
The leaves of "Peace Tree" turn yellow and fall off. If you don't cure them quickly, the roots will be "rotten".

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, I believe that friends who keep peace trees at home, originally moved them into their homes, thinking that peace trees can symbolize family peace and well-being, happiness and happiness.

If you want to grow a large ornamental plant at home, Ping an tree is really suitable. As soon as autumn comes, when plants transition from summer to autumn, many plants will have problems because of mismanagement. A few days ago, a colleague was talking about what to do when the leaves of the safe tree at home began to turn yellow and fall, so Huahua wondered if someone else had encountered this problem.

So today we are going to talk about the causes of the yellowing of the leaves of Ping an tree and the measures to solve them.

If the leaves of the safe trees raised at home turn yellow in summer, the leaves of the safe trees raised outdoors are usually yellowed because the summer sun is too strong.

And if it is long-term indoor farming, it is caused by the lack of sunlight. In the process of plant growth, light is inevitable, if long-term indoor, lack of light, plants have no way to carry out photosynthesis, there will be a lack of chlorophyll, resulting in the phenomenon of yellowing of leaves.

At this time, measures should be taken against the disease, those who should be shaded should be shaded, and those who should move out to bask in the sun should also bask in the sun. If you control your time by basking in the sun in summer, you'd better take shade measures.

Improper watering is also one of the reasons why the leaves of Ping an trees turn yellow. Observe the soil of the safe tree. if the leaves are still yellow, it means that there is too much watering, resulting in stagnant water in the safe tree. at this time, stop watering in time. If the situation is not serious, stop watering for a few days first. If the situation is serious, it will be necessary to change the basin for Ping an Tree.

If everything seems to be normal in the safe tree at home, but the leaves are yellowing, then it is necessary to consider whether there is damage to the root or other problems. The best way is to pull up the root of the safe tree and check it. If the root is rotting, cut out the rotting place in time. Then remove the yellowing branches and leaves and replant the safe tree is the best way.

In addition, Huahua should also remind everyone to move the plants indoors in winter, and do not put the plants naked outdoors, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and fall. The leaves of the safe tree in winter are yellowing and falling. At this time, the tree has been frostbitten. It is necessary to keep the tree warm in time.

Do you understand the reasons found out for everyone? If the safety tree in your home also has yellowing leaves, see if there is a problem in these places!