
Anyone who has a waste bottle gives it to me! Use it to raise flowers, green radish grows into "green leaf column"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Growing flowers is never easy, and it takes a little effort to grow them big and prosperous by traditional methods. Therefore, many flower friends have begun to look for small secret recipes for raising flowers in their lives. What soybean water, tea roots and all kinds of things are used, and the effect of raising them is still good. This also indirectly shows that we need to pay more attention to them in our lives!

Today, Huahua would like to introduce a little trick, that is, to grow flowers with discarded plastic bottles that are common in our home. Even green pineapple can become a "big pillar". These plastic bottles can be small bottles of Coke or large oil buckets. These things are all wonderful for growing flowers. Let's take a look at them.

If there are a lot of oil barrels left in the house, we can improve them into sprouting artifacts. When cutting plants, the most fear is that the branches that have just been cut do not sprout, with the oil barrel is equivalent to a relatively sealed and thermal insulation environment, so it is very easy to sprout.

How to make the oil barrel "thermostat"? the first step is to cut a big cut in the oil barrel that we have prepared beforehand, and then we can put the planting soil into it and then sow or cut it. In this way, the survival rate will be much higher. This is because the oil barrel plays a good role in insulation, even in cold and windy weather, you don't have to worry about getting cold.

This is a relatively large waste plastic bottle, since the waste oil barrel can be used as a flower artifact, so smaller coke bottles can also be used. We can use cola bottles to make only one good thing to maintain succulent plants. Flower growers all know that succulent plant is a good-looking plant but not easy to raise. What it fears most is the lack of water and hot weather inside the flowerpot. With this small plastic bottle, I believe it is not a big deal.

We can cut the discarded Coke bottle into two parts in the middle, then tighten the mouth of the bottle with culture soil, and then insert the upper part of the bottle into the lower half, so that the plant will grow more luxuriantly by evaporation of water. Similarly, you can also make a few small holes in the bottle, put in the succulent branches that need to be cut, and then maintain them normally.

Green radish is now a plant raised by every household, but sometimes its branches are too long and hang down, it will feel a little tedious, at this time, if it can be made into green radish column, it will be much more beautiful. Making green radish column plastic bottles can also help.

First of all, dig a few small holes in the bottle body, and then fill the soil at the bottom to plant green pineapple, the green pineapple itself will grow slowly with time, and then the branches will drill out of the hole, and then for some time, the green radish column will be able to see the shape, so that the flowers are saved and the place is beautiful!

If flower friends like the way of growing flowers in plastic bottles above, you can start now. The weather is so cool in autumn that you really regret not cutting a few pots of plants.