
How to manage spring wheat?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to manage spring wheat? Please introduce the spring wheat management can refer to the following: 1, what are the main diseases, insect pests and weeds of wheat prevention and control in spring? The main work of wheat diseases, pests and weeds in spring is to control weeds in wheat fields. The main weeds in wheat fields in our county are: Gramineae weeds: Aegilops tauschii, brome, wild oat, broad leaves.

How to manage spring wheat? Please introduce the spring wheat management can refer to the following: 1, what are the main diseases, insect pests and weeds of wheat prevention and control in spring? The main work of wheat diseases, pests and weeds in spring is to control weeds in wheat fields. The main weeds in wheat fields in our county are: Gramineae weeds: Triticeae, brome, wild oat; broadleaf weeds are: Artemisia annua, shepherd's purse, lacquer, pig calamity, Miwa pot, mother-in-law, Mai Jiagong, Caulis spinosa, Bowl flower, field twirl and so on. 2. Control measures of weeds in wheat field? There are mainly manual pullout, mid-tillage technology, chemical weeding technology and so on. 3. Chemical weeding measures and matters needing attention in wheat field? A wheat field dominated by broadleaf weeds such as Artemisia annua. Use 10% benzenesulfuron-methyl wettable powder 10 g / mu; or 75% benzenesulfuron-methyl dry suspension 1 g / mu; or 72% 2.4 Mul-D-butyl EC 50ml/ mu; or 56% 2-methyl-4-chloro-sodium salt wettable powder 80-100g / mu, spray with water 40-50 kg; control wild oats, except manually, spray with 6.9% Poma EC 40-50 ml / mu with 30 kg water. Attention: according to the occurrence characteristics and population number of weeds in wheat field, herbicides are selected; the dosage and methods of application are strictly controlled; pay attention to the environmental conditions of application, such as temperature and humidity, etc., generally choose sunny days, no wind and stable temperature above 10 degrees during the day; spraying time is generally after 9: 00 a.m. and before 4: 00 p.m. Remedial measures for drug damage: rinse with clean water; appropriate watering; timely topdressing, foliar spraying 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 0.2% urea solution; spraying plant growth regulators or growth regulators such as amino acids, green protection, gibberellin, etc. 4. What are the main diseases and insect pests of wheat in spring? The main diseases and insect pests in this period are: wheat leaf rust, powdery mildew, wheat leaf wasp, wheat aphids and red spiders. 5. prevention and control measures of diseases and insect pests? Wheat red spider control index: 200 heads / foot, and 20% of the upper leaf area has white spots, with 20% Dabaxin EC 20-40 ml with water 40-50 kg uniform spray. Wheat aphid index: 200head / 100 stem, control with 1000 times of imidacloprid wettable powder. To control leaf diseases such as powdery mildew and leaf rust, when the rate of diseased plants reaches more than 10%, 12.5% Heguoli (diniconazole) wettable powder 30-35 grams per mu, or 20% trimethoprim EC 45-60 ml spray control. Wheat leaf peak index: 20 head / square meter, 4.5% cypermethrin EC 40-50 ml mixed with water. Click to get more wheat planting technology click to get more grain planting technology