
If you want the plant to blossom, fertilizer is the key. Hide some soybeans in the soil.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is now a cool autumn breeze, many plants and flowers have entered the growing period, and some even directly enter the flowering period, and the fragrance of flowers is floating all over the house. However, it is even more difficult for some flowers to bloom. What is the problem? Huahua thinks it may be the reason why you don't use enough fertilizer on weekdays.

Generally, plants need a lot of nutrients to support them during the period from growth to flowering. If fertilizer is not applied on time at this time, there may be no flowering or flowering. The Yushu before Huahua's home is also like this. Fortunately, Huahua knows some tips for flowering maintenance. Here's to share with everyone!

1. Stuff some soy beans in the soil

Huahua didn't expect soybean grains to have such a big effect in the past. Facts proved that they were indeed useful. Soybean grain itself contains a lot of protein, put in the soil protein slowly precipitation will give flowers and plants to provide enough nutrients, the growth of nature will be more vigorous.

The method of using soybean grains is relatively simple. The first step we need to do is to put soybean grains into a pot and add water to boil them. The boiled soybean grains will ferment better. The next step is to dig a few small holes in the pot soil, then put our boiled soybeans into it, and finally bury the soil. In this way, the soybeans can slowly ferment in the soil, and the nutrients released during the fermentation process will be slowly absorbed by the plants, so flowering will not be a problem!

2. sheep dung ball

In fact, we all know that farm manure such as general manure is a wonderful helper for plant supplement nutrients, because they contain waste residues of various foods, and nutrients are very many. The sheep dung ball is made of sheep dung, so put it in a flowerpot, the sheep dung ball can play its great role.

We can't directly pour sheep dung into flower pots, we need to ferment before we can use it. The first is to pour the sheep dung ball into a closed container, and then put it in a sunny place to ferment for about 30 days. When we water, we can apply a little thin fertilizer of sheep dung ball by the way, so that the flower root is strong, and the flowering amount is naturally more!

3. potassium dihydrogen phosphate

We usually pay attention to the elements when choosing fertilizer. The most common way to fertilize flower plants is to fertilize them with phosphorus and potassium. We can use potassium dihydrogen phosphate instead, in flowering period, then there is a prolonged flowering effect. The potassium dihydrogen phosphate sold on the market now generally cannot be used directly to flowers.

We need to dilute potassium dihydrogen phosphate before using it, so that it can be absorbed by flower plants. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is generally diluted by 800 times, and then diluted with thin fertilizer water almost once every half month. We can also put potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution into the watering can, spray on the leaves can also achieve the effect of oil shine.

These three things can be used when flowers bloom, which is equivalent to thin fertilizer water, so you don't have to be afraid of flowering. If you have any good methods, you can also leave a message to tell Huahua Oh!