption area of water and nutrients.

When Fugui bamboo is hydroponically cultivated by root washing method, it can be seen that the original soil roots are orange, but in hydroponic culture, the roots are indeed milky white, red and white, which is very beautiful. Rich bamboo light elegant Qingxiang, evergreen all the year round, and there are bamboo newspaper peace, rich and auspicious meaning, deeply loved by people.

Hydroponic rich bamboo likes rotten water, it is not suitable to change water after rooting, water can only be added in time after water evaporation is reduced, and often changing water is easy to cause leaf yellow branch to wither. In order to prevent its overgrowth, do not apply chemical fertilizer, it is best to inject a few drops of brandy into the bottle every 3 weeks or so, add a small amount of nutrient solution, that is, the leaves can keep green. Rich bamboo avoid wind blowing, do not put hydroponic rich bamboo next to the TV set or air conditioner, electric fan often blow to the place, so as to avoid leaf tip and leaf edge dry.

What if the rich bamboo leaves turn yellow?

In fact, there are many reasons for the yellowing of rich bamboo leaves, which are mainly divided into three aspects: moisture, light and fertilizer. in these three aspects, going to any extreme will cause rich bamboo leaves to turn yellow. let's take a look.

1. Water yellow and dry yellow: to judge whether the leaves of Fugui bamboo are yellowing or yellowing can be judged by the different characteristics of yellowing leaves. The water-yellow leaves are reflected in the young leaves, and the old leaves do not turn yellow, while the dry-yellow old leaves are withered and yellow, and the new leaves grow more normally. After judging, you can increase or decrease moisture according to the cause of yellowing.

2. Burning yellow and lack of light yellow: similarly, excessive or insufficient light will also lead to yellowing of rich bamboo leaves, and the yellowing produced by excessive light is called burning yellow, which shows that macula appears in the part of the leaves facing the sun; lack of light yellow is the lack of light leading to the lack of chlorophyll synthesis and yellowing, the whole leaves yellowing and falling off, as long as the intensity of light can be avoided.

3. Fat yellow and lack of fertilizer: every kind of plant needs fertilizer, and the concentration of fertilizer will directly affect the growth state of the plant. Proper fertilization will make the plant thrive, while too much or too little fertilizer will cause a series of diseases, such as the yellowing of rich bamboo leaves. Too much fertilizer makes the new leaves thick and dull, and the old leaves are scorched yellow and shedding, so the fertilizer should be cleaned and removed; insufficient fertilization makes the young leaves lighter, the old leaves gradually turn yellow and apply thin fertilizer.

Matters needing attention in Fugui Bamboo Culture

1. Cut the truncated stem into 5 cm to 10 cm leafless stem nodes in spring, or the basal tip is easy to dry up. Long-term in the indoor shade part of the branch with stem tip, inserted in the clean coarse river sand, watered thoroughly, covered with plastic bags, keep the matrix moist, placed in a bright indoor place, it can take root in about 25 days. Or insert the cut branches into the water and take root in about half a month after 25 ℃.

2. In the north, it is better to buy rich bamboo in spring, and it will enter a suitable growth period after buying it back. Those with heating facilities in winter can also be purchased before the Spring Festival. Potted plants should be selected with glossy green leaves, bright Phnom Penh stripes, no dry tip, no foot removal, plant height of less than 30 cm, with 3 to 6 branches. For water-raised plants of various shapes, plants with uniform stem thickness, beautiful shape, and no rot at the base and root system should be selected. In particular, it is reminded that the rich bamboo grows poorly in alkaline soil and dry climate, the leaves are also thin, and the leaves are dull and dull, which should be paid attention to.

What to do about the yellowing of leaves of Phyllostachys pubescens in hydroponic culture

As the moral meaning of rich bamboo is very good, and put indoors can purify the air, so many people will breed at home. Rich bamboo is divided into soil culture and water culture. When cultured in water, the leaves of rich bamboo are easily yellowed. How should we cultivate them? Next, I will tell you about the yellowing of the leaves of rich bamboo in water culture, as well as the methods of hydroponic culture of rich bamboo.

What if the leaves of rich bamboo turn yellow in hydroponic culture?

First, the newly bought rich bamboo leaves turn yellow.

Mainly because the rich bamboo has not yet grown roots, there are no roots, of course, nutrition can not keep up with, definitely yellow, plus nutrient solution is also useless. Wait patiently for a month or so, touch the pole, as long as the pole is still hard, as long as cut off the yellow leaves, soak in a clear glass bottle, leaves will soon grow.

Second, the breeding season is not right.

The most suitable time for aquaculture is from April to September, because this period is the easiest to root and survive. Phyllostachys pubescens is relatively cold-resistant, and the suitable growth temperature is 20 ℃ 28 ℃. It can withstand 2 Mel and 3 Mel low temperature. If the temperature is too low, we should try to raise the temperature.

Third, the water quality is not good.

Water quality corruption or tap water culture can cause leaves to yellowing. It is best to cultivate rich bamboo with cold boiled water or pure water.

Fourth, the light is too dark.

Rich bamboo can not get enough sunlight, photosynthesis can not be carried out, chlorophyll can not be formed, resulting in yellowing leaves. Move the rich bamboo to the balcony and other places with better light, but try to avoid direct sunlight.

Fifth, the light is too strong.

The rich bamboo has been exposed to strong light for a long time, which causes the leaves to turn yellow. Move the rich bamboo to the balcony and other places with better light, but try to avoid direct sunlight. Summer can be transplanted indoor, the general light can grow healthily.

Sixth, fertilize too much.

The main performance is that the new leaf tip appears dry brown, the leaf surface appears thick and dull, and the concave and convex does not stretch, while the old leaf is scorched yellow and shedding. Stop fertilizing immediately, wash the roots with clean water and change the water.

Seventh, the fertilizer is insufficient.

Resulting in nutrient deficiency, mainly manifested in the color of young leaves faded, yellow or light green, rather than green; old leaves did not change much. Apply thin fertilizer frequently and add potassium dihydrogen phosphate after changing water every 2 weeks.

Eighth, lack of iron.

A small amount of ferrous sulfate, dissolved with water, is added to the culture bottle (must be a small amount). Or find some rusty nails to put in the water for a few days and then add the water to the culture bottle.

Ninth, low temperature.

In the cold winter, if the indoor temperature is low, the rich bamboo leaves will turn yellow and fall. Move to a room with a higher temperature.

Tenth, it is too close to the electrical appliances.

The distance between TV, air conditioner, heating or other electrical appliances is too close, which is characterized by the yellowing of leaf edges. Move away from the TV, air conditioner, heating or other appliances a little further away.

Hydroponic Culture method of Phyllostachys pubescens

1. Pay attention to pruning the root during the initial insertion, and remove the leaves at the base when inserting for the first time, so as not to affect the growth of bamboo, depending on the size of your vase, and the leaves below the mouth of the bottle can be removed. In addition, you need to use scissors or knives to tilt and subtract a small part of the root, so that the bamboo can better absorb water, and the cutting should be as smooth as possible.

2, water control and water use choice, the water can reach 1/3 vases, not more than 2/3. Before taking root, change the water every 3 days. Don't change the water after giving birth. Just add water to the vase. Spray water on the leaves when the weather is dry and muggy. It is best to use well water or pure water. If tap water is used, it is best to store it for a day before using it.

3. Keeping the indoor temperature, Fugui bamboo is suitable for growing between 16 degrees and 26 degrees, and the cold is easy to cause plant death. In winter, do not put in the balcony, windows and other colder places, do not let the water freeze. Anti-freezing measures can be taken when necessary.

4. To ensure adequate light, water-rich bamboo is generally placed indoors, although it does not require much sunlight, but if it is not exposed to sunshine at all, it will also make the leaves withered and yellow and grow poorly. Therefore, it should be placed in a bright and ventilated environment as far as possible to make it fully exposed to light.

5. Fertilizing once a month, for water-fed plants, we generally ignore fertilization, but in fact, fertilization can make plants grow better, water can be inserted into rich bamboos once a month, you can go to the flower market to choose professional fertilizer, or add a few drops of dissolved vitamin C1 when adding water.

The above are the reasons and treatment methods for the yellowing of the leaves of rich bamboo in water culture, as well as the methods of hydroponic culture of rich bamboo. I hope it can help you. Please pay attention to more household knowledge.

Phnom Penh rich bamboo water culture method Phnom Penh rich bamboo water culture daily maintenance

But the cultivation of Phnom Penh rich bamboo is not easy, many people do not know how to protect Phnom Penh rich bamboo after buying it, in view of this situation, today I would like to give you an in-depth introduction to the water culture methods and daily maintenance of Phnom Penh rich bamboo.

The method of Water Culture of Phyllostachys pubescens in Phnom Penh

Water culture Phnom Penh rich bamboo can be pruned water culture, can also use root washing method water culture, Phnom Penh rich bamboo root system is orange, hydroponic culture is very beautiful. Whether you use pruning or root washing, you should choose a strong and upright stem with leaves and cut it into a smooth slant near the base of the stem node to facilitate the absorption of water and nutrients. Then cut off the leaves at the base. In the initial stage of hydroponic culture, the whisker root can be grown once a day in about 2 weeks, and once a week after rooting. If the water quality is clean, the time for changing water can also be extended.

Rooting can apply a small amount of compound fertilizer, the market sale of compound fertilizer impurities, so as not to affect plant growth, the amount should be less than more, it is best to apply special flower nutrient solution under suitable conditions.

If the indoor dust is large, the leaves should be cleaned frequently to keep the leaves bright so as not to affect the photosynthesis of the leaves. When the temperature is high, it is advisable to spray water to the leaf surface to maintain humidity. Do not put the rich bamboo in Phnom Penh in the sun, otherwise it is easy to cause the phenomenon of scorched edge.

Daily maintenance of Phnom Penh rich bamboo by hydroponic culture

Fertilizer: the demand for fertilizer is not strict, chemical fertilizer or organic fertilizer can be applied during the growing period, but a small amount of chemical fertilizer should be applied for many times and watering in time after fertilization. In addition, when changing the basin and soil every year, a certain mature organic fertilizer can be added as the base fertilizer to ensure its good growth.

Soil: Lily bamboo has good adaptability and can grow in clay and sandy soil, but the sandy soil which is loose and fertile, good drainage and rich in humus can be mixed with plant nutrient soil, rotten leaf soil and river sand. In family cultivation, rotten leaf soil can be mixed with river sand or slag ash. If the basin is changed every 2 years, the foliage plant culture soil can be selected.

Lighting: Lily bamboo likes light, and avoids direct sunlight in summer. Family maintenance can place it under the south window or balcony, only to avoid direct light in summer, and it is best to give certain light in other seasons. otherwise, the golden stripes in the middle of the leaves will be dim and disappear, seriously reducing the ornamental value.

Humidity: the optimum growth temperature is between 20 and 30 ℃, the overwintering temperature is better kept above 10 ℃, and it is not resistant to low temperature freezing injury. A certain amount of air humidity is needed in the process of growth, otherwise the color of the leaves becomes dim and the glossiness decreases. Water can be frequently sprayed to the plant during the growing period, and if conditions permit, it is best to increase moisture and humidity in the environment.