
Pot culture methods and matters needing attention of tortoise back bamboo

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Tortoise back bamboo is an evergreen vine, native to the Mexican tropical rain forest, tortoise back bamboo plant shape is beautiful, the leaf shape is strange, the leaf color is dark green, and full of luster, the ornamental effect of the whole plant is good. In addition, it also has the peculiar ability to attract carbon dioxide at night, and sweet nourishment can purify the indoor air to a certain extent.

Tortoise back bamboo is an evergreen vine, native to the Mexican tropical rain forest, tortoise back bamboo plant shape is beautiful, the leaf shape is strange, the leaf color is dark green, and full of luster, the ornamental effect of the whole plant is good. In addition, it also has a peculiar ability to attract carbon dioxide at night, sweet breeding in the room has a certain role in purifying indoor air, is now widely used as a family potted plant culture.

The growing environment of tortoise back bamboo

1. Like warmth and avoid severe cold: tortoise back bamboo is native to the Mexican rainforest. It likes warm environment and avoids freezing cold weather. The temperature above 5 ℃ will not suffer frost damage, and the temperature above 12 ℃ will grow well.

2. Like shade and cool and avoid strong light: tortoise back bamboo has strong shade tolerance, grows very well in semi-shade environment, shows exuberant growth, well-developed aerial roots, hypertrophic leaves and bright dark green leaves.

3. Like wetting and avoiding waterlogging: tortoise back bamboo likes to grow in a humid ecological environment. There are many Rain Water in the south, if the waterlogging accumulation time is too long, there will be rotten roots, rotten stems and leaves.

4. Bogey lean soil: tortoise back bamboo likes fertile soil, especially fertile sandy loam. Although it can grow on thin red and yellow soil, its growth becomes weaker, tree posture is deformed, leaves become smaller and leaf color becomes lighter, which affects the ornamental effect.

5. Like soil fertilizer and avoid chemical fertilizer: tortoise back bamboo often applies organic fertilizer, such as cake fertilizer, artificial organic fertilizer, livestock and poultry manure, soil fertilizer and so on. Its tree is strong, the leaves are as big as plates, the leaves are thick, and the leaves are dark green and glowing, especially the tortoise shell pattern is more clear.

Breeding methods of Phyllostachys pubescens

The propagation of tortoise back bamboo can be reproduced by sowing, cutting and striping. Now the editor introduces the breeding methods of tortoise back bamboo as follows:

1. Sowing and reproduction

Phyllostachys pubescens blossoms in summer, in order to improve the seed setting rate, artificial pollination is needed, and the second pollination from 9 am to 10:00 and 3 pm to 4 pm is the best, and the success rate of pollination is high. It takes 15 months from pollination to seed maturity. The seeds are oval, yellowish green, like soaked green beans.

Sowing should be carried out indoors, either in the ground or in the pot. Soak the seeds in 40 ℃ warm water for 10 hours before sowing. The sowing soil can be made of plain sand, and the sowing soil should be sterilized at high temperature. Plant row spacing 4~5cm, soil cover thickness 0.2~0.8cm. Spray enough water after sowing, cover the small arch shed, keep the room temperature at 20 ℃ 25 min after sowing, and keep the humidity in the shed above 90%. If the room temperature is too low in the process of sowing, not only the emergence of seedlings will be affected, but even the seeds will rot like water stains.

When the seedlings were first unearthed, the stems and leaves were not divided, and they were green curved cones. After a week, the cotyledons gradually expanded into heart-shaped, forming young plants with distinct stems and leaves. The seedlings have strong phototaxis and grow faster under suitable conditions of light, temperature and humidity. The sowing seedlings are about lOcm high, and can be put on the pot when 2 true leaves have been born.

2. Cuttage propagation

In fact, cutting propagation is to bury the stem segment, cut off the stem on the mother plant and retain the stem base of the lower 3-4 nodes, so that the hidden buds of their nodes can germinate, and two new stems can be produced soon after cutting and continue to grow. The truncated stem is cut from the Internode according to 2-3 segments, and the following three methods are used for cutting:

① apical leaf burying method: there are no terminal buds and axillary buds on the stem of Phyllostachys pubescens. The primitive body of the new leaf is pregnant in the petiole of the upper stem leaf, which is covered by milky white longitudinal bracts before milking, and the new leaf is born after the bract is split, and the stem extends forward when the new leaf is unfold. at the same time, a groove is left in the lower part of the old leaf, so that the plant continues to grow upward. Therefore, when cutting with the stem segment at the top of the stem, it should be buried with the top leaf, and the bracts on the petiole can split quickly after rooting and give birth to new leaves. The plant can be formed by cutting in the same year. When burying the stem, the stem segment can be planted upright into the cutting medium mixed with plain sand and peat soil, and a bamboo pole can be set up to straighten the terminal leaf.

② with side leaves burying stem method: most of the stem segments intercepted from the upper part of the mother plant stem have leaves, and it is best to keep a leaf when burying the stem, which is quite beneficial to rooting and leaf extraction. Generally retain a leaf at the base, let the stem segment and the soil surface obliquely buried in the cutting substrate, and set up a bamboo pole to straighten the leaves.

③ method of burying stems without leaves: most of the stem segments in the lower part of the stem have no leaves, so they can be concentrated in the most cutting container and buried in the matrix at 15 degrees to the soil surface, so that the crescent leaf marks at the top of the node ring and the soil surface are facing up.

No matter which method is used, the aerial root on the stem should be cut off before burying. Cuttings should be carried out in a well-ventilated room or under a shade in late spring and early summer. Cutting seedlings should always be maintained in a hidden place, often spray water, keep the substrate fully moist, and improve air humidity at the same time. Under the soil temperature of 20 Mel 25 ℃, 35 Murray is expected to take root in 50 days.

3. Striping propagation

During the period from May to August, the aerial roots from the internodes of the stem in the first year were inserted into the water bottle or buried in the basin soil, and many fibrous roots could be produced in about one month. When the root grows to 2cm, cut off the lower stem node of the tortoise back bamboo with a sharp knife, and plant the aerial root part of the cut stem into the pot.

4. Ramet propagation

In summer and autumn, the side branches of large tortoise-backed bamboos are planted directly in buckets or bowls, with partial aerial roots, which not only has a high survival rate, but also forms quickly.

The culture method of tortoise back bamboo

The cultivation of tortoise back bamboo is easy. In order to shorten the growth cycle and improve the ornamental effect, attention should be paid to the following points in maintenance:

1, afraid of strong light exposure: tortoise back bamboo is a typical shade-tolerant plant, large-scale production must be equipped with shading facilities, can use 50% shading net, especially sowing seedlings and just cutting into live seedlings, avoid direct sunlight, so as to avoid leaf burns. The molded plants should also pay attention to shading in the middle of summer, otherwise the leaves will age and lack of natural luster, which will affect the ornamental value.

2. Fear of air dryness: tortoise back bamboo grows naturally in the tropical rain forest and likes to be moist, but the potting soil will also rot the roots, make the plant stop growing, the leaves droop, lose luster, and the leaves are uneven. Watering should grasp the principle of rather wet than dry, often keep the basin soil wet, but not stagnant water, watering every 2-3 days in spring and autumn. In the midsummer season, in addition to watering every day, water should be sprayed many times to keep the leaves fresh, and hanging cultivation should be sprayed more frequently. In winter, the evaporation of leaves is weakened, and the amount of watering water is reduced.

3. Apply thin fertilizer frequently: Phyllostachys pubescens is a more fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant. In order to have more new leaves and green leaves with natural luster, fertilizer is applied once a month during the growing period. Be careful not to let the fertilizer liquid stain the leaves when applying fertilizer. At the same time, the root of tortoise back bamboo is relatively tender, do not apply raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer, so as not to burn roots. It is best to use "Huiyou" 20Mel 8Mel 20 with high potassium nitrate fertilizer and 20Mel 20Mel 20 general fertilizer in four seasons, which is more beneficial to the growth of tortoise back bamboo.

4. Need to be ligated and reshaped: Phyllostachys pubescens is a large foliage plant with large stems and thick leaves, especially when the ramet of adult plants, it is necessary to set up a frame and tie it to avoid lodging metamorphosis. The bracket is removed after it is finalized. At the same time, when the leaves of the stem nodes grow too dense and the branches grow too long, pay attention to the pruning of the whole plant and strive for natural beauty.

Disease and pest control of tortoise-backed bamboo

The common pest of tortoise back bamboo is shell insect, and the common diseases are leaf spot, gray spot, stem blight and so on.

1. Scale insects

Shell insects are the most common pest of tortoise-backed bamboo. In small amounts, they can be cleaned with an old toothbrush and sprayed with 1000 times omethoate EC.

2. Grey spot of tortoise back bamboo

[symptoms] most of the symptoms begin from the injury of the leaf edge. The disease is more serious after low temperature, smoking and insect pests. After injury, the lesion was black at first and oval or irregular after enlargement. Margin dark brown inside grayish brown.

[control methods] ① strengthened plant maintenance, timely disinfestation, and cut off some diseased leaves. When ② occurs, it is sprayed with 1000 times of topiramate or 0.5 Bordeaux solution.

Matters needing attention in the culture of tortoise back bamboo

Although potted turtle-backed bamboos can grow well despite extensive management, attention should be paid to the following links:

1. Use soil and change pots. Cuttings of tortoise back bamboo take root, and fertile pond mud or black mud can be used when transplanting into the pot. Because of its rapid growth, the basin needs to be changed every year. The time to change the basin should be between March and April. When changing the basin, remove some of the old soil and withered roots and replace it with a larger basin. Put some hooves and broken bones at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer and fill them with a mixture of rotten leaf soil, vegetable garden soil and sand soil.

2. Pay attention to the growing environment. The tortoise is not resistant to the cold because of the scorching sun. Midsummer should be placed indoors or under the shade, not on the balcony where the sun is too strong, otherwise, it is easy to cause dead leaves and affect the ornamental value. When the temperature drops to 6 ℃ in winter, it should be moved into the room to keep warm.

3. Keep the basin soil moist. Tortoise back bamboo likes to be moist and needs plenty of water during its growth. Daily watering can be once a day, one in the morning and one in the evening in summer. when the weather is dry, it is more necessary to spray water to the leaves and spray water to the maintenance environment to keep the air and leaves bright. In winter, 3Mel is watered once every 4 days. Spray the leaf surface with water close to room temperature every 10 days to keep the plant evergreen and fresh and improve the ornamental value.

4. Proper fertilization should be applied. Tortoise back bamboo is a more fertilizer-loving flower. From April to September, thin cake fertilizer and water can be applied every 15 days, or retted human urine can be used to add water.

In addition, the newly planted growing plants should be framed and tied in time, and attention should be paid to pruning the whole plant after shaping, so as to make the plant look beautiful.

Cultivation methods and points for attention of potted turtle-backed bamboo

Tortoise back bamboo is a famous indoor large potted foliage plant, also known as Penglai banana, iron magnolia, perforated forest taro, etc., is a climbing shrub plant of the genus Phyllostachys pubescens in Araceae, native to Mexico, and is introduced and cultivated in various tropical areas for viewing. Potted plants to decorate guest rooms and windowsills are more common in Europe, America and Japan. Let's take a look at how potted tortoise bamboos are raised.

Growth habits of Phyllostachys pubescens

Tortoise back bamboo is native to Mexico and is cultivated in the open field in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places, while it is planted in greenhouses in Beijing, Hubei and other places. Like warm and humid environment, avoid strong light exposure and drying, shade-resistant, easy to grow in fertile and loose, large water absorption, good water retention of slightly acidic loam, rotten leaf soil or peat soil is the best. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-25 ℃, and freezing injury is easy to occur when the temperature is lower than 5 ℃. When the temperature rises above 32 ℃, the growth stops.

Breeding methods of Phyllostachys pubescens

1. Sowing: soak the seeds in 40 ℃ warm water for 10 hours before sowing, and the sowing soil should be disinfected at high temperature. The seeds are larger and can be sowed on demand. After sowing, the room temperature is kept at 20: 25 ℃, the box is covered with plastic film, and the humidity is kept above 80%. Generally, it germinates at 20-25 days after sowing. If the room temperature is too low in the process of sowing, not only the emergence of seedlings will be affected, but even the seeds will rot like water stains.

2. Cutting: the cutting effect of tortoise back bamboo is the best from April to May in spring and from September to October in autumn. The cuttings select the lateral branches of the same year with full stem tissue and strong growth, and the cuttings are 20-25 cm long. Cut off the basal leaves, retain the upper leaflets, cut off the long aerial roots and retain the short aerial roots to absorb water and help to root. The mixed substrate of coarse sand and peat or rotten leaf soil was used to keep 2527 ℃ and high air humidity after insertion, and it began to take root about one month after insertion.

3. Ramet: the split of the tortoise-backed bamboo is carried out in summer and autumn, the side branches of the large-scale tortoise-backed bamboo are split off, with part of the aerial roots, and directly planted in the barrel or bowl, not only the survival rate is high, but also the molding effect is fast.

How to raise potted turtles with bamboo?

1, lighting: tortoise back bamboo sex like warm and humid environment, avoid drought, afraid of direct sunlight, otherwise it is easy to cause withered leaves. In summer, the tortoise-backed bamboo should be placed indoors or under the shade shed, not on the balcony where the sun is too strong, so it is easy to die. When the temperature drops to 6 ℃ in winter, the tortoise-backed bamboo should be moved indoors to keep warm.

2. Watering: the water of the tortoise back bamboo should be sufficient, and the culture soil must always be kept moist. During the growth period in summer, the leaves should be watered once in the morning and in the evening, and the leaves should be sprinkled frequently to keep the leaves bright and the air moist. If the water evaporates slowly in winter, it will be irrigated once every 3-4 days. It can be watered once a day.

3. Fertilization: tortoise back bamboo is a more fertilizer-loving plant, so we should pay attention to fertilizing it properly. During the growth period, the tortoise back bamboo will apply thin pancake fertilizer and water every half a month. If the fertilizer is adequate and appropriate, the tortoise back bamboo will grow with pleasant leaf color.

4. Diseases and pests: tortoise-backed bamboo is very vulnerable to shell insects, and its stems and leaves are most vulnerable to shell insects. It can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate after cleaning with an old toothbrush. The common diseases of tortoise back bamboo are leaf spot, gray spot and stem blight, so we should pay attention to timely control.

5. Change the basin: the pot of the tortoise back bamboo needs to be changed once a year, and the best time to change the basin is between March and April. When changing the basin, remove the old soil, cut off the withered roots of the tortoise back bamboo, and then add mature organic fertilizer or phosphorus and potash fertilizer as base fertilizer.

Matters needing attention of tortoise carrying bamboo

1, afraid of strong light exposure: back bamboo is a typical shade-tolerant plant, large-scale production must be equipped with shading facilities, can use 50% shading net, especially sowing seedlings and fresh cuttings into live seedlings, avoid direct sunlight, so as to avoid leaf burns. The molded plants should also pay attention to shading in the middle of summer, otherwise the leaves will age and lack of natural luster, which will affect the ornamental value.

2. Fear of air dryness: tortoise back bamboo grows naturally in the tropical rain forest and likes to be moist, but the potting soil will also rot the roots, make the plant stop growing, the leaves droop, lose luster, and the leaves are uneven. Watering should grasp the principle of rather wet than dry, often keep the basin soil wet, but not stagnant water, watering every 2-3 days in spring and autumn. In the midsummer season, in addition to watering every day, water should be sprayed many times to keep the leaves fresh, and hanging cultivation should be sprayed more frequently. In winter, the evaporation of leaves is weakened, and the amount of watering water is reduced.

3. Apply thin fertilizer frequently: Phyllostachys pubescens is a more fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant. In order to have more new leaves and green leaves with natural luster, fertilizer is applied once a month during the growing period. Be careful not to let the fertilizer liquid stain the leaves when applying fertilizer. At the same time, the root of tortoise back bamboo is relatively tender, do not apply raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer, so as not to burn roots. It is best to use "Huiyou" 20-8-20 with high potassium nitrate fertilizer and 20-20-20 general fertilizer in the four seasons, which is more beneficial to the growth of tortoise back bamboo.

4. Need to be ligated and reshaped: Phyllostachys pubescens is a large foliage plant with large stems and thick leaves, especially when the ramet of adult plants, it is necessary to set up a frame and tie it to avoid lodging metamorphosis. The bracket is removed after it is finalized. At the same time, when the leaves of the stem nodes grow too dense and the branches grow too long, pay attention to the pruning of the whole plant and strive for natural beauty.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of tortoise back bamboo picture of tortoise back bamboo culture method of turtle back bamboo

Tortoise-backed bamboo is a kind of radiation-proof plant. With its sense of elegance, elegance and elegance, it attracts the attention of many consumers, and more and more people introduce it into the list of potted indoor ornamental plants. In this paper, combined with the pictures of tortoise back bamboo, we will talk about the culture method of tortoise back bamboo. [recommended by the editor] Indoor plants touch fragrant wood, hydroponic plants, small potted plants, flowers, fengshui, radiation-proof plants, pictures of tortoise-backed bamboos, culture methods of tortoise-backed bamboos-

[plant archives]-

English name: tortoise back bamboo

Scientific name: Monstera deliciosa

Alias: Penglai banana, iron silk orchid, perforated Xi Lin taro, tortoise back banana, clematis, dragon palm, electric orchid, tortoise back taro

Division: Tiannanxing

Genus: Phyllostachys

Distribution of origin: it is native to the tropical rain forest of Mexico and is widely introduced and cultivated in China.

Morphological features: the stem is stout, and the nodes are more like bamboo. There are long and drooping brown aerial roots on the stem, which can cling to other things and grow upward. Leaves thickly leathery, alternate, dark green or green; leaves thickly leathery, alternate, dark green or green; young leaves heart-shaped, without perforation, growing up rectangular-rounded, with irregularly pinnately parted, pore-lobed from leaf margin to leaf veins; 30ml 50 cm long, dark green, with leaf scars; bracts, leathery, yellowish white at leaf scars. The flowers are shaped like Buddha's flame and yellowish. The fruit is edible.

How to raise turtles with bamboo on their backs? -"five joys and five taboos"-raising turtles and carrying bamboo-

◆ a warm bogey cold tortoise back bamboo native to the Mexican rainforest, like the warm environment, avoid freezing cold weather. The temperature above 5 ℃ will not suffer frost damage, and the temperature above 12 ℃ will grow well.

◆ second is like shade and cool taboo strong light turtle back bamboo strong shade tolerance, in the semi-shade environment, the growth is particularly good, the performance is exuberant, the aerial root is developed, the leaf is hypertrophy, the leaf color is bright and dark green.

◆ 3 is fond of wetting, avoiding waterlogging, tortoise back bamboo likes to grow in a humid ecological environment. There are many Rain Water in the south, if the waterlogging accumulation time is too long, there will be rotten roots, rotten stems and leaves.

◆ 4 is fertile soil, bogey lean soil, turtle back bamboo likes fertile soil, especially fertile sandy loam, although it can grow on thin red and yellow soil, its growth becomes weaker, tree posture is deformed, leaves become smaller and leaf color becomes lighter, which affects the ornamental effect.

◆ 5 is like soil fertilizer avoid chemical fertilizer turtle back bamboo often apply organic fertilizer, such as cake fertilizer, man-made organic fertilizer, livestock and poultry manure, soil manure and so on, its tree is strong, the leaves are as big as plates, the leaves are thick, the leaves are dark green and glowing, especially the tortoise shell pattern is more clear.

According to the characteristics of "five joys and five taboos" of tortoise back bamboo, shade and dampness management should be carried out in summer and autumn to avoid direct sunlight, watering twice a day, leaf surface often spraying water to maintain air humidity, keeping room temperature more than 5 ℃ in winter, outdoor cultivation and film mulching to keep it safe through the winter. If properly maintained, the tortoise back bamboo, which is more than 4 years old, will also bloom, with single petals wrapped in berries, bright jade flowers, yellowish berries and long oval berries; its fleshy spikes can be used for cooking, and the berries can also be eaten when ripe.

The culture method of tortoise-backed bamboo-

① sowing

Phyllostachys pubescens blossoms in summer, in order to improve the seed setting rate, artificial pollination is needed. The second pollination is the best at 9 ~ 10:00 and 3 ~ 4 p.m., and the success rate of pollination is high. It takes 15 months from pollination to seed maturity. Attention should be paid to ventilation and fertilizer and water management at the stage of seed development to promote fruiting and fullness.

Soak the seeds in 40 ℃ warm water for 10 hours before sowing, and the sowing soil should be sterilized at high temperature. The seeds of Phyllostachys pubescens are larger and can be sowed on demand. After sowing, the seeds can be kept at room temperature for 20: 25 ℃, and the box mouth is covered with plastic film to maintain more than 80% humidity. If the room temperature is too low in the process of sowing, not only the emergence of seedlings will be affected, but even the seeds will rot like water stains.

② cuttage

Stem and node cuttings can be used in both spring and autumn, and the cuttings from April to May in spring and September to October in autumn are the best. Because during this period of time, the temperature is suitable for stem node incision healing and rooting, and the survival is quick.

Cuttings selected stem tissue full, robust growth of the current year side branches, cuttings length of 20-25 cm, cut off the leaves at the base. Retain the upper leaflet, cut off the long aerial root, retain the short aerial root, in order to absorb water, conducive to hairy roots. The mixed substrate of coarse sand and peat or rotten leaf soil was used to keep 2527 ℃ and high air humidity after insertion, and it began to take root about one month after insertion. After the cuttings took root, the axillary buds on the stem nodes also began to sprout and spread leaves. In order to accelerate seedling growth, keep more than 10 ℃ at room temperature, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and seedling shaping can be used as a commodity in the second year after planting.

Ramet: in summer and autumn, the side branch of the large tortoise back bamboo is split off, with part of the aerial root, directly planted in the barrel or bowl, not only the survival rate is high, but also the molding effect is fast.

③ cultivation

The cultivation of tortoise back bamboo is very easy, which usually uses the same amount of rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand as the substrate. When planting, add a small amount of bone meal and dried cow dung as base fertilizer. The moist tortoise back bamboo needs enough water to keep the basin soil moist. Of course, it is necessary to spray water to the leaves when the weather is dry, in order to keep the air moist, pay attention to shade in the growing season, avoid strong light, especially in midsummer can not be placed in the sun, otherwise it is easy to cause leaves scorched, burns, affecting the ornamental value.

Conclusion: today, the large-scale potted bamboo has become the main backbone material in the hotel lobby, and the bamboo planted in small and medium-sized pots will also be one of the ornamental plants in modern family decoration, which is very common in China. Of course, the potted turtle-backed bamboo is lovely, not because it is a famous indoor potted foliage plant, but also because it has a strange ability to absorb carbon dioxide at night.

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